"Where is this?" Xiaolongnu was about to cry, "I seem to be lost!"

At this moment, there was a seductive fragrance in the distance, and she moved her nose and walked forward.

"smell good!"

Soon, she came to the front of a pool.

In the pool, the water was clear, but it exuded a fragrance, which made Xiaolongnu's blood throbbing and wanted to drink it all.

"What is this?" Xiaolongnu squatted down and reached out into the water.

The water flowed up the fingers and quickly immersed in the flesh and blood.

Feeling a pain in her fingers, Xiao Longnu retracted her fingers in fear and stepped back.

However, when I retreated, I was a little anxious, and I fell down and sat on the ground.

"It hurts!" Xiaolongnu Xuexue whimpered and looked at her finger, only to see a trace of redness and swelling on it.

"Damn, someone actually wants to harm Ben Longlong, but I'm smart!" Xiaolongnu, with a fierce look on her face, looked at the pool with a smug look, "Stupid guy!"

At this moment, there was a coolness in the blood, stimulated by this, the temperature around Xiao Longnu's body began to drop. 797

In an instant, with the little dragon at the center, the ground in a radius of tens of meters was covered with frost.

"My bloodline seems to be strengthened!" Seeing this, Xiao Longnu was surprised and puzzled.

Sitting on the ground, after thinking for a moment, I realized: "Could it be the water?"

"Could this be Ben Longlong's chance?"

Thinking of some biographical stories, Xiao Longnv's eyes became eager and she walked to the edge of the pool.

It's just that the pain just now penetrated into the bone marrow, which made her instinctively fear.

After hesitating for a long time, she carefully inserted her fingers.

When the pain came, she retracted her finger, full of tears, and blew at her finger aggrievedly.

After a while, the bloodline strengthened a little as expected.

Seeing this, Xiaolongnu hesitantly put her fingers into the pool.

So again and again, Xiaolongnu had a lot of fun.

In the beginning, there was a trace of pain that penetrated into the bone marrow in the evolution of the bloodline. Later, the bloodline was strengthened, and the pain was almost gone.

Without the threat of pain, Xiao Longnu fluttered with her hands, shouted and played happily by the pool.

In the end, she even jumped directly (bffg) into the water, turned into a three-foot white dragon, and played in it.

At this time, the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea had already turned upside down.

"Where's the little princess?"

"Where is the little princess?"

"I can't find it back, I will have a seafood feast when I wait for the next dragon!"

The Turtle Prime Minister looked anxious and scolded the shrimp soldiers and crab generals.

The shrimp soldier and crab general bowed their heads, not daring to answer a word.

Little Princess Longgong: Ao Yuan, that's a little devil.

The shot is neither light nor heavy, and the shrimp soldiers and crab generals are often dismantled.

Moreover, often running around, so that the shrimp soldiers and crab generals suffered a disaster.

In view of the suppression of her dragon bloodline, these shrimp soldiers and crabs would not dare to approach her at all, and often let her succeed.

"Anyway, you gave me a good life, and the Dragon King is already angry. If the little princess can't be found, then the old man will also suffer with you!" Prime Minister Turtle waved, "Don't look for it, stay here and wait to die. ?"

A shrimp soldier suddenly whispered, "Maybe I know where the little princess has gone!"

Prime Minister Turtle's eyes lit up, and he said quickly: "Speak quickly! If you have made meritorious deeds, this Prime Minister will definitely let Lord Dragon reward you well!"

When the shrimp soldier heard this, his eyes became eager.

When other colleagues saw it, they also looked envious.

Although the Turtle Prime Minister likes foxes and tigers, but the things promised are very good.

Therefore, it is very prestigious among the sea clan.

"I saw the little princess holding a white stone before, thinking about it. I thought I was looking for that kind of stone." Shrimp soldier said.

Turtle Prime Minister's face changed: "You mean the kind of stone that fell from Huaguo Mountain?"

"The Prime Minister is really predictable." Shrimp Bing flattered.

However, before he could finish speaking, Prime Minister Turtle's face changed greatly: "It's too bad. Why didn't you say it earlier! The Dragon King clearly said in that place that the sea clan was not allowed to go up, so what should we do! The little princess is really naughty!"

"Wait, I'll report to Lord Dragon!"

The voice fell, and the person had disappeared.

Its speed is so fast that it is absolutely difficult to connect with the turtles.

Deep in the Dragon Palace.

The Dragon King and the Dragon Mother looked worried.

"This little girl is really worried, and she doesn't know where she ran to again!"

Mother Long frowned: "In the beginning, it could be estimated that Yuan'er was fine, but now I can't even predict a bit of news. Alas... When the little girl comes back, she will be locked up, and she will never be released if she is underage!"

At this moment, Prime Minister Turtle ran in panicked.

"Lord Dragon, Lord Mother Dragon, the little princess is missing." Prime Minister Turtle said, "According to the people below, the little princess may have gone to Huaguo Mountain."

"Flower and Fruit Mountain?"

Hearing this, Ao Guang and Long Mu's expressions changed greatly.

"What? She actually went there!!!"

Ao Guang's sleeves shook, and the huge dragon's might radiated out, making Prime Minister Turtle almost unsteady.

"This little girl actually ran there! Now, this king doesn't dare to go to Huaguo Mountain in order to avoid suspicion, she is not small!"

Mother Long was even more worried: "My lord, what should we do now? We can't just ignore it, right?"

"What?" Ao Guang smiled bitterly, pacing the room, restless.

"My lord, think of a way!" The Dragon Mother urged.

Ao Guang waved his hand, and after a long time, he sighed and said, "Forget it, for this little girl, this king will go ashore. I hope that Venerable Arhat, for the sake of Babu Tianlong, Give this king a face."

Saying that, he went outside.

Seeing the dragon mother, she frowned and sent it to the gate of the Dragon Palace: "Be careful, my lord!"

Ao Guang nodded and went straight to the shore.

at this time.

Ao Yuan in the pool was having a good time and had no sense of time at all.

Also, dragons are natural longevity species. As long as they grow up smoothly, they can live more than [-] years as an adult.

If you work a little harder, you will become a golden immortal, and your lifespan will be endless.

For dragons, time is simply a dispensable concept.

"It's so strong!" After a while, Ao Yuan jumped ashore, clenched her snow-white fist, and looked proud, "Now Longlong is even more powerful!"

"Wait for me to soak for a few more days, then the father will not be able to control me!! Haha, I am indeed the strongest dragon in the East China Sea!"

The little girl put her hands on her hips, very proud. _

Chapter 401: _Arhat's side glance_The Dragon King is shocked

(2/5, please subscribe for flowers)

Ao Guang went ashore and looked at the vast mountain range, and couldn't help but have a headache.

Where can there be the slightest smell of dragons on the vast Huaguo Mountain?

If you look for it carefully, it may disturb others.

This Mountain of Flowers and Fruits has something to do with the plan of Heavenly Court Lingshan. If it is randomly mixed into it, I'm afraid I don't know how to write the dead word!

However, the daughter had to find it!

At the moment, Ao Guang let out a breath.

This trace of breath disappeared in a flash, but it was captured by the strong man of Huaguo Mountain.

"Dragon class?" A little demon king opened his eyes slightly, his eyes shining brightly, "Could it be Ao Guang, the dragon king of the East China Sea, what is he doing in Hua~guoshan?"

"Can't afford to offend! Another great power is coming! I-let's just hide!"

The reactions of the demon kings were different, but their actions were quite uniform.

Now, that terrifying Buddhist aura is still on Huaguo Mountain, and only ordinary animals can't sense it.

The meaning of the warning is obvious!

Going out now is courting death!

In the water curtain cave.

Sun Wukong opened his eyes in the avatar, and a golden light flashed in his eyes.

"Ao Guang? What is he doing here?"

Just as he was suspicious, he sensed a burst of sun and breath rising from the cave, and a golden primordial spirit flew out from a monkey and went out.

Of course, ordinary monkeys can't see this scene naturally, but how can they hide from Sun Wukong's delusional eyes?

"Arhat is gone!" Sun Wukong sneered, "I'll take care of you in the future!"

After all, pretend not to know, close your eyes and rest.

The soul in the incarnation has already escaped into the small world opened up by Wang Yu.

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