There is no clear water in the pool, and I don't know what it is used for!

This is also the doubts of many sergeants!

These pools were built three days ago!

Yi Shan stood on the high platform and looked at the sergeant below with satisfaction.

"There is something special about today's training, which is related to the pool you built."

"Tell everyone in advance that today's training is very dangerous, everyone is ready!"

The soldiers below were fierce and not afraid at all, and shouted in unison: "Please don't worry, General, I'm ready."

For professional soldiers, death can't shake them, how can the dangers that come with mediocre training make them flinch?

"it is good."

Yi Shan's voice was thunderous, "This month's training has not been in vain!"

Looking at Yimu and the others, he said, "Let's start!"

Yi Mu and the others nodded, walked to the edge of the bluestone pool with a serious expression, took out a sharp knife, cut their wrists open, and immediately blood flowed into the bluestone pool.

The blood was golden-red, exuding a quaint and desolate atmosphere.

As the blood flowed into the pool, a terrifying energy emanated, causing the sergeants to take a step back as if they were being stared at by wild beasts.

"too horrible!"

"It is said that the martial arts has been cultivated to a high level, and the blood is like gold. I didn't expect the generals to have reached such a state."

"Just, what are the generals doing bloodletting?"

Yi Mu and the others now have normal arms, and the blood flowing from the wound is also small.

However, when the blood fell into the bluestone pond, an amazing change took place. A drop of blood became the size of a washbasin.

Within a few breaths, the bluestone pond, which was three meters long, wide and high, was filled with golden and red blood.

When Yi Mu and the others saw it, they thought, and the wound on the wrist immediately healed without leaving a single scar.

At this time, Yi Shan stepped down from the high platform and came to the edge of the remaining bluestone pool, filling the pool with blood as usual.

In an instant, thirty-six pools were connected by one after another of Shen Xi, exuding an even larger aura.

Sun Wukong stood above the void, nodding secretly, and a blue flag covered the sky, covering up the changes here.

"There is blood and yellow, and it is as thick as soil. This should be the legacy of the Houtu tribe."

"There is a deep red in the blood gold, and there is a rising flame. This should be the legacy of Zhu Rong."

"There is a hint of cyan in the blood and gold, and there is the appearance of green wood supporting the sky. This should be the legacy of Jumang!"

Sun Wukong looked down, and the Delusional Pupil activated, and saw a side that ordinary people couldn't see.

"Although these witches are only a tribe, they contain the legacy of the twelve ancestors, which is really amazing!"

He nodded and left.

on the campus.

Yi Shan looked at the crowd and said loudly, "From now on, you and others will enter the blood pool one by one, and imprint the pattern of the battle formation!"

The pattern of the battle formation should actually be called the pattern of the Wu clan.

Branded with the Wu ethnic pattern, the physical strength will be greatly enhanced, and even the height can grow to more than two meters.

If the potential in the blood can be stimulated, it can even grow to a higher level.

This is a method specially created by the ancestors for the intermarriage of people and witches.

After all, except for the first batch of human races, the physique of the acquired human race is far worse than that of the witch race.


Think about the intermarriage of a three-meter-tall giant and a one-meter-eight man!

In addition, the power of the Wu clan is huge!

Intermarriage with a human race is simply unrealistic!

At that time, in order to increase the number of Wu clan, the ancestors used the method of reproduction of Wu clan to create the method of clan pattern branding.

With a little training, the physical fitness of ordinary humans can be improved, and the Wu ethnic pattern can be branded.

In this way, these human races branded with the Wu clan pattern are enough to intermarry with ordinary Wu clan regardless of their physique or height.

This is the reason for the explosion of the witch population in the later period of the Lich War.

The sergeants looked at the blood pool exuding astonishing energy, and cringed a little.

In addition, the blood pool is three meters deep. If you enter it, you can't drown?

At the moment, a famous sergeant walked into it.

Others watched and saw that the sergeant was immersed in it, and the blood pool was not over his head.

The next moment, the blood pool boiled, as if there were firewood burning underneath for cooking.

After counting the breaths, someone jumped into the blood pool first, screaming in the sky.

Different from before, now this sergeant has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Qin people were originally tall, more than [-] meters tall.

After being purified in the blood pool, the height of this Qin man increased by three feet in a few breaths, reaching an astonishing two meters.

In addition, the skin on the back of the sergeant was also imprinted with a human snake tail, seven hands behind his back, two hands on his chest, and a pattern of holding a snake in both hands.

It is the ethnic pattern of the Houtu people!

This brand shines with light, and Shen Xi shines in all directions, dazzling.

After a while, the divine brilliance on the brand disappeared and turned into a black tattoo.

"It's so strong!" The sergeant was secretly startled, and the fighting spirit rose in his eyes.

After training in January, these sergeants had thousands of kilograms of strength, but now that they have branded their clan marks, their strength has increased several times again.

Between the wave of his hand, he weighed [-] to [-] pounds.

Seeing the blood pool was not dangerous, the other sergeants also felt relieved and went down one by one.

The clan mark branding was carried out in an orderly manner, and some people jumped up in the blood pool, and some people fell.

Suddenly, a shrill scream came from the blood pool.

When Yi Shan saw it, the man had already flashed to the side of the blood pool, and with a wave of his hand, he fished out the sergeant in it.

I saw that the man's body was cracked with flesh and blood, like ice-cracked porcelain, as if it would break into pieces when touched.

Seeing the tragic situation, the sergeants took a deep breath.

It's so miserable!

"The physical strength is not good!"

Yi Shan shook his head, stretched out his hand and pressed it on the sergeant's shoulder. In an instant, all the blood of the Wu clan surrounding the wound gathered in Yi Shan's hand, forming a golden-red bead door the size of a marble. _

Chapter 407: Lishan's Conspiracy


The blood of the witch race was forced out, and the sergeant screamed and stopped.

His flesh and blood were cracked, and his life was like a candle in the wind. Without the power provided by the blood of the Wu clan, there is no place for the power of screaming.

"Yi Mu, come and restore him!"

Yi Mu nodded, walked over, and waved at the injured sergeant. A blue-green light rose, covering the injured.

Everyone couldn't see the situation, just waited silently.

After a while, the blue-green light dissipated, revealing the sergeant inside.

"Ah... General Yimu is really a good trick!"

Everyone was stunned and could hardly believe their eyes.

I saw that the flesh and blood sergeant was completely intact, and there was not even a single scar on his skin.

"Thank you General Yi for saving your life!" The sergeant bowed down with a respectful expression.

Yi Mu waved his "Seven Nine Seven" hand and helped him up: "You are not strong enough, so go to other troops later."

When the sergeant heard this, his face turned pale, and he kowtowed to beg for mercy: "Please, General, give the little one another chance, I will never be lazy again!"

After a month of training, the strength increased to several thousand kilograms. The sergeant knows how rare this kind of opportunity is.

If you leave, wouldn't that let the great opportunity fly?

"Don't say more, let's go." Yi Shan waved his hand, "Our team will carry out very dangerous missions in the future. You don't pay attention to training on weekdays, and you will soon lose your life if you stay in danger! If you go to the ordinary army, at least it is safe. No worries. Coupled with the current strength, it is enough to seal the wife and son!"

Seeing Yi Shan's determined expression, the man knew that the matter was irreversible, so he had to kowtow to thank him, then got up and went back to the tent to pack his bags.

Half a day later, another vision came from the blood pool. A cyan lotus flower bloomed above the void, and the cyan light reached a height of dozens of meters, connecting with the spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

"Send the innate aptitude for Taoism to Xianyang Taoist Temple." Yishan nodded again and again when he saw it.

Xianyang Xiu Dao Palace is a cultivating organization established by Ying Zheng himself.

Externally, it is claimed that it is to refine the elixir of immortality for Ying Zheng.

In fact, this is also the power accumulated for the anti-sky!

Except for some confusing alchemists on the outside, the rest of the monks in the monastery were all descendants of aristocratic families or lieutenant generals who were absolutely loyal to Daqin.

The clan mark branding went on for a total of seven days, during which Yi Shan and others replenished their blood again.

After seven days, [-] sergeants eliminated a total of [-] physically weak people and sent them into the ordinary army.

Ten geniuses with excellent cultivating qualifications were also selected and sent to Xianyang Xiudao Palace.

When the battle formation of tens of thousands of people opened up again, a strong evil spirit suddenly rose into the sky.

Now, this army's breath alone is enough to make the ordinary army lose the courage to fight.

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