At that time, the Zhao family might be the only one in the world.

When Zhao Xu heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

Wang Yu said with a smile: "If the emperor wants to apprentice, he should wait until I preach on Taihu Lake in January. I hope that I will issue an order with the emperor after Tai 5.6. After January, I will preach on Taihu Lake, and anyone who is destined can come. "

As he said that, Wang Yu walked outside.

The three quickly followed and sent Wang Yu outside the hall.

Outside the main hall, the sky is white and cloudy, and the sky is blue.

As soon as Wang Yu thought about it, he saw sword lights appear in the sky, smashing the clouds, and the entire capital felt a powerful qi rising, and the skin was painful.

"I'm going!" Wang Yu's body vacated and flew into the sky.

PS: The original plan was to let Zhao Xu play a role like the Jade Emperor in the later period, but the overall impression of the Song Dynasty emperor was not very good. You can talk about how to deal with it, who the Jade Emperor should be replaced, or the protagonist himself.

PS: Today's evaluation ticket, monthly ticket, and subscription will each add a chapter, plus the bottom five, for a total of eight. _

Chapter 81 Arrival in Shaolin

(3/5 for subscription)

"This..." Mr. Gao shook his head and sighed, how could she not know that this was the other party's warning.

Looking behind him, he asked, "No blame, how do you feel sir?"

"If you go back to the Empress Dowager, the old slave just now can't even move. You must never be your enemy!" A hoarse voice sounded, and a ghostly figure appeared behind the three of them.

It was a eunuch with a ruddy face, a hunched body, and no beard under his jaw.

Mr. Gao said helplessly: "Then do what Mr. wants."

Sima Guang nodded, and then said, "The Empress Dowager, in fact, this is not necessarily an opportunity for Great Song! As long as the emperor worships Mr. as a teacher, Great Song Jiangshan will be stable for at least a few hundred years!"

Mr. Gao nodded, looked at Zhao Xu and said, "Xu'er, in the next half month, you and Wu Jiu will learn the common sense of martial arts, and then go to Taihu Lake. It is not a bad idea to be recognized by Mr.

Zhao Xu was stunned.

Sima Guang explained: "Your Majesty, the Great Empress Dowager and I abolished the reform only to stabilize the government. Now that the civil servants and the party are fighting fiercely, and His Majesty has no prestige to subdue the world, if the reform continues, there may be troubles!"

Zhao Xu nodded: "So it is! The trip to Taihu Lake is the only thing that must be done."

After saying that, he looked at the eunuch and cupped his hands: "Gong Wu Jiu, please give me more advice in the future!"

Wu Jiu hurriedly stepped aside and said, "Your Majesty can't do rites, and you've ruined the old slave. Since the Emperor wants to learn, how can this old servant be indifferent."

Zhao Xu shook his head and said, "Gong Wu Jiu has guarded the royal family for three generations, how can Xu'er be rude?"

Mr. Gao nodded: "Xu'er has a heart, all right, you go down and practice martial arts with Wu Jiu first. Jun Shi, you can also arrange for someone to copy the palace collection, don't be careful, don't miss a word."

"The minister obeys the order." Sima Guang saluted and left.

In the end, there was only Gao outside the hall.

"Hope things go smoothly." Gao sighed leisurely.

Above the sky, looking at the rapidly moving clouds, Wang Yu felt at ease.

With the primordial ancestral spirit, his authority in this world is too great.

Not only can the lifespan reach [-] years, but it can also adapt to the Tao at any time.

However, Wang Yu is not stupid, and naturally he will not go to the road.

His current realm is extremely small for Xiaoqian World, and it is difficult to say whether he will join the Dao or whether the Dao of Heaven will swallow him!

The capital was very close to Mount Song, but in a short while, Wang Yu was over the Shaolin Temple.

At this time, it was in the afternoon, sandalwood incense bursts over Shaolin, and pilgrims came.

"Gusu Wangyu came to worship the mountain!"

At this moment, a leisurely voice sounded. Although the sound was not loud, it clearly entered the ears of everyone.

The pilgrims and monks were very surprised. They looked around, but they couldn't find anyone.

Suddenly, a pilgrim looked up at the sky and exclaimed, "Look at the sky, there are people in the sky!"

"It's a fairy!"

"The immortals have descended!"

"Bye bye bye!"

The Shaolin monks were stunned, and the martial arts masters flew over the eaves and walls, and they had never seen them flying in the sky!

"Are there really gods in this world?"


At this moment, Xuanci led the eminent monk from the Arhat Hall out of the meditation room, looked up at the sky, put his hands together, and responded, "Welcome to the arrival of the benefactor Wang!"

When the voice fell, Wang Yu fell leisurely into the air.

Only then did everyone see his face clearly, and immediately, the people below were amazed.

"Sure enough, it's a fairy!"

"Xianfeng Daogu, Fengshen is like jade!"

Xuanci put her hands together and asked, "I don't know why the donor is coming to our temple?"

"I heard that the seventy-two stunts of your temple are quite amazing, so I came to borrow them."

Wang Yu said indifferently.

When the monks heard this, they were furious, with angry expressions on their faces.

Xuanci waved his hand, stabilized the monks behind him, and said, "The donor is already a goddess, so why bother with mortal martial arts?"

"The abbot is wrong. Our generation of practitioners is like a boat against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat. If there is a possibility of progress, you have to grasp it. How can you stop?" Wang Yu shook his head.

Xuanci was stunned for a moment, then said after a moment of pondering: "Since the donor has this ambition, Shaolin is of course willing to fulfill it, please!"

With that said, he turned to lead the way.

Soon, Xuanci led Wang Yu to the outside of the Sutra Collection Pavilion and said, "Please come inside the donor!"

Wang Yu nodded and walked in.

"Abbot, how can you let him in!" The monks were furious and whispered.

Xuanci shook his head and said, "This person is flying from the sky, do you guys have the ability to stop him?"

"Honoring the temple, it's just death, how can you be afraid?" Xuan Ku announced the Buddha's name in a low voice, clasping his hands together.

The other monks also folded their hands and looked firm.

Xuanci shook his head: "We are all dead, how will the Dao lineage of Bodhidharma continue? My Shaolin is the ancestor of the Zen sect. Martial arts are only a small way, and Buddhism is the foundation."

When everyone heard this, sweat broke out from their foreheads.

Xuan Ku said ashamed: "It's still my brother who is profound in Buddhism, and I have already entered the devil's way!"

Xuanbei, Xuan Nan and others were all dripping with Dafa, proclaiming the Buddha's name, and they were terrified.

Xuanci waved his hands and said, "It's not too late for all the juniors and brothers to wake up immediately! If you practice Buddhism diligently in the future, you may not be able to obtain great supernatural powers. Xuan Ku, go and take out the "Book of Changes" and "The Sutra of Washing Marrow" and give them to Wang The benefactor sent it."

Xuan Ku was stunned for a moment. Although he had already understood, these two scriptures were written by Bodhidharma!

Looking at the puzzled people, Xuanci smiled and said, "Shaolin martial arts are famous all over the world with the seventy-two stunts and the "Book of Changes" and "Book of Washing Marrows", and the donor Wang came here for martial arts, is there any reason why you don't know it? Since Shaolin has already given up seventy-two stunts, why can't it be more straightforward?"

"Amitabha!" Xuan Ku clasped his hands together, "Follow the law of the abbot."

After all, it hurried away.

483 of the Tibetan Scriptures Pavilion.

"Shaolin deserves to be a major school that has existed for hundreds of years." Wang Yu sighed as he looked at the mountain of books in front of him.

The Shaolin Sutra Collection Pavilion not only collects the seventy-two stunts, but also some martial arts that monks have escaped into the empty door, and the collection is extremely rich.

At the moment, I am not picky, just pick up a book and read it.

This is a book called "Three Types of Blood Killing", which is extremely shallow, but Wang Yu read it with relish.

In fact, there is also this secret book in Lang Huan Jade Cave, but it lacks a lot of annotations.

It is these annotations that double the value of this secret book of Shaolin Temple.

Martial arts practice is an art that needs to be practiced, and it is impossible to rely on fantasy!

Wang Yu's previous deductions were actually based on the martial arts secrets of some major schools.

Because there are many practitioners of these major factions, if there is a problem with a secret book, it will either be abandoned by the major faction long ago, or it will be improved long ago.

These secrets have been tested by the disciples of the great sect for hundreds of thousands of years with their lives.

This kind of thing, generally small families and small sects have no such background.

Although the Wang family has many martial arts, the martial arts secrets are just secrets, no one has practiced them, and there is no comment. When Wang Yu developed it, he did not dare to integrate it into his own martial arts.

Because no one knows how many holes are buried here!

PS: Xuanci waits a few chapters to clean up. _

Chapter 82 The Seventh Layer of Qi Refining_The Five Elements Circulation

(4/5 for subscription)

"Wonderful!" Wang Yu nodded again and again, watching and scrutinizing, and trying it out on his own.

He is now fully fleshed out, full of infuriating energy, and he can try the martial arts of Qi Dao or Body Refinement Dao, which makes the practice much less difficult.

Soon, after reading a cheat book, Wang Yu picked up another cheat book.

This is a book of brushing willow palms. The strength of the palm is flexible, and it overcomes steel with softness. The pace is also quite amazing, and it specializes in dodging.

Late at night.

Candles were lit in the Sutra Collection Pavilion, and it was brightly lit. Xuan Ku waited on the side, reading the scriptures and putting away the books that Wang Yu had finished reading.

All afternoon, Wang Yu didn't lift his head, opened the time of the sage, and thoroughly comprehended many martial arts. So far, he has seen thousands of martial arts.

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