As soon as he said that, he stretched out his hand and probed towards Qiao Feng.

Qiao Feng didn't even dare to blink, until Wang Yu clapped his palm on his shoulder and woke up.

"How much did you understand?" Wang Yu asked.

Qiao Feng said disappointedly: "About three points."

Wang Yu nodded: "Three points is not bad. You can understand it yourself later. By the way, you can go to the wild to fight some mutant beasts. After eating, you can increase your strength."

The voice fell, and the person had already driven the ice dragon to fly to the sky, and went to the Yihua Palace.

Qiao Feng looked at the sky and exclaimed, "Sir, you are indeed a genius!"

Withdrawing his gaze, he hurried back while realizing the dragon control hand.

Move Flower Palace.

Wang Yu lowered his body and fell into the valley.

Song Yue and the others had already seen the amazing Ice Dragon, and they quickly gathered around.

"Wow, Master, what did you bring the snake for?" Azhu was a little scared.

It's not that her strength is lower than that of snakes, but because girls probably won't like this kind of animal.

"This snake is magical, just for you to be a guardian beast."

Song Yue was stunned: "Doesn't that mean that this snake will live here in the future?"

Wang Yu nodded: "Don't worry. She will be obedient and not run around."

With that said, the green snake was released.

The green snake was lying on the ground, not daring to move at all.

"Hee hee, Brother Wang, why don't you let Qing Snake recognize me as the master?" A Zi suggested.

Wang Yu nodded: "Alright, I'll leave it to you. By the way, how is your sect established?"

Hearing this, everyone suddenly became distressed.

At this moment, the sound of a baby suddenly came from the valley.

Mu Wanqing snorted: "It's all to blame Zhong Ling for adopting an orphan girl that no one wanted as a disciple. As a result, people brought it back but no one would raise it."

Zhong Ling said aggrieved: "How do I know."

Wang Yu almost laughed out loud, Song Yue is the oldest person in the valley, and even underage in modern times, it is really embarrassing for them to take care of their children.

"Okay, go to the villa to find peace with my mother-in-law and let her find some wet nurses for you." Wang Yu suggested.

Everyone was overjoyed, and then led Wang Yu to visit the valley.


Duan Yu had been in the room for two or three days.

Duan Zhengchun thought he was working hard to cultivate, but he didn't know the troubles in his heart.

After the sermon, Duan Zhengchun was speechless and embarrassed when he was questioned by Zhong Ling and others.

However, Duan Zhengchun did not deny what he did in the end.

While the girls attacked Duan Zhengchun, Wang Yu found Duan Yu and asked him to bring Duan Yanqing back to Tianlong Temple.

As for the other big villains, they have naturally been dealt with humanely.

Before leaving, Wang 483 Yu confessed to Duan Yu: "To deal with Duan Yanqing, you must ask your mother first."

Duan Yu was puzzled, but he brought Duan Yanqing back to Dali safely.

After practicing martial arts, Duan Yu's personality changed, and he was happy with his grievances and wanted to deal with Duan Yanqing.

Thinking of Wang Yu's words, Duan Yu decided to ask his mother.

Then, he knew his own life experience.

Coincidentally, Duan Yanqing outside the door also heard it.

In the end, the three were embarrassed.

Duan Yanqing thought for a few days, went to Tianlong Temple, and became a monk.

"Hey..." Dao Baifeng sighed, not knowing how to face it, and finally ran to Qingxuguan outside the city.

Among them, only Duan Zhengchun was kept in the dark.

Seeing that Duan Yu became more and more mature, and the Six Meridians Excalibur made a good appearance, Duan Zhengchun became more and more satisfied.

above the sea.

Huang Zong has been driving a boat over the sea for several days.

He remembered the map in his heart and slowly moved towards the Taibai inheritance indicated by the map.

Taibai inheritance is not so important to him, but it is the last wish of Tiejianmen for hundreds of years, and he must fulfill it.

"Master Huang, there is a small island ahead." Just as he was thinking, a boatman reminded him.

Huang Zong looked up and saw a small island at the end of the sea and the sky.

"Speed ​​up, it should be here." Huang Zong urged.

Wangshan ran to the dead horse, although he could see the island, Huang Zong and his party finally got to the island in the evening. _

Chapter 99 Taibai Inheritance

(7/7 for subscription)

The island is small and overgrown with weeds.

Huang Zong asked the boatman to moor the boat and went to the island to explore by himself.

There is a hill in the middle of the island. After it was built, a stone cave opened on the hill.

The steps of the stone cave went down, and Huang Zong went down the steps, watching carefully.

At the end of the stone steps is a stone room with a length, width and height of about [-] feet. There are traces of axe chisels on it. It can be known that this stone room is not formed naturally.

Huang Zong looked at the stone wall and suddenly saw a mural.

Above the mural is a man in smart clothes with a long sword hanging from his waist.

His demeanor was arrogant and arrogant, looking up to the sky and looking at the moon.

Under the sky, there is a pond of lotus flowers.

On the right side of the mural is a line of words: Li Taibai was closed in the sixteenth year of Zhenyuan.

Huang Zong showed joy: "This is really the place the ancestors said."

After that, I looked at the mural carefully.

The Tiejianmen was inherited from Li Taibai, and the secret of the frescoes was naturally not difficult for him.

Huang Zong was soon immersed in it, and slowly, he began to stretch out his hand, and a sharp sword energy appeared on the tip of his hand.

With every move and style, the expression is arbitrary, like an antelope hanging its horns, and there is no trace to follow.

Cracks began to appear on the ground, and stone chips flew.

For this, Huang Zong, who was immersed in the murals, naturally did not know.

"Finally, the murals are finished." Huang Zong looked up, and then found that the murals on the stone wall had changed beyond recognition.

Looking at the ground, the ground is also full of potholes, and I suddenly know the truth.

Shaking his head, Huang Zong walked out: "Anyway, the magic has been obtained, so if the murals are destroyed, they will be destroyed."

Western Regions.

Great Wheel Temple.

"The poor monk has made great progress recently. It must be the Buddha's pity. Haha, the Central Plains Martial Arts, the poor monk is here." On the top of the snowy mountain, Kumozhi laughed and jumped down from the top of the mountain. In the wind and snow, the pace was like electricity, back to the temple.

That night, Kumozhi found an excuse and went to the Central Plains.

Western Xia.

"Senior sister, I've entered the realm of a master! Let's get close." Li Qiushui was arrogant, looking in the direction of the Tianshan Mountains.

The voice fell, and the person had disappeared.

"How are the preparations of all parties?" Yelu Hongji asked.

"It's ready, [-] soldiers and horses are ready to go."

"Okay, attack Da Song in three days!"

Taihu Lake.

Wang Yu looked up at the sky, and suddenly saw a blood red in the north.

"This is the trend of swordsmen gradually rising!" Wang Yu sighed.

Now, his qi technique has become more and more powerful, and he can see many things clearly.

"This matter may be caused by me, so let's go and have a look." After inviting a servant to explain, Wang Yu rode the ice dragon and flew north.

Wang Yu dispersed the ice dragon and descended on the border city near Daliao.

The north is cold, even if it is already spring, it is much colder than the south, and there are still many places where the snow has not melted.

On the street, many pedestrians are still wearing thick winter clothes.

Due to the proximity of the border, the pedestrians in the city were sparse and looked depressed.

Wang Yu found a restaurant at random, ordered some dishes, and experienced the customs of the North.

"Have you heard? Liao Kingdom suddenly reorganized its army, will it attack the Song Dynasty?" The middle-aged man who looked like a businessman asked worriedly.

The shopkeeper shook his head: "Hey, just fight. Anyway, my old man can't do anything about it. If you can run, you can run. If you can't run, it's a big deal."

"Treasurer, you are too frustrated, can't I still win the big song?" A young man snorted coldly.

The shopkeeper sighed and said, "A while ago, Dang Jinzi suddenly issued a decree to promote the sermons of the King of Gusu, do you still remember? Respecting Taoism and worshipping Buddha, how much hope does Song Dynasty have?"

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