When he looked up again, there were already shadows in the sky.

"Won Victory Wan Victory!"

Only then did Song Jun below breathe a sigh of relief and cheer.



"Dragon Qi rises here, this world should be happy."

Azhu frowned and flew towards the desert with his sword.

After a while, he entered the desert.

Below, the grass people are fighting.

"Stop the war!"

Azhu shouted loudly, and the people below only felt a buzzing sound in their ears, and they turned their backs and stopped.

"Changshengtian is above, could it be that Changshengtian is angry?"

The people below hurriedly dismounted and knelt down, kowtowing and begging for mercy.

"From today onwards, you and other swordsmen are not allowed to go to the Central Plains, otherwise, it should be like this."

After asking for instructions, a sword was cut out, and there were [-] to [-] li long and [-] meters deep ravines on the grassland.

Although this sword did not kill a single person, it wiped out the courage of those on the battlefield.

"Longevity is above, I will definitely not go to the Central Plains." Everyone worshipped.

Azhu nodded 5.6: "Go west and cross the mountains, there are lush aquatic plants and fertile land, you can occupy it and support your clan, and hope you can do it yourself."

"Thank you for the guidance of Changshengtian." The person below responded loudly.

After a while, after Azhu left, everyone got up.

Temujin asked, "Are we still fighting?"

The person on the opposite side hummed: "Since the longevity has stopped fighting, naturally we can no longer fight. When the troops are strong, I will go west."

Temujin nodded, "That's what I mean."

Looking at the west, the fire of civilization in the western sky was swaying and almost extinguished. Aju smiled and went to Huashan.

After a while, Huashan appeared at his feet.

At this time, Huashan was surrounded by people who were eager for immortality, and when he saw Ah Zhu appearing in the sky, he immediately cheered.

PS: I found a few times on the Huashan One On the Internet, and I chose 1201. _

Chapter 108


Arjuna fell to the top of the mountain and saw Wang Chongyang, Lin Chaoying, Huang Yaoshi, Hong Qigong, Duan Zhixing, Dugu Qiufeng, and Ouyang Feng.

In addition, Huang Yaoshi also brought a woman.

Seeing Ah Zhu's arrival, Huang Yaoshi stepped forward to greet him and asked, "Fairy, this is Feng Heng, Huang's wife, can we go to the Immortal Realm together?"

Azhu nodded: "My party has not met a good talent, so I will give you another place."

Huang Yaoshi was overjoyed and said, "Thank you fairy."

Arjun looked at the crowd and said, "Can you handle the secular affairs properly?"

Everyone saluted and said in unison, "It's all right!"

Azhu nodded: "Then I will fly up to the upper realm as soon as possible, and I will return to the son to return to my life."

Looking at the people who were looking forward to it below, Azhu's heart moved, and the Longevity Sword appeared in his hand.

After asking for instructions, he urged his divine power to show off a mountain peak, and then chopped the peak from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain. In the rumbling sound, only a smooth stone wall was left.

The martial arts people were horrified, and there was a vibration under their feet, and they quickly froze.

"Changsheng, help to engrave the Dragon Snake Body Refinement Technique, the Top [-] Basic Internal Skills, and the Basic Boxing Technique on the stone wall."

The long sword hummed 15 times, turned into a streamer, and flew towards the stone wall.

Everyone saw a flash of light, and there were already many handwritings and pictures on the stone wall on the opposite side.

After a while, the Longevity Sword finished engraving the three sets of martial arts, then turned around on its own, turned into the size of an earring, and fell into the sachet.

"Wait for a good student to practice, when there is a day of ascension."

After that, Arjun folded his hands and clasped his fists towards the sky and prayed silently.

In an instant, a gentle breeze came from the mountains, and the people on the top of the mountain had disappeared.

Since then, the top of Huashan Mountain has been named Feisheng Cliff by the world, and it has been passed down through the ages.

In the rivers and lakes, the martial arts are becoming more and more prosperous, the innate masters are emerging one after another, and the ascenders are endless, providing the cornerstone of growth for the Tianlong world.

Dragon World.

When everyone's eyes darkened, they found that the surrounding environment had changed, appearing in a valley full of flowers.

"Sister Azhu, welcome back." A young girl ran over and greeted Azhu.

Only then did all the ascendants know the name of the ascendant fairy.

After looking around for a week, I saw five people on the opposite side, four women and one man.

The man's temperament is extraordinary, his qi is connected with the sky, and he is completely natural. Standing in the middle, you can know that he is the leader.

Azhu nodded to Song Yue, walked towards Wang Yu, summoned the sword of longevity, and returned it with both hands: "Sir, Azhu is back."

Wang Yu nodded: "You did a good job."

Azhu suddenly showed the attitude of a young daughter, not at all like the majesty she had when she was in the lower realm.

Wang Yu looked at everyone: "Congratulations to everyone who has ascended to the upper realm, longevity is in sight."

Everyone hurriedly greeted respectfully: "Meet the Immortal Venerable!"

Wang Yu nodded: "At the time of the lower realm, those who have already arranged for Arjuna can leave on their own."

When Duan Zhixing and Hong Qigong heard it, they saluted Wang Yu and were led out of the valley.

"Wang Chongyang and Lin Chaoying, since the two of you have obtained the cultivation method of the upper realm, you should leave by yourself."

The two saluted: "Farewell to Immortal Venerable."

Then he was led out of the valley.

Soon, Huang Yaoshi and Ouyang Feng also made arrangements according to Azhu's promise in the lower realm.

Huang Yao and Feng Heng went to Leigu Mountain to find Wuyazi, while Ouyang Feng went to an isolated island to breed ice silkworms and red clams.

In the end, only Dugu Qiuwei was left alone.

"I want to accept you as a named disciple, what do you think?" Wang Yu asked.

Dugu Qiufei immediately saluted, "Meet the teacher."

Wang Yu nodded with a smile, a book appeared in his hand and threw it away.

"This is "Heavenly Sword Technique" and "True Dragon Body Refinement Technique", you go to Qinglian Jianzong to retreat and practice."

Dugu Qiufei took it and thanked him, "Thank you teacher for your gift."

"Okay, Xiaoyu, take Dugu to Qinglian Jianzong." Wang Yu ordered, and a maid came out.

"Lao Xiaoyu will lead the way." Dugu was extremely respectful.

The person who leads the way is actually a master at the peak of the master, which makes Dugu Qiuwei feel a lot of pressure - the name of Qiuwei is afraid to be useless.

Qinglian Sword Sect.

After Dugu Qiufei met with Huang Zong, he was arranged in a courtyard and lived in the Zong.

Opening the secret book, Dugu Qiufeng was immediately attracted by the subtleties and immersed in it.

The infuriating energy runs autonomously, and the damage caused by the sword energy in the past has improved in an instant.

"Miao, in another two or three days, I will be able to recover to my full prosperity." Dugu Qiufei sensed his body, only to feel that Shen Lv was gone, extremely relaxed.

Ouyang Feng went to a small island with his maid, and then settled down.

"The spiritual energy of heaven and earth is much stronger than the lower realm. If I stay in the lower realm for the first half of the year to break through the innate and then come up, how much time will be wasted." Ouyang Feng was overjoyed.

"Besides, the maids are so powerful, it can be seen that the son is very good to his own people. I, Ouyang Feng, really made a wise choice!"

With excitement, Ouyang Feng started his breeding journey.

in the city of Wuxi.

Wang Chongyang, Duan Zhixing, Hong Qigong, Lin Chaoying, and Huang Yaoshi gathered together.

"Is this the upper realm? The spiritual energy is indeed abundant!" Wang Chongyang sighed.

Huang Yaoshi nodded: "Yes. I didn't expect that I would be able to fly to the upper realm in my lifetime. It's like a dream."

Hong Qigong smiled mysteriously: "You don't know how popular Prince Wang is in the upper realm. Prince Wang just sent someone to tell the Beggar Gang, and I was promoted to be an elder of the Beggar Gang."

Duan Zhixing laughed and said, "Now the whole world is learning the avenues from Mr. Wang, and his people want to use you to say it?"

Walking to a restaurant, several people called for a table of dishes.

"Brother Yao, I wish you to join the Xiaoyao Sect and become a person among the gods!" Everyone raised their glasses to congratulate.

Huang Yaoshi also politely said: "Everyone has taken the lead of Huang, and may you all seek the way of eternal life and immortality."

After a lot of fun, several people went to 500 things each.

a few days later.

Wuxi City started another major project to build a flying platform.

After all, in the future, there will be many people who will ascend, and they cannot all ascend in the Palace of Transferring Flowers.

"Feishengtai?" Ordinary people and people in the martial arts looked blank.

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