However, he really overestimated Madam Wang's understanding.

Three martial arts, Mrs. Wang actually only learned "Longevity Sword Art", "Tianlong Jin" and "Broken Tribulation Finger" because of the profound changes, she could not even enter the door.

Fortunately, Wang Yuyan has an outstanding talent, and she quickly entered the three martial arts, and by analogy, she cultivated "Little Wuxiang Gong" to the fourth level, reaching the early stage of innate.

Today, Wang Yuyan has four unique skills. Even if he is a first-timer in Xiantian, he can suppress the middle Xiantian, and even the late Xiantian, and become the second master of Mantuo Villa, and his combat power has surpassed Mrs. Wang.

As long as you don't encounter some old monsters, you can run amok.

Seeing this, Wang Yu finally felt relieved.

As for why he didn't hand over the body-refinement formula he created to the two of them, Wang Yu felt very helpless.

This is not because he is stingy, but is limited by the talents of the two.

Mrs. Wang couldn't even get into the two martial arts such as "Tianlong Jin", let alone the more complex and extraordinary body training techniques.

Although Wang Yuyan's talent is higher, she is also a Zhang Er monk for the martial art of body training, and she can't figure it out.

In the end, the two gave up.

Wang Yu didn't force it. In the end, the newly created body-refining technique was strong, but it didn't have any universality.

Others, let alone.

If you really want to spread it, you can only wait until there is enough time in the future to analyze the laws and simplify them.

But now, what Wang Yu lacks the most is time. Where can I find this spare time?

"Azhu, go back and tell your mother and Yuyan that I'm going out tomorrow."

In the early morning, the maids of Canhezhuang were busy, taking care of the whole Zhuangzi in an orderly manner.

Now, Zhuangzi has returned to his former laughter and laughter, and the fire a few months ago has not left a trace.

"Yes, Master Yu!" Azhu nodded, and after salute, he rushed to report.

A few months ago, before the two of them left, Mrs. Wang left Azhu to take care of Wang Yu's life.

Wang Yu knew in his heart that Mrs. Wang wanted Azhu to develop a relationship with herself.

However, Wang Yu had no interest in a little girl, and only asked her to wash her face every day.

After Ah Zhu left, Wang Yu began to practice.

In the past few months, because he had just made a breakthrough and had to study the secrets in the Shishui Pavilion, Wang Yu's practice was only to consolidate the previous achievements, and he did not practice in depth.

Now, after a few months of consolidation, Wang Yu's first level of body refining has reached an incomparable perfection, and the strength of his whole body is running freely, and he can practice the second level of body refining.

In the second stage of body training, the main body of training is still muscles.

The first level of body training has condensed the strength of the whole body into strength, and the strength can reach the whole body. The second level of body training can already be practiced in meditation, and exercise strength to exercise the muscles of the whole body to achieve the purpose of cultivation.

Of course, if you don’t like to sit still, you can also practice this level with dynamic exercises.

In addition, there is a third cultivation method in this weight, that is, the combination of movement and stillness, while performing exercise moves, generally using strength.

The combination of the two will greatly enhance the effect of exercise.

This practice method also has a disadvantage, that is, it consumes a lot of mind and spirit, and it is not an option for ordinary people.

Fortunately, this is not difficult for Wang Yu.

He put on a stance, and while fighting, he used his strength and carefully tried to practice.

Body Refinement Art is a new cultivation system, and Wang Yu is not sure whether there will be any problems with his deduction, so he is very careful in cultivation.

An hour later, after trying all the training points of the second level, Wang Yu stopped with a satisfied expression on his face.

After verification, this heavy deduction is not wrong, and Wang Yu is relieved to practice.

He moved his fists like the wind, making the air burst loudly, and the whistling sound could be heard far away.

If you observe more carefully, you can find that the muscles of his whole body are shaking, and the bottom is like a small mouse hopping around.

The combination of dynamic and static exercises greatly improved the efficiency of exercise. Sweat poured out of Wang Yu's forehead like spring water, and there were even some black dirt in it.

In the world of life, everything you eat and drink is poisonous.

This poison is not a poison in the traditional sense!

Anything that is harmful to the human body can be called poison.

Sugar is poison for people with diabetes, alcohol is poison for people with bad liver and kidney, and sodium salt is poison for people with high blood pressure.

And these, for ordinary people, are not poisons in the usual sense, but are rare delicacies.

Regardless of whether it is a martial arts person or an ordinary person, there is no way to know for sure whether the diet they are ingesting is excessive or harmful to the body.

When the body is abnormal, the damage caused to the body is irreversible.

And now, the black dirt discharged from Wang Yu's body is the excess in his body, which can be collectively called toxins.

After practicing in this realm, Wang Yu's body can be said to be like a glass of glass, pure and flawless.

As time passed, the sweat on Wang Yu's body became more and more, soaking all the clothes on his body, and there was even a hint of red in the black dirt, smelling a fishy smell, which was disgusting.

This is a sign that toxins are about to be eliminated.

After a while, these abnormal conditions disappeared, and Wang Yu shook the dirt on the ground with a dark energy, restoring his cleanliness.

After comprehending it carefully, I found that the strength of the whole body increased by [-]%, reaching about [-] kilograms of strength.

"Master Yu, drink tea!" Seeing Wang Yu stop, Ah Zhu, who had already returned, hurriedly handed over the tea he had prepared.


13 Parting and wandering (3/5 for flowers and collections)

"Okay." After practicing for a while and sweating so much, Wang Yu was naturally very short of water, and immediately took the tea bowl and drank it.

Arjun gave him a few more drinks before he waved his hand to stop.

"Mother, Yuyan, you are here."

When Ah Zhu came back, Mrs. Wang also brought Wang Yuyan to Canhezhuang.

"Well." Madam Wang nodded, "Are you leaving tomorrow?"

Wang Yu nodded: "Yes. Now that the martial arts are successful, I just walk around, collect new martial arts, and deduce the way of longevity. In the future, our family can live forever."

Wang Yuyan puffed up her face, a little reluctant: "Can't we go out again in a few years?"

"I always go early and go late, I will go early and return early." Wang Yu smiled.

Mrs. Wang nodded: "Alright! However, you have to be more careful when you go out. I'm not worried about your martial arts, Yuer, but I am afraid of other people's conspiracies."

"Mother, don't worry, I'm not an idiot. I've always been the only one to play tricks on others. How can I let others play tricks on me!" Wang Yu shook his head and laughed.

As a human being, although he has never played tricks and tricks, the knowledge that he has come into contact with in this modern information explosion society is definitely a few streets away from the ancients. As long as he is more careful, there will be no problem.

"When you say that, I'm even more worried." Madam Wang shook her head and looked at Azhu, "Azhu, you can go out with your son tomorrow. Just in time, aren't you looking for your biological parents? If you are lucky , you might find it."

A Zhu's eyes showed surprise, and respectfully said: "Yes, ma'am."

Wang Yu was stunned: "Azhu also followed?"

He originally wanted to pick all the experts in the world, how could he bring a child less than ten years old?

"Azhu can also take care of your daily life if you go together, Yuer, don't refuse." Madam Wang firmly said.

Wang Yu was helpless and had to agree.

"Xiaohong, bring the things up." Madam Wang ordered again.

Hearing this, Xiaohong placed a prepared package on the stone table in front of Madam Wang.

Madam Wang opened the package and said, "Yu'er, bring these things with you tomorrow."

Having said that, I will introduce them one by one.

In the package, in addition to a bag of gold leaves and a stack of silver notes, there are several sets of clothes and shoes with high-quality fabrics.

But more are some medicines such as wound medicine and antidote, which are labelled, separated by a wooden box, and packed in it.

"Well." Wang Yu nodded, but did not refuse.

When I go out, my family always prepares something. If I don't bring it, my family may have to worry again.

Afterwards, Mrs. Wang continued to talk about the experience of traveling around the world over the past few years, which was regarded as popularizing knowledge for Wang Yu, a novice in the world.

After talking for two hours, Mrs. Wang finished sharing her experience and left with Wang Yuyan.

"Azhu, you should also pack up the things you need to use. Don't be in a hurry when you leave tomorrow!" Wang Yu reminded.

Azhu nodded: "Yes, Master Yu!"

Saying that, he turned to leave.

Halfway through, she ran back again, panting and said, "By the way, the maid has already asked someone to prepare warm water, does the son want to take a bath now?"

"Azhu is really considerate, you can call me here." Wang Yu nodded. Although he had shaken off the dirt on his body just now, his clothes were soaked with sweat, which made it very uncomfortable to wear and needed to be washed.

Seeing that she was so considerate, Wang Yu was not so repulsive that Azhu would go with him.


The next day.

As dawn broke, Wang Yu went out with Azhu and boarded a boat.

The maid who was rowing on the boat was already waiting here. When she saw the two of them getting on the boat, she asked Wang Yu, and after getting a positive answer, she propped the boat towards Wuxi.

The clear water of Taihu Lake is like jade, and the waves are as flat as a mirror.If it is summer, the lotus leaves in the lake are in full bloom, and the lotus flowers are in full bloom.

However, it is almost winter now, the lotus flowers on the lake have withered, and the lotus leaves are also withered, which is a bit depressing.

In the early morning, the weather was cold, and there was a trace of white mist on the surface of the lake, which is only seen in autumn and winter.

Arjun hid his little hands in his sleeves, his delicate little face flushed red with cold.

"Azhu, didn't you wear a little more?" Wang Yu asked.

Azhu shook his head and said, "Master Yu, I'm not cold!"

Having said that, there was another cold war.

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