The BGM background music of the canopy is melodious and graceful.

The girl’s panicked gasping could be clearly heard, as if she was running wild with adrenaline.

Countless people stared at the picture curiously, wanting to know who was involved in the mythical battle.

【In the teaching building, a black-haired figure was running wildly, running down the stairs to the top floor】

【”Just now…what on earth was that!”】

【The beautiful girl panicked and regretted her recklessness.】

【Although he tried his best to escape, the opponent still pursued him】

【The sharp chain flashed with cold light, and the sword head seemed to be thrown out and pierced through his chest.】


【Really dying……】

【There is no hope of living!!】

【At this moment, Yukinoshita Yukino, an ordinary female high school student, was in despair.】

“Me in the parallel world intervened in the battle?!”

In the canopy world, Yukinoshita Yukino was dumbfounded and looked surprised.

She had imagined many ways for herself to appear.

For example, the elegant and cold flower of the high mountains, calmly joining the Holy Grail War.

Or going to the Clock Tower in the outside world as an outstanding student. Mediate the Holy Grail War.

Or in order to solve the catastrophe sweeping the world, the kind-hearted self resolutely stood up and killed the paranoid heroic version of Yukino.

I did not expect that the self in the parallel world was very ordinary, and was hunted down as soon as he appeared on the scene. Not far away.

Audiences all over the world were also confused.

They thought some master was hiding in the dark, preparing to play a game of mantis catching cicada and oriole behind.

They sat back and watched the white-haired lady and Medusa attack each other’s treasures, causing both sides to lose.

I just accidentally discovered the trace.

Is this the result?

The sky flickered, and the memories of Yukinoshita Yukino flickered.

【As the sun set, in the office of Suiqunhara Academy, Hiratsuka Shizuka frowned.】

【”Do you want to start a ministry to help others?”】

【Although the name is not serious, it is indeed a serious organization that helps others.】

【Yukinoshita Yukino looked solemn and said in a deep voice:”Yes, Mr. Hiratsuka, I hope you can promise me!”】

【”This is not allowed in principle as a teacher, but as a family member……”】

【The older leftover woman sighed slightly, feeling a little troubled】

【Since Yangono’s death, she has become Yukino’s guardian. After ten years of care and companionship, she has regarded Yukino as her biological daughter. Naturally, she also knows the other party’s twisted sense of justice.】

【Hiratsuka Shizuka thought about it again and again, and after a long silence, she said,”Okay, I approve it.””】

“I approve of the hammer!!”

In the real world, in the office of Sobu High School, Hiratsuka Shizuka was cursing and cursing.

The sky has hinted at this. If she didn’t know better that this was the reason why Yukino didn’t come home at night, she would have lived like a dog in these years.

Yukino is very likely to be. She stayed in school because of the service department, and then was hunted down.

The service department is such a bad thing!

She looked at the application form on her desk angrily, and the applicant turned out to be Yukinoshita Yukino

“turn down! Dismiss it directly! Ministry of service can only bring you misfortune.”

Amid a burst of cursing, this older leftover woman made the opposite choice.

First she marked the application form with a cross. Then she crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it into the trash can with a look of dismay on her face.

Then, the sky screen appeared again. change


【The girl was carrying her schoolbag and preparing to leave school, but was surprised to find a big noise in the distance.】

【Driven by curiosity, Yukinoshita Yukino quietly leaned over】

“Girl, don’t seek death!!”

Countless people understood the cause and effect and complained one after another.

Is she going to be the first person to sacrifice to heaven in the Holy Grail War?


【The swords clashed, and Sui Qunyuan Academy was instantly riddled with holes!】

【Looking at the shocking scene in front of her, Yukinoshita Yukino was stunned.】

【It was an ordinary night, but she witnessed an epic mythical battle. A shuddering breath hit her face, her pupils shrank, and she couldn’t help but exclaim.】

【Fortunately, these two strong men were immersed in the pleasure of fighting and did not notice themselves.】

【Yukino tried his best to hide himself and observed the battle in secret】

【She silently watched the fighting of the heroic spirits. The earth was gradually devastated and filled with deep ravines. Even the teaching building collapsed, leaving terrible knife marks on the surrounding buildings.】

【The pitted ground seemed to have been devastated by a small rain of meteorites.】

【The personal power that overrides everything is shocking! 】

Looking at the exciting scene on the sky screen, everyone couldn’t help but start complaining

“No, sisters, why don’t you leave when you see this?”

“No one took pictures of such a big movement. Are all the people in Fuyuki City asleep?”

“Maybe it’s because everyone’s sleep quality is better?”

“Damn it, if I could sleep in this situation, I would kneel down and recognize my father on the spot!”

“The citizens of Fuyuki took too many sleeping pills”

“If I lived around here, I’d fucking think someone started a world war!”

“Was it wiped out by missiles?”

“Judging from the name, she should be a relative of Yukinoshita Harano, right?”

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“I observed it and it felt very similar to the photo on Uncle Maori’s hand.”

“Damn, it’s been ten years, can you tell what the little girl looks like when she grows up?”

“At least it has a nose and eyes, and the facial contours have not changed!”


【In the corridor on the top floor of the teaching building, two figures were already extremely close.】

【The moonlight shines through the window, illuminating the panic and despair on the face of the black-haired girl in front of her.】

【When Medusa saw this, a trace of unbearability flashed in her eyes, but in the end she still raised her white jade hand】

【According to the rules of the Holy Grail War, if a battle between Servants is discovered by ordinary people, the witnesses must be eliminated】

【”call out!”】

【Mixed with the sound of breaking the air, the chain with the sharp sword tip was thrown accurately.】


【Yukino spat out blood suddenly and slowly lowered his head. The terrible pain invaded his brain nerves. Looking at the pierced chest stained with red blood, he felt a little desolate in his heart.】

【Are you going to die here?】

【Obviously she still has a lot of things she wants to do, but she hasn’t fulfilled her ideal yet.……】

【Immediately, her pupils blurred and she fell to the ground with a blank mind.】

【As the body temperature continued to pass, the heartbeat also stopped.】

【”Feel sorry……”】

【Medusa bit her upper lip, clenched her fingers, and withdrew the chain.】

【I did something very annoying.】

【Obviously I don’t want to kill this little girl……】

【Maybe this is my destiny as an anti-hero.】

【The purple-haired imperial sister’s eyebrows were melancholy, and her melancholy heart turned into spiritual particles and dissipated on the spot.】

【Shortly after Medusa left, Archer came to the corpse.】

【”Sure enough… he’s dead”】

【The white-haired female hero looked at her body with a complicated expression.】

【Luo Shu knelt down, stretched out his white hand and put it on the other person’s chest, and touched his chin thoughtfully:”It’s a broken heart, can anyone save it?””】

【As he spoke, he glanced at the expressions of his servants, showing no trace of surprise.】

【It’s like predicting the future, knowing exactly what he’s going to do next】

【Not only does he know the layout of his own home well, he also masters the same projection magic as Yukinoshita, and now he still has this incredible performance】

【It’s indeed the same as my guess.……】

【If you untie Archer’s ponytail, you’ll be able to confirm the truth, right?】


【Facing the corpse, the noble prince calmly put his hand into his pocket and groped around, making a harsh friction sound, and quickly took out a ruby necklace from the pile of gems, which contained powerful magic power that could bring people back to life.】

【Then, after placing the necklace on Yukino’s smooth neck,】

“this necklace……”

In the Tianmu World, Yukinoshita Yukino rubbed her eyes, looking a little dazed.

It turns out that no matter which world line you are in, you will encounter fatal crises in high school.

But did he escape certain death because of the necklace given by Luo Jun?

“Has the world line ended?”

Yangno looked solemn, and was very sad to see the ending of his sister’s death.

However, this also verified the inevitability of Luo Shu.

If Yukino and Luo Shu in the parallel world are husband and wife, then it is very likely that they are in the real world as well.


A faint elegant sound floats out from the sky, the calmness of flowing clouds and flowing water

【”Let’s go, Archer”】

【The young man in Yuebai Yuyi said calmly, even though he gave away the precious magic gift.】

【”Aren’t you going to stay and repay the favor?”】

【The white-haired female hero raised her eyebrows, smiled playfully, and became beguiling:”For such a great favor, you can definitely force her to agree with you, and then a fascinating story will happen.”】


【Luo Shu was surprised when he heard this:”Senior Yukinoshita has no breasts and no butt. She is not my ideal type at all. She must be at least C level to be suitable.””】

【In an instant, the surrounding air seemed to be several degrees colder, a bit bitingly cold.】


【The female hero gritted her teeth:”How could you slander a girl like this?”】

【”She will definitely become a big-breasted cute girl that everyone will envy in the future. Then it will be difficult for you to pursue her!”】


Yukinoshita Yukino was silent for a long time, glancing at the barren breasts of the female heroic spirit.

She finally experienced for herself the saying…

Sometimes your destiny must be there, but when your destiny is not there, don’t force it.

Sometimes it’s quite boring to watch yourself lie to yourself. etc!

Archer’s identity must have been revealed. Wouldn’t this conversation become his own dark history?

Yukino was immediately shocked.

When I think about going to the classroom in the future, everyone will burst into laughter,”Here comes Hirano again.” However, I blush and keep retorting, quoting scriptures, saying that parallel worlds are not the future… In the end, the whole room burst into laughter, filling the air with joy. breath

“no! This must not be discovered!”

She gritted her teeth and never wanted to see this scene come to light!

After she goes back, she must eat more nutritious meals and exercise more to transform herself from a plain to a great nana!

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