With the blessing of the rune amulet, the noble phantom carrying the Son of Light’s deeds during his lifetime was promoted. The blood light roared like a dragon, penetrated the clouds, and pierced the Death Thorn Spear (GaeBolg), explaining what true power is!!

At this time, people all over the world were shocked and stunned.

The situation in the world has changed, the real color has changed!

It was so majestic that it demonstrated the ultimate level of the”Noble Phantasm against People”, and the aftermath even endangered several mountains.

At this point, what else can people say?

Gas leaks due to indecision.

The Holy Grail War was conducted in secret.jpg.

Although the coverage is not as good as the Strike Air of the Knight King that releases the Wind King’s barrier and displays it.

But the penetrating power is even greater, and the law of cause and effect that is bound to pierce the heart is even more terrifying.

In the mountains, blood was constantly ticking, and the giant with a big hole in his chest remained motionless.

Looking at this miserable scene, people can’t help but feel a little sad.

The strongest among the strongest.

Glory is often accompanied by funeral songs.

So what if the son of Zeus dominates ancient Greek mythology, he still has to die… fuck?!

The next moment, many people on Earth stared blankly at the sky with their mouths open and unable to close.



The collapsed mountains are shaking slightly, and gravel is constantly rolling down the mountain. The ground is shaking and shaking, as if something is about to come out… The divine blood dyes everything red, and the mountains seem to be covered with a layer of blood.

The terrifying momentum shook the world.

Until the crucified figure gradually woke up and raised its dark and strong toes…

No, it was not that he was crucified. After experiencing the extremely terrifying Noble Phantasm piercing, this ancient Greek figure The great hero in myth is still alive…

Even if his chest is exploded and his heart is pierced, his majestic figure is still invincible in the world.


【Before dawn, the furious roar shattered the mountain”807″. Barserker stood up slowly. He regrouped angrily, straightened his spine naturally, filled with majestic spirit, and fought fiercely to the end.】

【His majestic body seems to have withstood the collapse of the sky and the earth. No hardship can bend his proud back.】

【Combat continuation (A-level inherent skill): The holder will become difficult to die and still maintain combat capabilities even when seriously injured or dying.】

【”is that a lie……”】

【The girl on the field was shocked and couldn’t understand what was happening.】

【A broken heart but not death is completely beyond the scope of human understanding.……】

【Is this still called a demigod?】

【Even the true gods are not so exaggerated! 】

Dead silence.

Absolute silence.

The whole world witnessed the birth of the myth at this moment!

Many people were stunned, their hands and feet felt cold, and a cold air shot up from their spines straight to the sky.

My whole body couldn’t stop shaking.


Uncle B, how could you be so outrageous…

Looking at this tragic and shocking scene, people couldn’t help but feel a surge of incomprehensible confusion in their admiration.

Why doesn’t he die…?

Amidst the silence, people around the world had different reactions.

For example, some sailors in coastal areas trembled and put an extra memorial tablet in the cabin.

“Mother Mazu, you shouldn’t mind if I worship Hercules by your side.……”

“Mother Mazu, please bless me to go to sea smoothly this time and not encounter a big storm.……”

“Uncle B, please bless me that I will not die if I encounter a typhoon of level 18, that I will not be hurt if I touch a blue-ringed octopus, that I will automatically swim to avoid me when I encounter a group of sharks, that I will have good luck if I encounter a sea monster blocking my way, and that the sky will be clear every day.……”

After saying that, he respectfully placed the tributes and burned three sticks of incense.

Next to him, there was an old helmsman covering his face with a look of helplessness.

Where are you, kid, making this wish?

So hard to kill


【With the mountains reduced to ruins, Cu Chulainn grasped the spear again, feeling a little excited.】

【”What an incredible hero. His heart was pierced by Gayaberg and he could still move. If you hadn’t lost your mind, I would have drunk and talked with you until dawn, even if we were in the enemy camp.”】

【”However, given the order, I still have to do my best to protect that little girl.”】

【The corners of the blue-robed spearman’s mouth were raised, and his words were filled with a refreshing feeling.】


【He has an upright and bold personality that makes people like him. He will actively talk to people he likes and will never be discouraged even if he is ignored.】

【This is Cu Chulainn, the Irish Son of Light】


【On the battlefield, Heracles’s body was filled with magic power, trying to heal his wounds.】

【This approach made Cu Chulainn laugh.】

【”The”almost omnipotent” rune increases one’s panel ability value and treasure phantom level.】

【If you are stabbed by GaeBolg, you will not be able to recover from your injuries. No matter how advanced the healing magic is, it will be difficult to survive in the face of the curse. This is a magic spear that has made you bear a miserable life and sublimated your deeds.】

【If you want to get rid of this negative state, you can’t do it without reaching the level of the gods.】

【”Barserker, let the battle continue between us!”】

【Cu Chulainn smiled brightly, waved his magic spear bravely, and jumped into the air.】

【The ground cracked, and there was a roar like thunderous cheers】

【He actually took the initiative to fight!!】

【……At the same time, the noble and awe-inspiring King of Knights also entered the battlefield】

【Missiles and arrows were coming one after another. Archer on the top of the building kept bombarding Hercules and rushed to rescue him.】

【The noble man in white jumps into the battlefield, his white fingers shining, which is proof that gem magic has reached its peak.】

【After Saber fully recovered, the scene became 4 vs. 1 again.】

【The alliance of the three knight servants plus a master with extremely high magic skills, sacrificed their lives to fight against the strong Hercules, like a rolling torrent, unstoppable】

【”Phew~, it’s really disturbing.”】

【Cu Chulainn looked at his companions fighting side by side and curled his lips.】

【He loves to fight against strong men.】

【That is the happiness that real men should enjoy】

【However, Cu Chulainn also knew that this was not the time for him to mess around. After all, Barserker could suppress him in hand-to-hand combat. If he truly fought alone, his chance of winning would be less than one-tenth.】

【Everyone took turns to join the battle, and Archer’s master also came in person, which was really a kind gesture.】

“Okay, Brother Gun is a real man!!”

In the world of Tianmu, Kazuto Kiritani clenched his fists excitedly and gave a thumbs up.

Although he longed for the”two-sword style” of the white-haired female hero, if he wanted to learn martial arts, he would definitely learn from Archer, but in terms of his will to fight, he still Cu Chulainn is more masculine!

That kind of character makes people fall in love with him when he hears it.

This is also related to Archer being too mysterious, always calmly holding the secret book to pass the level.

It makes people fearful, but not heart-warming. I’m looking forward to it.

But… why are archers good at the two-sword style?

It’s really puzzling.


【”clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang clang——!!”】

【On the battlefield, the fierce and sonorous sounds that seemed like the beginning of the world could be heard endlessly.】

【The magic spear pierced the sky, the holy sword tore through the vacuum, and the missile arrows fell like meteors like raindrops, triggering endless horrific explosions. The mountains shook and trembled, and the earthquake affected dozens of kilometers.】

【Clusters of brilliant flames shot straight into the sky, and the surrounding air was burned to the point of distortion.】

【There are big holes everywhere, the ground has been plowed, and the sky seems to be three feet higher.】

【Countless Fuyuki people who were immersed in their sweet dreams woke up, panicking to avoid this sudden”earthquake””】

(To read more novels:: https:/readwn.com///////)

【The burly giant roared, his disheveled hair stood up, and he fought against four enemies.】

【High above, the cold King of Purging sneered, and the android beside him nodded silently.】

【Not far away, Yukinoshita Yukino held Moye tightly and racked her brains to help them】

【In the corner, Mouri Kogoro frowned, considering whether to use a command spell to increase his followers. 】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Underground at Liudong Temple, the Assassins Alliance had ulterior motives and stared at this scene with excitement.】

【In the center of the battlefield, the noble man in white calmly scattered gemstones and stray bullets. In the blink of an eye, hundreds of millions were burned, but he also created a lot of power. The horrific explosions also injured Barserker.】

【Ordinary attacks will definitely be ineffective, but what if the gem magic reaches A?】

【The five-color gems store magic power that an ordinary magician can accumulate in a lifetime.】

【This is exactly the effect of Kaguya Shinomiya, who manages the worldly finances of the Shinomiya family and works hard day and night to increase his property four to five times in ten years, allowing him to grow up in the most favorable environment.】

【As long as you can buy magic materials with money, it doesn’t matter!】

【He originally planned to use it as one of his”trump cards”, but now is not the time to save】

【As a result, gem magic reached a level comparable to that of servants in a short period of time. 】

Soon, the extremely shocking BGM background music suddenly sounded.

It’s full of extreme excitement, blood boiling, and almost giving rise to goosebumps.

People from all over the world were shocked at this moment, shouting with hysterical excitement.

Everyone was in high spirits, drinking ice could not cool their blood, and stared at this scene.

The Four Heroic Spirits vs. Hercules… who is better?


【In the fierce battle, the mountains trembled, and as soon as they turned around, another towering mountain suddenly collapsed.】

【”Saber, can the Noble Phantasm that caused the hurricane vortex just now still work?”】

【The noble man in white was calm and collected, and started asking questions while scattering gems and bullets.】

【”Yes, but the Strike Air Hammer (Strike Air) is only a B-level Noble Phantasm. The moment the Wind King’s barrier is released, the power of Strike Air can be compared to the power of an A Noble Phantasm.”】

【The stupid king nodded, then raised his eyebrows and shook his head.】

【She thought Luo Shu wanted her to use the Wind King’s iron hammer to give Barserker a fatal blow while he was seriously injured and on the verge of death.】

【But under the iron walls of the Dragon Armor and the Twelve Trials, it was almost difficult for the Wind King to cause sufficient damage.】

【However, Luo Shu didn’t care and stared calmly at the people on the battlefield.���giant giant】

【”I have a way to deal with the Berserker, but I need you to influence his actions.”】

【”His agility is too high, and his strong muscle strength can knock me away. It would be great if you can continue to use that Noble Phantasm. I will arrange for Archer to help at the same time……”】


【Artoria was shocked】

【With the ability to kill Barserker, the noble man in white actually has such a trump card?!】

【”oh? Brother, can you take care of that big guy?”】

【Cu Chulainn also had a curious look on his face. He avoided the incoming giant ax with his legs. He glanced at the menacing giant and smiled and said,”In this case, I can also help little brother.””】


【Luo Shu stared at Hercules, with a slight smile on his lips.】

【Immediately, he was still in contact with the white-haired female heroic spirit in the distant building.】

【Let your servants show off their special skills!】

【Archer also became more solemn, understanding that the battle situation has reached the most critical point.】


【The heroic spirits looked at each other in tacit understanding, and their weapons unconsciously pressed forward.】

【The noble man in white retreats quietly】

【He holds the black scimitar sword tightly and looks for the best opportunity to advance on the flanks of the battlefield.】

【Time ticks by……】

【Suddenly, an awe-inspiring roar echoed through the sky, echoing on the battlefield】

【”Saber! Lancer! Archer! ……It’s now!!”】

【Without any warning, the three heroic spirits raised their weapons in tacit understanding. The surging magic power was like a roaring wave, erupting into unparalleled brilliant five-color light. The flags fluttered in the wind and made hunting sounds.】

【The King of Knights raised his ever-victorious weapon high, his holy light shone brightly, and his awe-inspiring shout echoed across the sky.】

【”Strike Air!!”】

【The endless howling wind creates rolling wind pressure on the sword body.】

【A pillar of wind was formed that reached the sky and the earth, and was struck down with the holy sword.】


【Thousand-meter majestic mountains are stirring and crumbling, and the roaring eye of the wind is tearing the world apart.】

【Carrying unrivaled power……】

【Head straight for Barserker!!】

【Hercules roared angrily, his dark toes suddenly exerted force, and he suddenly stepped out of a crater several meters deep on the ground. He jumped up and jumped onto the clouds in the blink of an eye, trying to escape.】


【In Archer’s eyes, the burly giant galloping across the sky is just a living target.】

【In the distant building, the white-haired female spirit pulls the bow string, and the brilliant golden light swirls】

【The ponytail was a little messy under the strong wind, but it couldn’t hide his heroic appearance.】

【The black cloak fluttered, and that beautiful face became extremely stunning, like a Valkyrie who was invincible in all battles.】

【”Broken Phantasm)!!”】

【In an instant, an awe-inspiring voice emerged. 】

The camera shakes violently.

The arrows carrying the holy storm shot out suddenly, streaking across the city in an instant.

Across the clouds and throughout the nine heavens, it looks like a golden comet hitting the sun.

Like a pair of golden scissors, it cuts the thousands of meters of dawn sky into two pieces as easily as a canvas.

【The burly giant sensed a strong danger and nimbly avoided the trajectory of the arrow. However, the moment the projection treasure phantom passed by his side, a massive amount of magic power detonated on its own initiative.】


【A dark red mushroom cloud appeared in the sky on March 4, like a nuclear explosion site】

【The billowing black smoke spread, forming a terrifying whirlpool】

【Barserker’s breath quickly weakened, and he roared and fell powerlessly.】

【On the ground, the blue-clothed spearman raised a smile, and the magic gun in his hand bloomed with bright blood. The endless surging magic turned into a tornado and seeped into it, and he threw it high into the sky. The wild sound resounded throughout the audience.】

【”Break through the Deathly Flying Spear (GaeBolga)!!”】

【In an instant, the gun body flashing with cold light transformed into two, two into three, and three into four.……】

【Countless strong winds are formed that tear up the strong air currents!】



【Countless bloody thunders struck the sky, and their terrifying power seemed to penetrate the stars.】

【Before anyone could react, he nailed Hercules to the sky.】

【Time and space seem to stand still】

【Heaven and earth are silent】

【The next moment a glimmer of light lit up, and it expanded in an instant. One arrowhead formed a terrifying blood-red hemisphere covering hundreds of meters. Then countless arrowheads struck, seemingly blasting the sky into blood.】


【Like the roar of a blue dragon, the terrifying energy pillar rises like a dragon, piercing the clouds and blasting into outer space.】

【At the end of the city, you can see a bloody sky pillar blasting into the sky】

【It’s as if the earth is rebelling against God in anger!!】


【After experiencing rounds of horrific bombings, Hercules lost his breath and fell to the ground.】

【He was knocked stiff for a moment】

【……It’s now!!】


【The light of the sword was like a glimpse of a giant, and it was cut down from the sky.】

【The dark blue magic eyes can see through the death of all things!】

【Now even the gods will tremble! 】.

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