Soon, the team gathered twelve more people, and they headed directly towards the entrance of the cave. While here, a burst of black poisonous gas occasionally spread.

This time it was a crazy attempt, and everyone had to risk their lives to try.

Lu Li walked closer to the cave entrance and heard the whistling wind inside the cave entrance. He could also smell the fishy smell. What shocked him was that there was also the sound of breathing inside.

If the sound of a person's breathing can be transmitted to a long distance, it can only prove that this creature is absolutely terrifying. "It's time, move forward, and kill that man today, for the sake of all our compatriots who have sacrificed their lives."

Anya put on another armor 577. Of course, a large area of ​​her skin was exposed, but that bronze skin was accompanied by powerful explosive power.

She jumped directly, caught Lu Li, and then everyone filed in. When everyone arrived underground, they found that they were trapped in another maze.

This place turned out to be the main body of an underground building. Lu Li originally thought that this place should be just a tomb. Because after ten thousand years of exertion, you will definitely have a place where countless dead people perished. Countless corpses are intertwined among them, and the air of death is permeated. In the end, there will be Produce something very scary.

But after everyone landed here, they were first in a passage and saw endless darkness at both ends of the passage.

Even in the darkness, the faint sound of breathing is still there.

"What exactly is this place?" Lu Li asked Anya beside him, who had already taken out a torch and lit it.

The slight firelight illuminated everything around him, exuding bursts of warmth, but it could not withstand the severe cold here. Even so, Lu Li felt a stream of coldness flowing around him, and his body had changed. It's cooler.

"This is the tomb of our previous kings. They were buried here." Anya's eyes were full of awe. "It should be more than that."

Lu Li said again. This time, Anya's eyes were firm, even a little profound, and she looked around.

"This is also one of the last battlefields for the ancestors of the nine tribes in the past. After the Battle of Destruction, all our descendants of the nine tribes left this castle and this place. We lost the glory of our ancestors and became useless. Today we are going to Take back this place."

The nine tribes used to occupy this Blackwater City. As a royal city and the tomb of past kings, they have always been in awe of this place, but it seems that they left here because of some kind of catastrophe.

This was definitely not a good thing. Lu Li could already smell the restlessness in the air. Although the surroundings were extremely cold and the air circulation was poor, this restlessness still existed.

Lu Li looked to the left and right at this time and could feel the cold here. His eyes could see very far.

He could see most things in the darkness, and he saw something heading towards them at the other end of the passage.

Staggering step by step, what is coming is definitely some walking zombies, but they are stronger than the walking zombies above.

Because these things seem to also shout. When they wave their bodies, their arms are strong and their muscles and bones become stronger. "The enemy is coming."

After Lu Li said these words, he directly let his sword shoot out. The sword light illuminated everything wherever it went, because there was a torch on the sword body, which was constantly waving at Bura. .

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