I created the Longevity Club

Chapter 1439 Crushing

Unexpectedly, Lu Li actually summoned those little creatures. The red cat spirits were quite scared and ran to some woods and rocks to dodge them.

Without the help of the cat spirits, the sea wolf spirits could not suppress the deer spirits and bear soldiers in terms of numbers, and were soon beaten to the foot of Meishan Mountain.

The angry dragon king was very angry and flew in front of Lu Bai and others. He fiercely and powerfully sent streams of water like dragons to them. In an instant, Lu Bai and the other four elders were seriously injured and rolled down the mountain one after another.

Many deer spirits rushed down without caring about their lives, protecting them inside and resisting many rocks and floods.

Lu Changfeng was furious and waved the deer antler sword in his hand. He led the eight guardians and flew to the sky to surround the angry dragon king in the middle and fought with that guy.

Wu Shi also let the zombies there besiege Lu Xi and others.

Gang Gang and Wu Yuan simultaneously threw many sharp steel bars and bloody bones at Lu Li, fighting him fiercely.

Not long after, the angry dragon king suddenly turned over and turned into a big dragon, swinging his big tail, and knocked Lu Changfeng's two guardians into the mountain stream with two bangs.

Then he grabbed two more guardians and threw them towards Gobi Bear and the others with a "swoosh". He turned over and flew high into the sky, spraying a stream of cold water towards Lu Changfeng and the others, and knocked the remaining four guardians all down~in a forest.

Ji Changfeng was furious and turned into a powerful stag wearing a big sword and heavy armor, and rushed towards him head-on.

He suddenly turned over and waved a big claw, "boom" and knocked Lu Changfeng to the ground, heavily smashing a mountain peak.

Ji Changfeng was hit so hard that his head hurt and he cried out, almost breaking his hard antler.

The eight guardians who had finally flown up saw the angry dragon king and rushed towards Lu Changfeng who was lying on the ground. They immediately turned into eight mighty long-horned stags and knocked the guy far away, saving Lu Changfeng's life in a very dangerous way. 0. Ask for flowers 0..

The angry dragon king, who didn't expect that the eight guardians could knock him away, immediately cursed them in anger: "Assholes!"

Seeing that the steel bar guy had seriously injured the big grizzly bear and Lu Xun, and the angry dragon king had seriously injured Lu Changfeng, all the deer monsters and bear soldiers were very angry.

But the tiger shark spirit and the hairy shark spirit were very happy, saying something like the king was mighty, the superior was powerful, etc., which made the Gobi bear and Lu Xi very angry and really wanted to rush over and eat them all.

At that time, the mountain cat spirits, who had eaten many of their subordinates by the cat-eating rats, suddenly flew to the vicinity of the three guys of Wu Shi and asked them for help, hoping that they would quickly eliminate all the cat-eating rats.

They looked very scared of the cat-eating rats.

The steel bars suddenly released rolling Yin corpse gas to the surroundings, and soon the Yin corpse gas turned into steel bars as thick as fingers, like crossbow arrows, and shot at the cat-eating rats, deer monsters, and bear soldiers.

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