I created the Longevity Club

Chapter 170 The arrival of the super technological revolution! 8 more chapters, please subscribe and

Peng Hao's eyes were calm as he looked at the two black metal bracelets in his hands. In the center of one side, there was a small LED screen with a microcomputer embedded inside, which could record the user's data at all times.

After a pause, he put the two bracelets on the wrists of his left and right hands. When the switch is turned on, the screen lights up with a faint cold light...

Two low-frequency electrical signals began to be stimulated from the left and right bracelets... Peng Hao took a deep breath, and then began to feel the changes in his body...

He moved his neck and muscles a little, and could hear bursts of 'click-click-click' sounds.

Low-frequency electrical signals are continuously stimulated from the bracelet, starting from the wrist, stimulating muscle fibers and tissues throughout the body.

Compared with not wearing the bracelet.

When not wearing the bracelet, the whole body is like a rusted machine, with slow response and slow movements...

After wearing the bracelet, it is like a machine upgrade. With a thought, "827", the body can respond instantly, flexibly and quickly, and the body is full of power! "how do you feel?"

Lu Li asked as he observed Peng Hao. "It feels better than ever." Peng Hao said solemnly. "Go try it."

Lu Li looked at the runway next to him and said. "Yes!" Peng Hao responded fifty meters before the runway.

Peng Hao made a ready gesture.

After a gunshot, Peng Hao rushed out like a cheetah!

Rush to the finish line and the timer ends!

5.8 seconds!

It has almost reached the ultimate record for yellow athletes!

It's a level higher than Peng Hao's usual speed!

After that comes the strength test, reaction test, endurance test...

All data must be improved by more than one level.

Next to him, the researcher operating the computer looked at the transmitted signal with a somewhat amazed expression.

"Just now, Mr. Peng Hao's muscle fiber utilization reached 73.2%, completely surpassing the record in our laboratory."

Ishiguro took the latest data report, looked at Lu Li respectfully, and said.

"not bad."

.8,., "How is the output? Is it difficult to produce?"

Lu Li asked in a deep voice.

"The production difficulty is still relatively high. The cost of this bracelet is about one million yuan."

Ishiguro responded.

Lu Li nodded and looked at Peng Hao who was walking back.

Peng Hao took off the bracelet. At that moment, he frowned slightly, as if he felt a little uncomfortable.

He felt as if his body was being shackled again...

“Continue to delve deeper into this project.”

"I'll take this bracelet."

"In addition, this time, I will grant you 'three years' of time..."

Lu Li looked calm and spoke one after another.

"It's like the black technology in Marvel movies."

"It's amazing."

The group of people walked out of Ishiguro's laboratory. Du Weiwei followed Lu Li and praised them.

The changes under the bracelet are all-round improvements. Wearing the bracelet may even be compared with members under the 'double time flow rate'.

At the stage when the 'Life Project' project has not yet succeeded, this 'bracelet' has achieved some of the effects of the 'Life Project' to a certain extent.

"No matter the cost, all security members in Ipoh City will be equipped with a pair as soon as possible."

Lu Li said.

Triggering from the muscle fiber field may also be a path of ‘human evolution’.

Everyone got back into the car.

The car drove to another 'nano-level precision' physics laboratory next to it.

Anthony. The superconducting battery studied by Professor Gretel is a more promising project than the 'new hemostatic material TA'.

Its birth will cause major energy-based industries such as mobile phone manufacturers and new energy vehicles in the world to face a reshuffle.

Its birth will likely create the birth of the 'magnetic levitation' field!

This will be another project with an output value of tens of billions or even hundreds of billions!

Numerous laboratories around the world have been conducting research on superconducting batteries for a long time.

Because superconducting batteries can convert electrical energy into magnetic energy and store it in the magnetic field of superconducting coils, the energy loss is very small, the efficiency is extremely high, and it is environmentally friendly.

The problem that plagues major research institutes is that the superconducting state requires the coil to be at an extremely low temperature, and the low temperature required to maintain the coil in the superconducting state requires a large amount of energy...

Now, Anthony. Professor Gretel's breakthrough is this 'normal temperature superconducting technology', which has a loss rate of current of almost zero, making the current in a 'resistance-free' state.

Anthony. If Professor Gretel's technology can be promoted, it will be able to save 2/3 of the country's electricity, so that large power stations and small household appliances no longer have to worry about insufficient power supply.

It can also truly promote the popularity of ‘maglev trains’ and bring about the emergence of the ‘maglev’ field!

"Sir, you are here0..."

In front of the lab, Anthony. Gretel had been waiting early. He personally helped Lu Li open the car door and greeted him respectfully.


"Thanks a lot."

Lu Li looked at the very old Nobel Prize winner in physics in front of him, reached out and patted the latter's shoulder and said.

"Let's go take a look."

Meet Anthony. Gretel was a little excited, and Lu Li said again.

"Sir, please!"

Anthony. Gretel quickly made a gesture of invitation.

Enter the laboratory.

In the center of the laboratory, inside the glass cover, a round piece of metal is suspended out of thin air...

Then, around the laboratory, there are different types of 'superconducting batteries'!

Large machines are constantly testing, lights are shining, and many researchers are still busy!

If the progress of the 'superconducting battery' in this laboratory is spread, it will cause a sensation in the world's energy field.

"Before this, I had discovered that two layers of parallel graphene stacked at a subtle angle of about 1.1 can produce a magical superconducting effect..."

"I wanted to give this direction to my students before I died..."

"However, thanks to sir, I have the opportunity to research this great product with my own hands!"

Anthony. Professor Gretel said excitedly, his body trembling with excitement.

Under the leadership of professors and researchers, Lu Li, Du Weiwei, Shen Youchu, and Peng Hao visited and listened to the results of the ‘Superconducting 0.4 Cell’.

Although the current 'superconducting battery' is still in its infancy, it has overcome the most difficult problems, and the rest is a broad road!

"Apply for global patents, publish professional magazines, build a 'superconducting energy' group, and develop superconducting electrical appliances."

Lu Li said in a deep voice.

"In addition, we need to contact the authorities for another round of resource exchange..."

Lu Li continued.

The ‘superconducting battery’ is useless to Lu Li and the ‘Eternal Life Club’ in some aspects, but it is of strategic significance to the country, such as superconducting power generation, superconducting power transmission, etc.

‘Exchange’ these areas in exchange for maximum benefits.

In addition, at this stage, the advancement of ‘World 01’ is imminent, and the club needs official cover and help.

When the 'superconducting battery' matures, it will be a super technological revolution that can change the entire world! .

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