I created the Longevity Club

Chapter 184: The First City-State ‘Agu’! 22 more chapters, please subscribe and subscribe

World No. 01, year 460,000, mid-term.

In the Eastern Continent, the first 'Neanderthal' city-state was established.

In the Western Continent, the Flores people still survive in the form of tribes.

By this time, the evolution of the sandbox world was officially completed, and both the 'Neanderthal' and 'Homo Flores' had met the minimum requirement for trading time with Lu Li. In the biological record table managed by the 'No. 01 Miniature Sandbox World Organizing Committee', there are relevant records: Chinese name: Neanderthal birth time: Mesozoic era after the mass extinction: Animalia : Chordata Subphylum: Vertebrates Class: Mammalia Subclass: Eutheria Order: Primates Intelligence level: 55-85 Body size: 1.25 cm - 1.5 cm Average life span: thirty years Chinese name: Florer Time of birth of Neanderthals: After the mass extinction of the Mesozoic Era Intelligence level: 45-80 Body size: 1.30 cm-1.60 cm Average life span: 30 years Among the two human races, Neanderthals have higher intelligence level, Flo The Les people are physically better.

Next to the crystal wall of the 'Miniature Sandbox World', there is a large conference room.

A total of fifty-three core members of the ‘No. 01 Miniature Sandbox World Committee’ were present.

Lu Li sat in the center of the conference room. He felt his data attentively: 'Name: Lu Li' 'Age: 28 years old' 'Remaining life span: 723 years, November 20 days, 18 hours, 29 minutes and 30 seconds' This time lapse is not even enough to maintain the '100,000 times speed' Spend a day in the sandbox world.

Now, the time of ‘Miniature Sandbox World No. 01’ has been taken back again.

Members of the organizing committee began to push the plan to the final stage.

Next, it will be time for Lu Li to harvest the fruits, that is, to acquire the ‘life’…

But how to collect the best, most reasonable, and most virtuous cycle is what many members of the ‘organizing committee’ consider.

"Now, there are 320,000 Neanderthals and 350,000 Floresans in World 01..."

In front of the conference room, Liang Jianzhang, the expert on the committee who mainly conducts biological censuses, looked at the documents in his hand and reported in a deep voice.

Liang Jianzhang reported in detail the reproductive considerations and reproductive habits of the two major human races.

In his report, the data stated very coldly that the longevity of harvesting would not affect the reproduction of the entire ethnic group.

After Liang Jianzhang.

Historian Xu Yuehua of the ‘01 Miniature Sandbox World Committee’ took the stage to report.

Xu Yuehua is an authority on human history.

In this experiment, he was mainly responsible for recording the civilization development of Neanderthals and Homo Flores in the "Sand Table World".

“The Neanderthals’ first city-state, ‘Yagu’ city, had a civilized system of slavery, and the king of Yagucheng was ‘Attica’…”

Xu Yuehua reported in a deep voice.

While he was reporting, the scene of Yagu City was still playing on the LCD screen in front of the conference room.

This is a very rough ancient city built mainly with bricks and stones!

In architecture, only simple patterns serve as art…

There is a Colosseum, a large bathhouse, a royal palace...

Xu Yuehua stepped down, followed by the linguist on stage.

Linguists are constantly studying the emergence and changes of the languages ​​of Neanderthals and Flores.

Experts continued to report.

In their reports, every aspect of the two civilizations was explained clearly and in detail from all aspects.

At the front of the conference room, Lu Li listened carefully, recording something in his notebook from time to time.

Finally, Collinsman, a white professor who studies ‘theology’ and ‘religious studies’, made a speech.

The views expressed by Professor Collinsman are precisely the methods for reasonably harvesting the ‘lifespan’ of sand table organisms after discussion and discussion by the entire host committee.

That is...'religious'!

In the ‘Sandbox World No. 01’, build a ‘religion’ and a ‘theocratic society’!

Brainwash all the Neanderthals and Flores of the entire world…

Let them proactively, voluntarily, and devoutly sacrifice their lives for the great god Lu!

The white professor Collinsman was wearing a white coat and glasses. He looked gentle and gentle, but at this time, his expression seemed to be a little fanatical.

0. Asking for flowers 0. .

"The name of the religion is taken from the husband's surname 'Lu', and is called 'Lu Jiao'."

Collinsman said in a deep voice in pure Chinese.

In World No. 01, the language systems of the two major races are completely different from those on Earth. Among their races, 'Lu' will have an additional 'script' created by God, and 'Lu Jiao' is also the oldest. , the most unique pronunciation.

"I compiled and wrote a 'Bible' by referring to Catholic teachings."

"This set of 'Bibles' describes the process by which God created 'Neanderthals', 'Homo Flores', and this world..."

"'Lu' is the god who created the universe. Lu is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipotent..."

......0 "'Lu' has fifty-three disciples..."

Collinsman continued.

He fully explained all aspects of a religious system.

This 'religion' has and only believes in the one true god, 'Lu', which is also 'Lu Li'.

After a long time, the meeting ended.

Lu Li expressed support for the content of the plan.

Everyone dispersed and Lu Li returned to his study.

The next step of this plan is to preach. Through a projection mode, it will first project to the city-state of the Neanderthals, Yagu, and preach.

!8" At the same time.

Lu Li also needs to draft a special "time sale contract".

This "time sale contract" will be popularized in "World 01", that is, in the future, every "Neanderthal" or every "Flores" must actively sign this contract after they reach adulthood at the age of ten.

Offer their extra lives to the only true God.

In the plan, extra lives mean that the lives of all "Neanderthals" and "Flores" after the age of twenty-five will belong to Lu Li.

That is, in World 01, the maximum lifespan of "Neanderthals" and "Flores" was set at "twenty-five years old" by the expert group members of the organizing committee!

No one considered whether "Neanderthals" and "Flores" were willing...

After all, this entire world is nothing more than a "time granary" for Lu Li. Four.

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