Countless remnant souls rushed towards Xing Zhan in front and behind him in an attempt to slow down the attack speed of the black ice thorns behind him. Lu Li was also invaded by the huge remnant souls. Finally, his mind was in a trance for a moment and he took half a step back. .

However, that moment gave Xing Zhan a chance to escape. The Black Ice Thorn behind him was slowed down a bit due to Lu Li's control.

In this moment, Xingzhan forcefully rushed to the side and got out of Lu Li's attack range. However, the backlash from his own ghosts still caused 03 Xingzhan to be seriously injured and lost most of his combat ability.

"Damn it!" Lu Li felt very regretful when he saw Xing Zhan was out of his attack range. If he could have shot faster, he could have solved Xing Zhan first.

But now was not the time for Lu Li to regret. Remnant Soul and Tianqiong also surrounded him. They didn't expect that Lu Li's combat power was so strong. Just a face-to-face burst of power made Xing Zhan lose his combat ability.

"If this was more cruel, I'm afraid Xing Zhan would have left the secret realm by now, so Tian Qiong and Remnant Soul gave up the idea of ​​testing at this time and prepared to attack with all their strength.

"The power of the giant beast!" Tian Qiong shouted, and his body expanded rapidly and turned into a three-meter-tall giant. Then he smashed the earth wall in front of him with one punch. At the same time, the remnant soul next to him also took action at this time.

"The power of the gods!" The broken blade in Remnant Soul's hand waved continuously, forming afterimages that rushed directly towards Lu Li. At the same time, they blocked all Lu Li's escape directions and stabbed towards Lu Li's vitals.

"Big lava explosion!" Lu Li shouted. A huge fireball appeared in front of Lu Li's chest. It expanded rapidly and finally reached a zero point before exploding.

"Die!" Canhun tried his best to break through Lu Li's blockade and land his attack on Lu Li even though he was injured. Canhun's intuition told him that this was the time when Lu Li was most vulnerable.

If you miss this opportunity, I'm afraid there won't be such a good opportunity in the future. Remnant Soul has always believed in his intuition, even if he fights for his life, he will still go through the sea of ​​fire.

"Poof!" A series of scars appeared on Lu Li's body. Although the Xuan Bing Jia helped Lu Li offset a lot of damage, most of the damage still fell on Lu Li's body, causing Lu Li to be severely injured in an instant.

However, Canhun didn't feel too good. Most of the parts of his body were burned by flames, and the muscles and veins in his body were aching faintly. However, Canhun still thought that he was very profitable by injuring the enemy by a thousand and damaging himself by eight hundred.

"Leave it to me next!" Tian Qiong walked up to Lu Li, who was covered in blood, and punched him again. This punch completely destroyed Lu Li's defense.

You must know that there are three of Canhun's 093s and Lu Li only has one person. Although Canhun fought for his life and suffered serious injuries, they still have an intact fighting force Tianqiao.

At this time, no matter how many methods Lu Li had, facing a fully-charged Tianqiong, he was no match for him. He could only rely on his own spells to lay out defenses, and he had no intention of fighting back.

"Go to hell!" Tian Qiong's body expanded again and he punched. At the same time, dragon elephants appeared behind his body, breaking Lu Li's defense again and knocking him away. At the same time, several of Lu Li's ribs were broken, and the wounds on his body were also the same. It was also bloody and bloody. .

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