I created the Longevity Club

Chapter 1663 Suppression

But think about it, the cost of entering the city is just a drop in the bucket compared to their mining business, so they won't do it again. Moreover, not setting up the cost of entering the city can naturally increase the flow of people in Dragon King City, which is more conducive to recruiting miners.

Entering Dragon King City, the prosperity of the streets here is actually comparable to that of Dawn City. If you don't know, you would think that this is the political center of the continent.

However, although the flow of people in Dragon King City is very large, the public security is still relatively good, and there is not too much exploitation. Obviously, these families are also good at governance.

"The environment here is still good." Lu Li nodded, and his impression of those families was much better. Being able to govern a big city can be said to be a rare talent in this regard.

"But why do I feel that there is such a smell of gunpowder on this street." Lu Li looked around. Although there were many vendors doing business along the road, their eyes were full of vigilance, and they seemed to run away as soon as there was any movement.

"How did you see anything?" Lu Li looked at the Hades and asked.

"I'm not sure, but there are occasional frictions between these families. This is probably the case now." Hades guessed. After all, he hadn't been here for more than ten years, so he was not sure.

"In that case, let's go to the restaurant to see the situation." Lu Li said and entered a restaurant on the roadside.

"Waiter, show me a good private room." Lu Li put a few gold coins on the table as he entered the door.

"Okay, please go to the private room." The waiter took the gold coins from Lu Li's hand and smiled, showing unusual hospitality.

After all, the money Lu Li gave was enough for the restaurant's daily income, so such a distinguished guest naturally had to be treated well. And Lu Li was not polite and grabbed the waiter after ordering a few drinks and dishes.

"Waiter, tell me why this city is not peaceful recently." Lu Li asked.

"You two should be here to do business, right? Now is not the right time for you to come. These few months, these big families have been fighting fiercely, and thousands of people have died." The waiter said miserably.

After all, these big figures fighting is a disaster for them. After all, if there is no peace here, the number of foreigners will naturally decrease, and the business of their restaurant will naturally continue to decline. It has been losing money for several months and is about to close.

"What's going on? Aren't the strengths of these families similar? Why are they fighting?" Hades couldn't help asking. These people are not fools. I'm afraid there must be some important treasures born, otherwise they would not do such a big move.

"You don't know this. The Lin family may have obtained some powerful treasures recently. It can be said that they have been extremely arrogant recently, so the other families have joined forces to suppress them." The waiter said.

"So that's the case." Lu Li nodded, and then Lu Li and Hades looked at each other. He didn't expect that he found the right person in the same place. Maybe the Lin family got something from outer space.

After sending the waiter away, Lu Li and his friends finished their meal hastily and left the restaurant. They headed towards the location of the Lin family in the north of the city. After all, if nothing unexpected happened, the Lin family must have obtained something from outer space, otherwise their strength would not have increased so rapidly.

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