I created the Longevity Club

Chapter 1823: Indescribable

"That man used such a big machete. He was almost half as tall as me and stabbed it into my leg, but I chopped off his head." The wolf seemed to be still thinking about it. The salted fish just now licked his lips, a little He greedily looked at Lu Li's unfinished meal, but because both parties were friends, he stubbornly turned his head away, looking very funny, and continued talking about a more dangerous fight this time. .

"But he couldn't beat me, and he pulled a piece of me off. But he died, so I came back alive."

He just let out a long sigh after hearing this part of the journey, but he never thought that the wolf had not finished speaking. It seemed that Lu Li had been asking questions about the audience for several days before, so the wolf paused. After thinking for a while, he added 03. "But this time is different from before. There is only one audience." Lu Li became energetic after hearing this.

"Who is there in the audience? Is he next to the stage or in the audience?" "Flower, that red flower." The wolf said and frowned again. "The woman I said looks very much like a flower."

After hearing what Lang said, Lu Li thought about the conversation between the two of them in the past, and soon remembered about this flower. "You mean that woman Gu Nianzhen? He went there too. Is he so busy lately? He has to go everywhere?"

As Lu Li said this, he thought of another thing, but frowned a little strangely, if Gu Nianzhen was present when the wolf was playing.

Then why was Gu Nianzhen also on the field when Lu Li was playing just now?

However, the wolf fight happened very early, and I'm afraid it ended very early. In other words, this woman first watched the wolf, and after confirming who was the winner in a one-to-many fight, she also came to see Lu Li. A battle of weakness against strength.

Lu Li was still a little curious about this. It seemed that this woman had just watched the Wolf game.

In other words, they were just catching up. I had just finished watching the Wolf game and then came to watch Lu Li's game. However, both Lang and Lu Li could be said to have won a very cruel duel and won the right to live, and this woman also Nothing gets done here and there, and there's a hint of condescension about it, and it's a pleasure to watch these two games.

It was just like watching a concert. After watching one show, he would go to the next one. He didn't know why Lu Li felt very unhappy. This was other people's way of survival. To treat it as entertainment was really annoying. I feel sad and unbalanced. How can this be like this? Is it the difference between people?

However, the return of his unhappiness did not make Lu Li completely lose his mind. After thinking about it, Lu Li quickly thought that maybe the woman was not here to see him, but maybe to see Lu Li's opponent, the one who had the card everywhere. The man who plays mud.

That man had won ten games, so he should be considered an elite. Lu Li had also inquired before, and found out that this woman was indeed searching for talents in this prison and wanted to organize an elite team. Watching everywhere. .

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