I created the Longevity Club

Chapter 225 I must find you! (1 update, thank you everyone!)

Lu Li took the photo.

Look down.

It's black and white, with some yellowing, and it seems to be a photo that's been around for a while.

This was the first thought that came to Lu Li's mind.

Thinking this, Lu Li continued to look at the first photo...

It's a woman.

Very beautiful.

About thirty years old, wearing a simple and elegant black cheongsam...

She has a calm temperament accumulated over time...

Looking at this photo, Lu Li paused slightly, thinking.

Still don't have much impression in my mind.

Standing aside, Kong Yuntao, the old man of the Kong family, who had been staring at this great being since Mr. Lu took the photo, was a little disappointed when he saw this.

Lu Li continued to look at the next few photos.

These photos are all of the woman at different times and in different postures...


Read the newspaper…

Practice calligraphy…

Lu Li looked at it and felt a little fondness in his heart for no reason.

However, he still had no impression of the woman in front of him.

Thinking like this.

Lu Li flipped to the third to last photo.

This photo is no longer one that was kept after the woman turned thirty, but a scene when she was still in her prime...

She was wearing a white and pale pink western dress...

She has fair skin, a delicate face, and a bright, sunny smile on her cheeks!

After seeing this photo, Lu Li no longer had any impression. His eyebrows jumped and he felt familiar...

His men moved faster.

Lu Li flipped to the second to last photo.

This is the back view of a young man.

Lu Li recognized it with just one glance. This was him! Lu Li's brows furrowed and his eyes widened... He continued to flip through and reached the last photo! In the photo, the young man looks back...

The young man was wearing a black satin robe, with round black metal eyes, a gentle face, and a faint smile. He looked towards the camera. ‘Boom! ’ A memory that was too long ago was unearthed from his memory by Lu Li. That was 1926, ninety-six years have passed since today...

, But for Lu Li, this memory is by no means as short as ninety-six years, because during this period, Lu Li lived in 1754 and lived for nearly three hundred years.

Three hundred years have passed, and Lu Li has long since buried this memory, which was inconspicuous even during the Republic of China, deep in the corner of his memory.

Lu Li concentrated and recalled.


‘The Bund in the 15th year of the Republic of China... I walked along the Huangpu River. The summer wind blows…

By the vast Huangpu River, in front of the classical buildings on the Bund... standing with hands tied, looking into the distance...

It was a girl wearing a Western dress, holding a camera from that era in her hand, facing my back, and pressed the shutter button. Feeling the light of the spotlight, I looked back slightly... Another photo was recorded.

Looking at the girl in the distance who was obviously from a big family in Magic City, I smiled.

No intention of talking, just walking. After all, I am a passerby of this era...

Taking two photos in succession made my time once again wasted. ’ Lu Li put away his memories. This paragraph of text was all his memory of the woman in the photo.

To be precise, the focus of the memory is even only in the last paragraph: "The shooting of two consecutive photos made my time once again wasted." "Mr."

"It seems you remembered."

Kong Yuntao's face showed joy and he said in a deep voice.


Lu Li nodded.

"On the back of the last two photos, there is my sister's handwriting."

Kong Yuntao said again.

Lu Li heard the sound and turned the two photos to the back one after another.

First photo.

Juan's delicate words: "Taken on August 25, 1926, by the Bund..." Lu Li nodded, "That's that day." "

Lu Li continued and looked at the back of the second photo.

First line: 'Taken on August 25, 1926, by the Bund...'

This line of text has lighter handwriting.

The second line: 'I don't know his name, where he came from, and where he's going, but I have been thinking about him and remembering him all my life... The only regret I have in my life is that in the summer of 1926, when I met that When I was a boy, I never had the courage to

Courage, talk to him. I thought that I would be able to find him later... But I never thought that this turn would last a lifetime.

'regret! regret! regret! 'These lines of text are written in darker colors and were obviously added a long time ago.

Lu Li read this paragraph, his expression fluctuated, and he was a little silent.

He understood everything...

The era of the Republic of China, an era when old and new ideas alternated, gave birth to a kind of values ​​in women like Kong Man.

That’s what a woman means by ‘dare to love and dare to hate’…

"I see."

"々You go down first."

After a long time, Lu Li raised his head again. There was not much emotion in his expression. He just looked at Kong Yuntao and said plainly.

"These photos..."

"Just stay here..."

Lu Li said again.

"This time, if there is any offense, I hope you will not blame me, sir."

"Yuntao will resign at this point."

Kong Yuntao stood up, bowed to Lu Li, cupped his hands, and spoke one after another.

Kong Yuntao left the study room under Lu Li's watch.

Lu Li leaned on the back of the chair.


In his eyes, the ancient quartz clock vaguely emerged...

He saw the vast river of time and space that stretched across the sky...Looking at that long river.

A thought rose in his mind. Supplement, the ability expanded after Lu Li's remaining lifespan continued to accumulate. In the long river, a few drops of water splashed...

The picture in the first drop of water was exactly ninety-six years ago...Lu Li only saw more scenes that he didn't know at this time.

'The girl in a dress, holding Wang's camera in her hand, pressed the shutter button for a young man by the Huangpu River...''The young man left...Behind him, the girl in a dress stretched out her hand to him, hesitating and hesitant...'It's night again. ''The girl's boudoir... The girl in a dress looked at two developed black and white photos, a happy smile appeared on her delicate face. She picked up a pen and wrote some information on the back of the photo...''For several days, weeks, and months...'The girl would wander around the Huangpu River every day..."'Days passed...'The girl went from her youth to maturity...' Lu Li raised his head slightly and watched a woman grow up.

He saw another scene.

Still in the boudoir.

The woman, who was already thirty years old, supported her chin with one hand, and looked at the two photos with the other hand, mumbling, as if saying: "Where are you..." "I must find you!"

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