I created the Longevity Club

Chapter 246 Professor Tang Zhaorui regains his youth! 2 more chapters, please subscribe or order by

Sitting in the study.

Information about each island was collected in front of Lu Li.

Lu Li concentrated his attention and flipped through the reports one after another.

The people under his command initially screened out thirty-eight islands.

Many of these islands are not marked on maps...

'Island 1: Tahiti' 'Address: 71 degrees 0' north latitude, 110 degrees 0' west longitude, northern part of the North American continent' 'Area: 3800 square kilometers' Lu Li lowered his eyes and looked at the first document in his hand.

very beautiful!

A piece of green, with beaches and oceans...

It covers an area the size of an ordinary prefecture-level city.

Lu Li continued to watch.

‘Island 2: Serre Islands’ ‘Address: The central and western part of the Pacific Ocean. It is the fifth largest secondary archipelago among the Polynesian Islands. The archipelago crosses the Tropic of Cancer in an arc shape and is 1,500 kilometers away from the Hawaiian Islands in a straight line. ''Area: 6890 square kilometers'' This island has the most information and data among the thirty-eight islands.

Judging from the first impression of the island information, Lu Li felt a little moved.

Keep looking down.

This island consists of a total of three main islands, 81 small islands, and reefs and spiers surrounding each island...

There are hundreds of thousands of residents on the island, which has a beautiful environment and is basically undeveloped...

The countries that control this island are mainly Sam Kingdom and China.

After reading the information on the 'Sere Islands', Lu Li flipped through the rest of the information.

Finally, he turned back to Island 2, which is the Ser Islands.

This archipelago, from its geographical location, climate, environment, to the beauty of the islands, is no less than the "Hawaiian Islands" 1,500 kilometers away.

It's just smaller in area and closer to the Asian plate.

"Six thousand eight hundred and ninety square kilometers, which is about one-third larger than Dubai." Lu Li muttered.

He then wrote a proposal: "Establish an island development group, organize a team, and lobby in various countries..." "Club, many members will provide help at the same time." "Be sure to obtain the lease rights of the 'Searle Islands'."

It is basically impossible to buy or sell such an island.

But in the form of 'lease', the island should be stood down first, and after a few years, with the power of the 'Eternal Life Club', this island will no longer matter whether it is a 'lease' or a 'sale'.

This island will become the only city of the ‘Eternal Life Club’ on earth. It will be open to the outside world and even become the most famous travel city and resort in the world. In addition, the only one refers to the only city on the surface of the earth outside the inner world.

Handed the document with his final suggestions to secretary Shen Youchu.

Shen Youchu will convey his orders to the corresponding person in charge, the Human Resources Department, and other departments.

The Human Resources Department will set up a group and pull out a team within a short period of time.

‘Chen Ke’, the head of the headhunting department of the Changsheng Club, will select suitable talents from the talent database and send invitation letters to them.

‘Dong-dong-dong. …dong dong. …. "

Lu Li was reading a book, and soon there was a knock on the door of the room.

The person who was led to Lu Li was Professor Tang Zhaorui. "gentlemen."

Professor Tang Zhaorui looked at Lu Li respectfully and bowed slightly. "What's matter?"

Lu Li asked, and then looked at the black box Tang Zhaorui was holding.

"Sir, you have asked us before if there is a way to control intelligent creatures in the 'Sand Table World'?" Professor Tang Zhaorui said in a deep voice.

After saying this, he handed the 'black box' in his hand to Lu Li. "At that time, the method I gave was through the interference of 'brain waves'." Professor Tang Zhaorui added.

Lu Li looked at the black box in front of him, which was unlocked, and then opened it.

What appeared in front of him was a helmet-like device.

"A few days ago, I accidentally discovered a girl with a special mutation in the miniature city of 'Raccoon City'."

"That girl's brainwaves are extremely powerful, and she can even control the behavior of zombies to a certain extent."

"I tagged this girl and followed her up..."

Professor Tang Zhaorui explained for Lu Li: "Finally, I found Professor Ishiguro and worked with him to develop this device."

"It amplifies the brain waves produced when we think."

"Although the amplified brain waves cannot have any special impact on ordinary humans, after testing, it has been confirmed that they can occupy the bodies of humans with intellectual problems in the 'miniature world' and control their behavior."

"In tests, we determined that this type of manipulation works best if humans are constantly exerting influence from the microcosm in the womb."

Professor Tang Zhaorui kept talking.

Lu Li listened carefully.

He looked at the 'helmet' equipment in the box, and his expression suddenly became more serious.

The birth of this device may be of great significance.

Previously, all researchers' influence on the 'Sand Table World' was very one-sided, and they only added fuel to the flames to make changes.

And if you can personally control the characters in the sandbox world, then you can rely on the energy of an entire laboratory behind the researcher.

The characters they control will quickly rise in the "sandbox world" and move to high positions, thus directly affecting the world!

"This is an important invention!"

Lu Li exclaimed.

"It just opened up a direction, and the equipment will be continuously upgraded in the future."

"Maybe one day, we can directly enter the 'sandbox world' with consciousness and start a second life!"

;8;", Professor Tang Zhaorui said in a deep voice with a ruddy face and burning eyes.

"Professor Tang."

"I promised you before that after you complete the task of the 'Life Project', I will give you..."

Lu Li showed a serious expression, looked at Professor Tang Zhaorui, and said, he paused, and then said the last word word by word: "Fifty years of life!"

Hearing Lu Li's words, Professor Tang Zhaorui's body tensed up, and he clearly felt the stimulation of adrenaline in his body.


"It's time for me to fulfill my promise. "

Lu Li continued.

This is what Lu Li had promised to 'Tang Zhaorui' a long time ago.

The birth of 'Evolutionary Agent β1' marks the initial completion of the life engineering plan.

"Please stick your head over here..." Lu Li said.

Professor Tang Zhaorui looked pious, gently closed his eyes, and leaned his head in front of Lu Li.

Lu Li gently touched Tang Zhaorui's forehead, as if he had moved his timeline forward by 'fifty years' again.

A great, vast scene descended on Professor Tang Zhaorui.

Professor Tang Zhaorui, 105 years old, is rapidly getting younger! The cells in his body are frantically renewing...'Name: Tang Zhaorui' 'Age: 105 years old' 'Remaining life span: 53 years, 10 months, 29 days, 09 hours and 45 minutes'

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