I created the Longevity Club

Chapter 33 New Uses of Abilities! 2nd update, please add to favorites and give flowers

The longevity club moved into the old building on the Fudan campus. In the blink of an eye, several days had already passed.

These days, Lu Li didn't do much, but chose to settle down...

He reads books, ponders deeply, experiments with his abilities, or lists plans for the development of the club.

These three items are his personal long-term program.

For Lu Li, the time in the future will be endless. Walking slowly and unhurriedly in the long river of time is the habit he should gradually develop.

Reckless, fussy, moody, these words would be too low-end if applied to an immortal.

Lying in the garden, under a parasol.

Lu Li took a comfortable sip of orange soda, then raised his head and glanced at Peng Hao, who was standing motionless in the sun.

He retracted his gaze and continued to read in a comfortable posture the book "Guns, Germs, and Steel" written by Jared Diamond in his hand.

The content of this book was very profound and made Lu Li think a lot.

‘Why was it Eurasians who conquered, drove away or killed Indians, Australians and Africans en masse, and not the other way around?

Why did wheat and corn, cattle and pigs, and some of the other amazing crops and livestock of the modern world appear in these particular regions and not others? ’

Lu Li's gaze rested on the last paragraph of the book, spoken by the author.

This sentence goes like this:

“I am optimistic that the study of the history of human societies can be conducted as scientifically as the study of dinosaurs – and at the same time, lead us to understand what shaped the modern world and what is likely to shape the world of the future, thus making us who we are today society benefits from it.”

Lu Li paused and thought about his instructions.

Later, Lu Li began to try to view the entire history of mankind from the perspective of an immortal and imagine the future development of mankind.

! After waiting for a long time, Lu Li sighed and shook his head.

"It's still far from enough..."

In terms of accumulating knowledge, Lu Li is still just an ordinary person, far behind even ordinary teachers and professors.

He closed the book and placed it on the coffee table next to him.

According to his living habits these days, it will be time for Lu Li to deeply explore his 'abilities'.

Recently, Lu Li has been mainly studying the 'time deceleration' which is the least commonly used method since he gained the ability.

Lu Li has an idea, which is to use this ability on different organs and cells in the individual's body...

Is elongating the time of organs equivalent to extending the life span of the human body in disguise?

However, during the research process, Lu Li thought that the biggest problem he would encounter was the chain reactions between various organs.

For example, if the time in the heart is prolonged, the entire flow speed of blood vessels will slow down, causing a series of effects.

If all the organs of the entire human body are slowed down, the speed of thinking will appear to the outside world to be slow.

Lu Li got up from the recliner and returned to the room. He put on a sterilized white coat and gloves and entered a simple laboratory.

In this laboratory, there is the experimental equipment that Lu Li asked to move, the 'Laser Confocal Microscope'.

Place a cell in the process of dividing under a microscope.

Lu Li came to the microscope and observed carefully, and he used his abilities at the same time:

‘Please select a deceleration time. ’


This ability is only used in cells under the microscope.

In Lu Li's eyes, the entire cell division process suddenly slowed down twice, but at the same time, its various cell activities also doubled compared to before.

For some terminally ill patients, even if they buy time and return their physiological state to a year ago, or even more years ago.

Unless enough time is purchased at one time to allow the host to return to a period when he was not sick, he will not die, but the pain he experiences physically is still a supplement to his existence: he will return to the time when he got sick early and be able to Treatment is no longer within the scope of discussion.

Just like Peng Hao today, he is still suffering from the pain caused by leukemia.

Lu Li conducted experiments one after another and kept recording them.

During the experiment, he came up with a new idea, which was to push the chain reaction in a good direction, that is, to use the ability to 'slow down time' on these diseased cells.

Diseased cells are delayed one, two, or even more times...

Then the speed at which it divides and its harmfulness will be reduced exponentially, and at the same time, it will most likely be directly swallowed and rejected by your own immune system.

Lu Li also studied the pathogenesis of leukemia.

After being fully prepared, he called ‘Peng Hao’ and prepared to conduct a clinical trial on him.

"The pathogenesis of leukemia is due to the proliferation and accumulation of clonal leukemia cells in the bone marrow and other hematopoietic tissues due to mechanisms such as uncontrolled proliferation, differentiation disorders, and blocked apoptosis, and infiltrates other non-hematopoietic tissues and organs, while inhibiting normal hematopoietic function... …”

Lu Li adjusted his breathing and gently touched Peng Hao's forehead with one hand.

His mental strength condensed slightly.

His ability to see people's information was transferred to 'Peng Hao'.

'Name: red blood cells'

‘Age: 67 days’

‘Remaining life: 53 days’

‘Name: White Blood Cell’

'Age: 3 days'

‘Remaining life: 11 days’

Among billions of cells, Lu Li located 'clonal leukemia cells'.

A thought arises:

‘Please select a deceleration time. ’

"ten times."

Lu Li whispered.

The limit of time deceleration in the human body is ten times.

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ps: The update is not too slow.

So far, just over six days and one night since the publication of the book, there are already thirty-three chapters!

Thank you for your support!

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