I created the Longevity Club

Chapter 343 Emperor Sui learns martial arts! Please order the whole set or customize it

Ancient times.

4353 BC.

In a time domain a hundred times longer, Lu Li traveled through the ancient Suiming Kingdom. His eyes swept over the ancients...

They made clothing from animal skins and leaves, and had relatively fine stone axes, stone knives, and some bone tools in their hands... In terms of architecture, primitive wooden buildings have begun to appear. Lu Li stopped and stopped. His figure could be seen briefly...but then, Lu Li's figure blurred and disappeared.

In the center of the tribe, there was the largest wooden structure building. Outside the door of the building, on both sides, there were blazing torches... Lu Li stepped onto the building and heard a 'crunching' sound under his feet!

"Use piles as the foundation. After the piles are firmly set, large and small keels are erected on top to support the floor slabs and form a building base with a certain space." Lu Li looked at the building and stood in front of the door with his hand. He touched the wood and whispered.

He 03 stretched out his hand and pushed the wooden door open.

The figure disappeared instantly and appeared in front of the 'bed' in the building...

On the 'bed', the old Sui Emperor was dying.

It was recorded in the later Chronology of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors that Suiren reigned for 110 years. This data is not accurate, but it should not be too far off. Under Lu Li's gaze, the data of Emperor Sui, the ancestor of civilization and the one who exorcised darkness for mankind, were: "Name: Feng Yunnu/Suiren." Age: 108 years old. "Remaining life span: 1 day, 02 hours, 20 minutes, and 23 seconds . 'Suiren's lifespan during this period can be called a miracle...

Lu Li looked at Sui Huang. Although he was old, no one dared to underestimate him. Every time he breathed in, a heavy temperament flowed out.

With a thought, Lu Li spread the time domain around Suiren's body.

At this moment.

A second ago, Suiren's eyes, which were closed and sleepy, suddenly opened!

A pair of eyes, as if they were real, looked at Lu Li!

The atmosphere was silent.

Suiren looked at Lu Li!

This is a young man with fair skin that can be broken by a blow, but he is covered in the fur of a ferocious beast...

He is thin and has slender arms and thighs...

The young man did not meet his taste, but he did not dare to let down his caution because of the young man's seeming weakness.

The intuition he had cultivated over hundreds of years of fighting against the natural world allowed Suiren to face the mysterious young man in front of him. His scalp exploded and his body tensed up uncontrollably, as if he was facing the mysterious young man. The most feared beast.

"Who are you?"

Suiren's voice was low, and the pronunciation of the words sounded a bit strange to Lu Li.


Lu Li also used another pronunciation.

The 'Lu' he said this time was not the traditional or simplified Chinese character Lu of later generations, but more like an ancient hieroglyph or ideographic character.

It is a pattern, the left side represents a high meaning, and the right side represents earth but no stone.

Just by looking at the pattern, you can understand that this is a big earth mountain, land...

Such an ancient 'hieroglyph' is the ancient surname Lu Li prepared for himself. From then on, this series of characters can be traced back to the modern simplified character 'Lu'.

"I am the god of time."

Lu Li said in a deep voice with a majestic voice.

Inside the old, original room…

Changes in voice and color…

From the greatest secret in human history, unknown to everyone...

Two days later.

The ancient primitive clan, the leader of the Sui people tribe, and the Sui Emperor died!

The whole clan was crying...

In the night, long torches burned blazingly, connected end to end, creating a vast scene. The fire lit up the night sky, like a long dragon!

far away.

Lu Li, who was wearing tiger skin, stood side by side with Suiren, who was clad in an unknown gray animal skin and had regained his youth. He was burly and had a majestic temperament.

They stood at a high place and looked at the crowd attending the funeral of the 'Sui Emperor'!

Lu Li's pupils reflected the light of fire...

Something moved him in his heart...

In this ancient era, the ancestors lived on this land and changed the world!


"Believe in your juniors."

"Although they have lost your protection, they have inherited your spirit. They can rely on their own strength and the strength of the group to gain a foothold on this land..."

"I believe that after many years!"

“Their descendants’ descendants will still exist and build a more glorious civilization!”

Lu Li said in a deep voice.

Lu Li and Suirenshi disappeared into the night.

The two of them walked on this ancient prehistoric land.

Lu Li occasionally met ancient people who were dying, and gave them youth... He only restored youth, but did not grant immortality.

All the way.

Lu Li and Suiren's team grew from two people to dozens of people.

Day and night.

Lu Li taught the Suiren clan, as well as dozens of ancient people who had regained their youth, the 'martial arts'!

Fight with the nature of heaven and earth, and fight with wild beasts!

I don’t know whether it’s because ‘martial arts’ are more adaptable to this environment, or because ‘ancient people’ are more qualified to practice martial arts...

The Suiren clan, as well as many ancient people, have made rapid progress in martial arts!

Lu Li's destination is 140 from Suiming Kingdom to the modern Shennongjia in Northern Province.

From the end of the Indosinian Movement to the beginning of the Yanshan Movement, Shennongjia experienced strong folding and large-area tilting, laying the foundation for the geomorphological framework of the region.

The cold and warm climate changes in the Quaternary Period have left glacial landforms in some areas, making the landforms in the area complex and diverse.

Its area is vast, its resources are rich, and it is uninhabited. Even until today, more than 6,000 years later, there is still a very large area that has not been explored.


Lu Li plans to open up the secret base of the ‘Eternal Life Club’ in ancient times in ‘Shennongjia’.

He wants to create a paradise, another civilization in Shennongjia!

The members of the ‘Space-Time Protection Committee’ will reproduce, be born, and practice martial arts in the secret base of ‘Shennongjia’, and enter the world and monitor the world under strict rules!

Thousands of miles of long journey.

When they arrived at Shennongjia.

The team behind Lu Li has reached hundreds of people, with a similar number of men and women, and everyone practices martial arts...


"Is this the place?"

Emperor Sui, Feng Yunruo stood beside Lu Li, looking at the magnificent natural scene in the distance, and asked. "Yes."

Lu Li smiled brightly and nodded. .

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