I created the Longevity Club

Chapter 350 It turns out that... God's skin is yellow! Please order all or customize

AD 33.

Passover eve.

Lu Li was wearing a black robe and walking in the center of faith, the holy city of Jerusalem.

At the beginning of this historical era, although Lu Li did not start to investigate, he could still detect a surging undercurrent.

Because this year is an extremely critical node in history.

The forces of the Yin tribe are also watching this scene closely, ready to intervene at any time!

Lu Li walked to a simple brick and stone building.

He stopped, raised his head, and stared at the dark corridor.

When a thought arises, the time domain spreads a hundred times.

Lu Li paced, and his figure disappeared instantly. He was walking in the corridor...

In an instant, he stepped into a hall covered with red blankets!

In the center of this hall, there was a long table covered with white cloth, and thirteen people were sitting in front of the table!

?;8.?: They are the Savior Jesus and the twelve disciples of Jesus!

This scene, in history, is called the ‘Last Supper’.

Lu Li stopped at the stairs on the second floor and looked toward the center.

The table is filled with snacks...

At this time, Jesus took the bread, gave thanks, broke it, and gave it to the disciples, saying, "This is my body which is given for you. 140 You also must do this. It’s to commemorate me.”

Dinner lasts…

After the meal, Jesus took the cup again, looked at the twelve disciples at the table, and said, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you."

Lu Li lowered his head and continued to watch.

At this time, Jesus put down the cup in his hand, and there was a trace of sadness in his expression. He said in a deep voice: "I tell you the truth, one of you is going to betray me!"

After he finished speaking, the 12 disciples were either shocked, angry, excited, or nervous.

In a panic, Judas knocked over the salt shaker with his elbow and leaned back, his face full of fear and anxiety.

The corners of Lu Li's lips raised slightly, revealing a smile.

This scene is that of his friend Da in later generations. The scene that Finch imagined based on the description of the Bible.


The door was kicked open with a bang, and the chief priest rushed into the hall with his people.

Jesus was caught.

The storm is gathering and the wind is rising!

Lu Li's black and white eyes looked at the chaotic scene downstairs...

He paced and left here.

In the early days of this AD, time passed crazily.

On the outskirts of Jerusalem, Golgotha.

Pontius, governor of Judea in the Roman Empire. Pilate appeared, his eyes ferocious and crazy...

His subordinates were dragging Jesus along!

A huge cross was set up!

The followers of Jesus were confused and frightened…

Governor Pontius. Pilate raised his hands and issued the command: "Kill him!"

Lu Li was watching all this from a hidden corner.

He hasn't taken action yet...

He wanted to wait and see if Jesus would eventually be resurrected.

Lu Li looked at the data above Jesus' head: 'Name: Jesus. "

‘Age: 33 years old. ''Remaining life: 23 minutes and 12 seconds. ’ Lu Li frowned.


Jesus was tied to a cold cross.

The soldiers in armor picked up the spikes and pierced Jesus' body, causing bright red blood to flow out.

Along with his body, the long nails were nailed into the cross!

The soldier looked expressionless and raised his spear high.

Two spears penetrated Jesus' body and came out from both sides!

Governor Pontius. Pilate grinned ferociously. "The Bible says that Jesus was resurrected three days after his death." Lu Li whispered.

He then looked at the data above Jesus’ head: ‘Name: Jesus. ''Age: 33 years old. ''Remaining life: 12 minutes and 9 seconds.


A man in black robe walked up to Lu Li and shouted respectfully.

"How about it?"

Lu Li glanced at him and asked.

The man in black robe whispered in Lu Li's ear. "Go down..." Lu Li waved his hand. Lu Li shook his head...

He asked people from the Yin tribe to investigate the forces in this torrent. According to the investigation, Lu Li may know why there is such a record. A figure with a similar body shape and appearance to Jesus was secretly brought to Jerusalem... Do you want to use this to truly push the dead Jesus into a god?

"In that case, I will make this legend...come true!" Lu Li smiled brightly.

As soon as he thought, a hundred times the time domain spread instantly, covering him and the dying 'Jesus' on the cross! The blood of Jesus crucified on the 'cross' flows, and his vitality continues to dissipate... in the haze!

Jesus felt a sudden silence in his ears!

With his blurred eyes, he saw the world that seemed to be still...at this moment!

In the crowd, a figure walked out...

The figure raised its head, revealing its head, black hair, yellow skin, and handsome face...

"God has finally come to earth."

"It turns out that God's skin is yellow, the color of the earth!"

Jesus whispered.

"Jesus, you died on this cross for the sins of all mankind."

"I'm here to pick you up and grant you eternal life..."

Lu Li walked to the cross, looked at Jesus, and said in a deep voice.

The life force given to Jesus by Lu Li did not bloom directly.

Jesus' body was hastily buried by his disciples.

Three days later…

Bloody and then clothed Jesus suddenly opened his eyes!

Jesus stretched out his hand and climbed out of the tomb...

Jesus is resurrected!

He reappeared in front of all the disciples...

He prayed for the believers again...

The disciple Thomas knelt in front of Jesus.

Jesus looked at him with a gentle look and said, "Put your finger here, and see my hands; put your hand into my side. Do not doubt, but believe!"

Thomas said, "My Lord, my God!" Jesus said to him, "You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe!"

Jerusalem, the surging undercurrent, the organization that was originally preparing to launch the "fake Jesus", was silent, shocked, and terrified.

Forty days later.

Jesus told his disciples and believers that he would ascend to heaven.

Lu Li stood outside the crowd, and a thought arose, and a hundred times the time domain spread to Jesus.

"Let's go."

Lu Li said gently.

Jesus looked pious...

He followed Lu Li...

In the eyes of countless believers and disciples, the disappeared Jesus, that is, their God...ascended to heaven! .

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