I created the Longevity Club

Chapter 410 Open! Community of Shared Future for Mankind! Request full order, custom order)

"I'm glad you're still with me." "Tell the truth."

"In the past few days, as the investigation deepened, I was numb and desperate..."

"But, as the email we saw said, please take the fate of mankind into your own hands!" Shencheng, single apartment.

K's eyes were full of bloodshot, and his mental state was very poor. It was obvious that he hadn't rested for a long time.

Before he was about to make a final summary of the terrible information, he said the above words.

"First of all, 'Scorpion', 'Bauhinia', 'Gigabyte', 'Wonder Boy'... Information about organizations hidden under society collected from various governments." K looked at the information in his hand and reported.

"This organization has different names in different periods of history." "In our era, it is called the 'Eternal Life Club'."

"The real top rich people and powerful people around the world have the opportunity to enter the 'Eternal Life Club' and can buy life from the club owner with astronomical amounts of money." "So, in theory, as long as you have enough money and enough contribution, you can live forever." K said in a deep voice.

"Next, I will report the speculation of various governments about the owner of the 'Eternal Life Club'." K turned the information in his hand to a new page and said.

Medical school, old building, study.

Lu Li looked at the Internet meeting on the screen and heard K's hoarse and low voice. The smile on his face never stopped.

At this time, K continued.

"We will use A to replace this master."

"Governments of various countries have successively investigated the traces left by A at that time node in different historical periods. This time can be traced back to 4,000 BC, which means that A has walked throughout the entire length of human history." "Where A came from and what His purpose is, we don't know, but it does not rule out that the government knows."

"As mentioned before, A walked in various historical periods."

"Next, I want to say that A has also granted immortality to the top human elites of that era in different historical periods. These people are the members of the Immortality Club." "I got a list from the confidential file library of the Celestial Empire government."

"This list records the membership of some members of the Immortality Club. Now, I will report them one by one."

K's tone became heavier.

Medical School, Old Building, Study.

"This list is one of the documents I replaced after following K into a confidential file library in the Celestial Empire."

Morris heard and said with a smile.

Lu Li nodded.

"The first one, his name is Zhang Jian, born in 1853, and he was the top scholar in the late Qing Dynasty. He faked his death in 1926 and went to Malaysia..."

"The second one..."

K panted heavily, as if he was shocked by the names on the list.

He paused for a long time before saying word by word: "Nikola Tesla!"

"Born in 1856, his nationality is Austro-Hungarian Empire...Nikola Tesla is regarded as the closest existence to God among humans!"

"He is the pinnacle of human wisdom!"

K's words silenced the members of various countries through this Internet conference.

"The third one, Faraday..."

"The fourth one, George Simon Ohm..."

"The fifth one, Mendeleev..."

"The eighth one, Isaac Newton..."

"The ninth one, Galileo Galilei..."

"The twenty-third one, Jesus the Savior..."

"The twenty-fourth one, Sakyamuni, Gautama Siddhartha..."

"The twenty-fifth one, Laozi, Li Er..."

The list in K's hand ends at the thirty-fifth one.

Each of the people he mentioned is of great importance to human civilization.

Some of them can even be called gods!

The last three people are the ancestors and sources of most human beliefs in the world!

The meeting was stagnant for a long time before it continued.

Time passed bit by bit.

After the information was summarized.

The hacker organization 'Anonymous' began to formulate public plans and steps.

They are no longer afraid, and they are meticulous about every time point and every piece of revealed text information... They are determined to die!

"The final preparation time is five days from now, which is exactly 120 hours!" "At this moment after 120 hours, we will tell all mankind everything!" "We firmly believe that all mankind should have the right to know!" Before the meeting was about to end. K said solemnly and solemnly.

"Let all mankind fight against God together!"

"We can't leave the fate of mankind to that unknown small group of people!" "Humanity will eventually win!" K's voice was fanatical and inflammatory. "Everyone." "Goodbye!" The meeting ended.

The screen in front of Lu Li also turned black. 'Pah pah pah! ' Hearing K's declaration.

Lu Li couldn't help but applaud him. "Okay."

"Now we all know."

"These little guys will make our Changsheng Club's information public to the world at this moment after 72 hours." Lu Li smiled and looked at Shen Youchu and Morris, saying with some ridicule.

In the study.

Lu Li stood up.

:8. He walked to the window and looked out at the tranquil scene at the horizon.

Secretary Shen Youchu and Morris were all looking at Lu Li's back.

Lu Li's mouth gradually lifted up, and he seemed to be asking the two people behind him meaningfully, and seemed to be asking himself: "You said..."

"After these little guys announced the information of 'God'."

"Will the people of the world really stand with them as they expected, and jointly resist and defeat the gods?" "Community of human destiny?"

Lu Li narrowed his eyes, and also had some expectations about how the human reaction would be. .

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