I created the Longevity Club

Chapter 423: Employee Level 100! (Request full order, custom order

..8,;' Tuesday.

The weather is fine.

The temperature is 26 degrees, and it is a sunny day.

Lu Li walked between the buildings of this huge city.

The order has been restored to the past. There are cars and people on the road. Office workers in the office buildings continue to work like ants.

In this national metropolis, the cost of every day is on everyone's shoulders. They cannot stop, cannot stop, and cannot be eliminated.

Lu Li stood at the intersection, looking at the traffic passing by in front of him, and looking at the red and green alternating direction lights.

Once upon a time.

He ran desperately in this city, unable to breathe.

And now.

He has stepped on this city.

Lu Li looked further away. There, outside a large commercial complex, the LED screen was playing the spokesperson of the Tianchao District of the Changsheng Club, Tao Manying.

"It's an honor to be the image spokesperson of the Tianchao region of the Changsheng Club..."

03"The Changsheng Club is a peace-loving large organization whose main purpose is to promote the improvement of human civilization and improve the earth's ecological environment..."

Tao Manying's voice was transmitted.

After the speech.

The image spokespersons selected by the Changsheng Club in various countries announced the news on their respective official platforms at the same time.


Similar advertisements began to be invested in dozens of countries around the world.

And "peace-loving" and "promoting the improvement of human civilization" are the two major themes of the Changsheng Club's global promotion in this round.

Just then.

An ordinary black Mercedes-Benz S500 slowly stopped in front of Lu Li.

Secretary Shen Youchu walked out of the car and opened the door for Lu Li.

Lu Li leaned over and got into the car.

Shen Youchu handed two documents to Lu Li.

The first document, that is, the destination of their trip, the satellite launch command room of the "Shencheng Dragon King Weather System".

Since the last time Lu Li sent the staff of the Changsheng Club to cooperate with the Shencheng officials to develop and operate this system, all preparations have been implemented one after another.

Lu Li flipped through the documents.

He closed the documents and then opened the second document.

This document is mainly related to the structure of the ‘Changsheng Club Global Group’.

The emergence of the ‘Changsheng Club Global Group’ is a miracle in the history of human civilization.

Since its birth, the scale and volume of this group have directly surpassed the economic volume of countries in the world. At present, it is the fourth largest economy in the world, only after Sam, the Celestial Empire, and Fuso.

For this second document, Lu Li looked at it much more seriously.

Under this giant group, subsidiaries have been established one after another. Among them, the previously established ‘Yiteng Investment Co., Ltd., Tiansui Biopharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Tianwei Security Company, Superconducting Group, No. 01 World Biological Co., Ltd., and Sel Islands Development Group’ have become the pillars of the group.

Lu Li turned the pages.

He saw the employee level division of the ‘Global Group of the Immortality Club’ proposed by Du Weiwei and others.

After the group really starts recruiting globally.

The number of members will be tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands.

With such a scale, internal employees must be clearly graded, forming a pyramid-like shape.

The employee level of the ‘Global Group of the Immortality Club’ is set at ‘level 100’.

‘Level 100: Group Chief Executive Officer’ ‘Level 80: Continental Executive Officer’ ‘Level 60: Executive Officers of the Celestial Empire, the United States, the Sun Never Sets, France, and the Bear Country’ ‘Level 40: General Country Chief Executive Officers can start to contact the Immortality Club and have the qualifications to exchange lifespans’ ‘Level 20: Senior Members’ ‘Level 10: Senior Members’ The higher the level, the greater the resources that can be mobilized.

If the staff level reaches level 100, in terms of the influence of authority, it may not be weaker than any of the helmsmen of the five major countries.

In addition.

Core staff members of the Changsheng Club, such as Peng Hao, Professor Tang Zhaorui, Tan Yanyu, and Morris, are equivalent to level 100 staff in terms of status, and their actual status is even higher.


"You can try to implement it, and pay attention to make adjustments based on the implementation situation."

Lu Li took out a pen, signed his name on the document, and then wrote down his opinions.

"We're here, sir."

As soon as he closed the document, Shen Youchu's voice sounded in Lu Li's ears.

The car drove into a research institute.

Stopped in front of the main building.

Outside the research institute, there were researchers in white coats and administrative staff in suits.

They waited outside the car nervously. "Mr. Lu!" "Mr. Lu!" "Mr. Lu!" After Lu Li got out of the car, everyone saluted and called respectfully.

They didn't know much about this existence, but just a little information made everyone terrified.

Lu Li swept his eyes over everyone, nodded, and then retracted his gaze.

He walked into the main building surrounded by people.

In the core laboratory of the main building.

In front of him was a huge screen, and inside the laboratory were computers and researchers.

"Let's get started."

Lu Li sat on a chair, and everyone around him stood. He looked at the screen in front of him and said in a deep voice.

The person in charge of the institute was an official administrator named Wang Ren.

He responded respectfully, and then quickly gave orders.

On the screen in front, scenes from the satellite launch base appeared...

Around Shanghai, at different locations, there were also launch equipments that began to be debugged! "Point 1 has been confirmed!" "Point 2 has been confirmed!" "Point 3 has been confirmed!"

"Points 123 have been confirmed!"

A solemn voice kept ringing in the intercom.

Wang Ren heard the report, walked to the side, called the leader who was paying attention, and reported the situation. He put down his phone and solemnly issued an order: "Launch!"

Outside the institute.

In Shanghai, news reports about the 'Shanghai Dragon King Weather System' are being carried out.

"The 'Dragon King Weather System' is a high-end weather influencing system jointly developed by our country and the 'Eternal Life Club Global Group'..." "We will use Shanghai as the first pilot of the system."

"The success of the 'Dragon King Weather System' will mark that humans have truly taken the ability to control weather changes from the hands of the Dragon King..." Outside the TV, countless viewers were stunned by the content of the news report. .

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