I created the Longevity Club

Chapter 528 Gods’s Trip to the Celestial Empire

GODS wandered around the nearby streets for a long time, and finally found a train station with a lot of traffic nearby. She found an old lady walking around with a sign in the square.

When she approached, she wanted to communicate in the Chinese language she was proud of.

The old lady spoke first: "Girl, you are so tanned, you must be the boss of a company, right?"

"Do you need an invoice for me? A very formal invoice!"

Suddenly, the old lady smelled the cheap perfume coming from GODS, frowned slightly, and looked at the black girl carefully, her eyes suddenly looked a little surprised.

"It turned out to be a black ghost, just ignore what I said."

The old lady wanted to walk away disappointedly.

GODS had taken a serious Chinese course after all, so when she was still in China, she kept eating various Chinese dishes and learning Chinese culture.

Now she planned to use what she had learned all her life to communicate with the old lady, but she found that the old lady was full of disappointment and disgust.

GODS:? ? ?

What's this expression? Do you think I'm rude for not speaking?

She subconsciously took out the latest iPhone, the SIM card of which had been removed to avoid being tracked by 03 people.

She held the phone and gestured to the aunt, her eyes thinking about how to form a normal sentence order: "Hello, I... am... uh, I... want to buy one."

How do you say mobile phone card in Chinese?

"Shut up!"

Just when GODS racked her brains and wanted to say a complete sentence, she suddenly saw the aunt in front of her with a look of disgust.

Is it because I didn't understand that the aunt was angry?

GODS was a little nervous. She suffered from severe social phobia and was afraid to talk to others face to face. However, swimming in the ocean of code, there was no such taboo.

Because no one knew each other, and there was no need to talk face to face.

You can communicate by typing a few codes in your hand.

Over time, her social phobia became more and more serious.

"Looking at your clothes, you should be a young and pretty girl. How could you fall to the level of cheating?"

The auntie was full of disgust: "We Chinese are not so easy to cheat. You are using this trick from the last century to fool me. Do you think I am an old man who is easy to bully?!"

"This is China, not Africa!"

In the auntie's impression, black people only exist in Africa.

After saying that, she saw that GODS was a little confused, and immediately spat. After a sound of "Puh", she glared at GODS and said viciously: "I advise you not to play this trick again, or I will call the police!"

After the voice fell, the auntie took the sign and left. Before leaving, she was still muttering: "Why do all the black people come to us? Haven't they been wandering in the south all the time?"

"You still want to use a mobile phone model to deceive me. Do you really think that you don't have the ability to distinguish when you are old?"

GODS stood there, a little confused. Why does the guide say that Chinese people are very friendly to foreigners?

Recalling the aunt's vicious expression, it doesn't look like a friendly expression at all? !

Discrimination! It must be discrimination!

GODS was a little angry. It was fine to be discriminated against secretly in the United States, but when she went abroad, someone still discriminated against her!

Damn it, it's really too damned!

"I obviously want to buy a mobile phone card, how can I say I sell mobile phones?" GODS thought about it and immediately became distressed: "Did I use the wrong grammar?"

Just when GODS was distressed and confused, an old man with bald hair suddenly came over quietly and said, "Hey, ha... what was ha, hello!" "Boss, do you want a mobile phone card? They are all out-of-print cards! They are not sold outside!"

The old man said quietly, but when he saw GODS's confused look, he thought she didn't understand, so he scratched his ears and then gestured in the air. "Mobile phone card!"

In order to sell it, the old man also fought hard.

GODS looked up at the old man, a little confused. She seemed to hear something about a mobile phone card. The next second, she saw the old man take out a mobile phone card box from his bag and gestured to GODS.

"SIM! SubscriberldentityModule!"

GODS's eyes lit up. Is this the mobile phone card that cannot be tracked as mentioned in the hacker's guide? "Hey, yes, yes, what is Sasspo~"

The old man kept nodding. Although he didn't understand, he knew how to read people's expressions! The black boss's face was full of desire for mobile phone cards! "How much...how much?"

She tried hard to recall the Chinese she had learned and extracted the words she needed from it, but she felt something was wrong, so she took out a Xinhua dictionary that compared Chinese and English from the backpack behind her.

This was prepared to prevent her from being unfamiliar with some Chinese when calling the "Eye of Immortality". "30 yuan."

The old man gestured, and fearing that the boss would think it was expensive, he explained again: "Boss, the cards I have on hand are relatively cheap in normal size." "You have a fruit machine, so you need to use the smallest card. We don't have many of these smallest cards, and the process is very complicated, so it's more expensive." The old man talked nonsense here, and in the end he believed it himself.

Is it easy for me to make money!

After that, he saw a 50-dollar bill floating in front of him, and his eyes lit up immediately. This is a dollar!

He reached out and took the 50-dollar bill directly, and threw the mobile phone card in his hand into GODS's hand at a lightning speed.

?8, and then turned around and ran away. That speed was probably the speed of a 100-meter sprint. "?"

GODS held a Xinhua dictionary in his hand and a mobile phone card. He stood there and looked in the direction where the old man ran away, his eyes gradually becoming confused.

Is this the old man and old woman who are friendly to foreigners as mentioned in the guide?

But can you explain why the old man took my money and ran away without giving me change?

If he can find the hacker who wrote the guide, GODS must beat this guy up. It was a good guide, but you actually teamed up with the Chinese people to bully us tourists who came to China? !

Without thinking too much, GODS didn't care about not being able to find change. He has made a lot of money by constantly cracking some systems over the years.

Moreover, there are hacker competitions every year, with prize money of hundreds of thousands of dollars. If you get second or third place, you can also get hundreds of thousands.

So, she is not short of money. At first, she thought that the uncle only accepted RMB.

The most important thing is that she finally bought a mobile phone card, and she can also connect to the "Eye of Immortality".

She opened the outer packaging of the mobile phone card and took out a mobile phone card of five or six centimeters long and wide. She turned it over several times in her hand and found that it was no different from a normal mobile phone card.

Is this the mobile phone card mentioned in the guide? .

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