I created the Longevity Club

Chapter 79 Experimental success · Dimension of time! 3 more updates, please subscribe or customize)

In the laboratory, Lu Li stared at the small square of 10 cm by 10 cm drawn with a black pen on the grid paper.

The passage of time at that moment was so terrible that even though Lu Li was in his current state of mind, he still had not recovered after such a long time.

He did not continue the experiment, but he also had no intention of giving up the experiment.

Instead, he began to summarize, think, and reason about the reasons why things developed to this point.

I took out a notebook and put it in front of me...

Take off your gloves, pick up the pen...

Lu Li started sorting out his understanding of the ability and concluded: "I call this ability 'time controller/rule breaker'. How to obtain it will not be explored for the time being..."

"Now, I am going to conduct the third in-depth review of abilities. Superficial research will be conducted all the time."

"The first is time. In human definition, time is one of the seven basic physical quantities in physics. In the International System of Units, the basic unit of time is 'second'..."

Lu Li was holding the pen. In his hand, every word was written one stroke at a time, very clearly.

In every process that Lu Li records in words, the most important thing is not the words, but the re-exploration of ideas during the recording process.

"Regarding 'second', I remember that it was defined in a deeper way at last year's International Conference on Metrology 060, that is, the transition between two hyperfine energy levels of the undisturbed cesium-133 atomic ground state corresponds to radiation. The duration of 9,192,631,770 cycles…”

As Lu Li wrote this, his writing suddenly stopped heavily.

There are constant collisions in my mind, and new developments of 'time' abilities emerge.

Lu Li had a hunch that the implementation of 'time stilling' might be hidden in this sentence.

However, 'time stands still' was not the 'topic' that Lu Li explored this time. He only left a mark in his notebook to reopen the topic when the time was right, and then continued to push forward his ideas.

"Time expresses the process of arrangement of birth and death of objects. 'Time' is simply called 'time'."

Lu Li wrote.

The above is about time and human exploration at the physical and scientific levels.

Lu Li basically agreed.

Below, Lu Li has some more knowledge about 'time' at the 'non-scientific' level, that is, at the 'destiny' level.

"Exploring the 'remaining life span' of human beings..."

adae "This is a kind of 'record book' that records the life and death trajectories of all living beings. I use the legendary 'Book of Life and Death' to define it."

Lu Li wrote.

"When the life time returns to zero, the host's life will die. The cause of this death may be from 'unexpected accidents', 'death from illness', 'death from old age', 'suicide in a subjective sense'... Encountering an accident , jumping off buildings, and killing people are also because time returns to zero, and there is a causal relationship before time returns to zero."

"In life, all starting points and ending points are recorded..." "This is inextricably linked to the theory of 'fate' in religious doctrine." "Ancient religion may also What could I have seen?" Lu Li looked serious and wrote word by word, "Then, I am the only variable in this world."

"I am not bound by the 'remaining life span'. I am free from it. I can use my will to increase other people's 'unexpected accidents', thereby causing their 'time to zero' in advance." "Of course...through the 'contract, For accidents outside the contract, I cannot obtain their time. This is a rule."

Lu Li was alone in the laboratory, constantly exploring.

He has long since determined that the ability he has acquired also has constant 'rules'... Under these 'rules', he can utilize and develop it to the maximum extent.

Lu Li suddenly stopped writing, his eyes a little lost. He raised his head and looked into the sky in front of him: "Rules..."

;8, "Everything in this world, everything, has its own trajectory, and everyone must abide by the rules of heaven!" At the moment when he said these words.

All the clues were compiled in Lu Li's mind! "I know the reason." Lu Li said solemnly.

Lu Li stopped sorting through his notes.

He got up and found several wooden sticks of equal length and width from the laboratory.

Build it into a hollow cube with a length, height and width of 10 cm.

Then, put the stopwatch inside the cube.

Lu Li took a deep breath, then concentrated, and thought: "Please choose to double the speed." "5 times." "

This time, Lu Li gave a lower multiple. In his mind, he more completely followed the three-dimensional box in front of him and conceived the small three-dimensional space in front of him, and then attached the time domain to the marginal space body. superior.

In Lu Li's eyes, the stopwatch seemed to be broken and started to increase the number of seconds at 5 times the speed.

At the same time, Lu Li focused more on the reduction of his own 'remaining life span'.

After a while…

Lu Li's face showed joy...

This time, the time that belonged to him was decreasing at an acceptable rate, about 10 times the time. In other words, the time flow rate in the cube was 5 seconds, and Lu Li's own loss was 50 seconds. "Time acceleration can be fixed..."

Lu Li collected the time in the cube, and recorded the experimental data and insights.

"The time I first expected was fixed, only within the 'square frame' of that plane, but time is three-dimensional, or even four-dimensional..."

"So, the area designated in my first experiment is not just that square, but a three-dimensional space with infinite area above and below, framed by a 10 cm x 10 cm wide square, with no boundaries!" "Fortunately, I took back the time in the first moment, otherwise, waiting for time to spread endlessly to the distance, the speed of time passing will increase exponentially!" "I can't survive the expected 30 seconds, and I will die of old age because of my lifespan..." Lu Li wrote word by word in his notebook.

The second 'topic', solidifying time, building a time house, success!

ps: Thank you all for your support!

The content of this chapter has a lot of philosophical and religious exploration significance. .

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