I created the Longevity Club

Chapter 881 Extremely Profound

Lu Li had no other options. These things were clearly tortured by Master Gu, but he still sat there and studied hard. With that catalog, he could quickly find what he wanted to use, such as the general outline of the method of refining medicine, which was also very necessary.

The alchemist used his own spiritual power to refine the various medicinal powers in all the fairy herbs and medicines around him, condensing them into the ultimate true essence, so that after people took them, their skills would be doubled and their injuries and pains would be relieved.

This thing looked really magical, but in fact, as long as he understood the great way, Lu Li had a feeling that he seemed to be able to master these complicated things, as long as he put his heart into it.

So Lu Li looked at these countless classics, and there were many complicated things on them.

The more he looked at these things, the more strange Lu Li felt.

Many of the things recorded above were actually too complicated. It was obviously a simple thing, but it seemed to be extremely profound.

The herbs were divided into yin and yang attributes. In the changes of yin and yang, only by harmonizing with each other can the effect of the herbs be magical, but if you think about it carefully, many things seem to be completely wrong.

Since there are many kinds of immortal herbs and ganoderma lucidum in the medicine furnace, he can constantly explore the mysteries here, so when he saw these classics, he also searched around and read more and more carefully.

In the end, he found that many of the records above were also very detailed, but it seemed not so real when he really held the herbs in his hands.

In this way, Lu Li studied selflessly. For a whole day, he spent all his time in countless classics. Of course, he did not memorize everything, but just felt the body to understand.

When Master Gu came back, Lu Li failed the test as expected. Even Master Gu asked a lot of things, Lu Li didn't see or hear them at all.

:8,, Those were some strange herbs, but he still wrote them down secretly, and then Master Gu scolded him.

Then, Gu Ling was asked to explain the magic of all the herbs. Gu Ling explained everything, and he knew clearly where each herb came from and what its medicinal properties were. He even wrote some alchemy recipes himself, and all kinds of combinations were even effective.

This time, Lu Li felt that the alchemist had a wide range of knowledge, which was definitely not something he could understand just by wanting to. If he really wanted to distinguish carefully, he might not be able to get started even after ten or twenty years.

At Master Gu's age, he couldn't even make some prescriptions, but the pills he made were extremely effective.

The path of alchemy, like martial arts practice, has no end.

This time, Lu Li admired him sincerely. Master Gu scolded him and ordered Lu Li to fully understand everything within a week.

In this way, Lu Li had more time. He spent the whole day in the medicine house, studying countless classics.

However, he still couldn't concentrate on it. He didn't know what these things were really good for, and he didn't understand the things written in the book.

He just looked for various herbs here, simply wrote down the names, and then went to the medicine furnace to search and touch countless herbs.

Every time he touched a herb, he recorded the properties of the herb in his own way. Over time, he had his own records of all the herbs here.

He couldn't describe these things with the various information recorded in bits and pieces, but after some thinking, Lu Li simply gave up recording. These stereotyped descriptions were directly thrown into the medicine furnace. He touched every leaf and every herb in his hand, absorbed the medicinal power, and felt all the mysteries in it.

In this way, everything in the medicine furnace was almost completely absorbed by him. He used this extremely mysterious absorption power. All the medicines were sent westward into his body, and then refined in his body. His body was like a medicine furnace.

Just after finishing all this, Lu Li looked at the previous afternoon, he had used up all the herbs in the kiln, and those medicine heads had turned into dead branches and leaves.

Although the extremely rare medicine was not placed here, it seemed that Master Gu would be furious. While Master Gu had not come back yet, Lu Li tiptoed to escape.

When he was walking to the door, he suddenly heard sobbing outside.

Listening carefully, it turned out that his senior brother Gu Ling was crying outside at this time.

Lu Li couldn't help but belittle him in his heart. It was ridiculous that a grown man was standing outside crying. 0...Please give flowers 0...

Lu Li pushed the door open directly, wanting to laugh at him and kill this guy's arrogance. Unexpectedly, when he went out, Gu Ling just stopped sobbing and pushed the door in, and the two of them bumped into each other directly.

Even if Gu Ling was not much taller than Lu Li, he might just be a little shorter.

But he was tall and thin, and his body shape was not much different from that of an ordinary person. If he were a man, he would weigh at least 100 pounds. However, when he bumped into Lu Li's arms, Lu Li felt that he had not changed at all, but Gu Ling was knocked away by him. Then, with a cry, Gu Ling fell backwards. This was still a bit too hard to accept.

Lu Cheng immediately reached out and grabbed Gu Ling in front of him. In this way, Gu Ling did not fall to the ground, but was held in Lu Li's arms. However, Lu Li did not stand well and fell down directly, and his whole body pressed on Gu Ling.

The two people cried out at the same time, especially Gu Ling, whose face turned pale immediately, as if he was suffocated by the pressure.

Lu Li immediately stood up and looked at him, but who knew that Gu Ling would slap him casually.

Of course Lu Li dodged it, but it was too bad to be slapped by a man, but when Gu Ling saw that his slap did not hit him, he immediately stepped on Lu Li again, and then ran into the medicine furnace. Then Master Gu's voice came: "What's the matter? Did someone bully you?"

Hearing this voice, Lu Li felt a sense of uneasiness from the bottom of his heart, as if someone was holding a knife against his back, and then he heard a wail. "My medicine! That little bastard, where are you? I'm going to kill you." "Grandpa, what are you doing with the knife?" Gu Ling asked.

"Today, Grandpa will show you a live dissection, don't worry, it's the kind that is bloody."

Hearing Master Gu's words, Lu Li didn't dare to stay here any longer, and immediately ran back to his home.

Then Master Gu rushed to Lu Li's house with a sharp knife, and kept cursing outside. Then Lu Hong walked out again, and after chatting with this guy mysteriously for a few words, he coaxed this guy back. Five.

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