I created the Longevity Club

Chapter 97 New World! 3 more chapters, please subscribe and order

Du Weiwen called his family and took his granddaughter Du Jingxuan back. He followed Lu Li to the old building of Fudan University School of Medicine. "Mr. Tang, I'm here. I have a new discovery to report to you."

Tan Yanyu put on the white and elegant Hanfu again. She opened the iron door for Lu Li. She looked at Du Weiwen with clear eyes and nodded gently to him.

She followed Lu Li and said.

Du Weiwen took a step behind and looked around the Western-style garden.

In front of the old building, under an umbrella, the figures of two old people caught Du Weiwen's attention. Looking at either of these two people, Du Weiwen felt vaguely familiar...

As Lu Li walked in, the two old men in front of the coffee table raised their heads one after another and listened.

The white-skinned foreign old man stood up with a pious expression, followed closely by the Asian old man next to him. "Sir, you are back."

The foreign old man came forward and said respectfully like an old servant. "Mr. Lu."

The elderly people of Asian descent also responded. "You seemed to be having a great time chatting."

Lu Li nodded slightly, glanced calmly at the faces of these two top beings in the human realm, and asked with a smile. "Tang is really a man of great wisdom. His knowledge in the field of biology makes me feel enlightened!" The foreign old man is Anthony. Leggett said happily.

"Mr. Leggett, his views on the world and his attainments in philosophy put me in awe." Mr. Tang, an Asian old man, responded with a smile.

Reaching the top in every field will lead to the same thing. Therefore, these two people have a lot to talk about. Moreover, the content of what they are talking about is difficult for ordinary people to get involved in and understand.

"By the way, Mr. Lu."

"I have something to report to you."

Tang Lao followed up and said again. He glanced at Du Weiwen beside Lu Li and hesitated. "They are all our own people."

Lu Li walked to the parasol and coffee table, sat down and responded.

"We are trying to solve the rejection reaction of mutated virus A in mice. Although the rejection reaction is still ongoing, in the process, we may have accidentally discovered a new type of hemostatic material..."

Mr. Tang took out several data files from a backpack at hand and handed them to Lu Li. He said in a deep voice.

He paused, waiting for Lu Li to have a general understanding of the information handed over.

“This new type of hemostatic material is inspired by ‘slugs’ and is temporarily named TA.”

"According to our calculations and experiments, this new material can quickly adhere to stop bleeding while maintaining extremely high tissue and organ strength..." "Theoretically, this material can be used to stop bleeding even with holes in the heart." Tang The old man said in a deep voice.

Lu Li lowered his head and looked at the data report.

Reports show that this material can be easily bonded even in a bloody surface environment and has very good ductility.

It can stick to the liver, skin, cartilage, and even arteries... Supplement: There is a scientific basis, and the prototype of the top black technology invention in the real world occupies an important position in SCI magazine. Regarding the details in the report, such as 'fibrin glue', 'cyano-glue' Lu Li didn't quite understand the biological principles of acrylic polymers and other materials.

However, Lu Li could understand that this biological material was undoubtedly a black technology!

Its emergence will be an epoch-making product for the medical community.

It can fundamentally change the concept of hemostasis in the past 100 years.

"Sir, I think we need to build a second-level biological laboratory to conduct research on this material at the same time and enter the clinical stage as quickly as possible." Mr. Tang suggested. "I agreed."

"You are still in charge of this laboratory." Lu Li nodded, thought deeply, and said in a deep voice.

"However, these are just additional derivatives. What I pay most attention to is the mutated virus A." Lu Li looked at Mr. Tang and reminded him.

Mutated virus a belongs to the first level of life engineering research and can unlock the key to human evolution.

As an immortal, it would be too bad to still have a body with the strength of an ordinary person after countless years. "I understand." Mr. Tang nodded solemnly.

During the conversation between Lu Li and Mr. Tang...

Standing behind Lu Li, he was observing Mr. Tang and Anthony without any trace. Leggett's Du Weiwei was also listening to the conversation between the two.

He was filled with shock.

This kind of new hemostatic material that the old man calls it is definitely a new material that will make the medical community around the world cheer!

What is mutable virus a?

Can Mr. Lu be given more attention? "Mr. Tang? Mr. Tang!"

A biologist who can conduct such an experiment is definitely not an ordinary person, Du Weiwei whispered repeatedly.

After a moment, he remembered something.

Du Wei's pupils suddenly shrank, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Mr. Tang.

After guessing, although Mr. Tang became much younger, Du Weiwei still recognized it! "Mr. Tang Zhaorui!" Du Weiwei said in shock.

This is Tang Zhaorui, a giant in biology, virology, and immunology who was announced to have died not long ago! "You...you are Mr. Anthony Leggett!"

Du Weiwei looked at the white-skinned old man on the other side and said in a deep voice.

He remembered a foreign news report he saw two days ago, saying that it was Nobel physicist Anthony. Mr. Leggett disappeared after being discharged from hospital.

It is suspected that he was taken away by two young Asians.

"One is a Nobel Prize-winning physicist, and the other is undoubtedly a Nobel Prize-level biologist." Du Weiwei took a deep breath.

"My name is Tang Li now."

Mr. Tang looked at Du Weiwei kindly and said softly.

"Hello, I also have a new name, Lu Guang!"

Anthony Leggett looked at Du Weiwei and introduced his new name with some pride. "Okay, you guys continue chatting, I'm going to take our new partner to the study." Lu Li stood up and said with a smile. "Let's go."

Lu Li looked at Du Weiwei and said.

After that, he walked in front, and Du Weiwei followed closely behind him. "The Longevity Club..." Du Weiwei's eyes were a little dazed.

He didn't dare to guess how many top scientific research masters like Mr. Tang and Mr. Anthony Leggett were gathered in the Longevity Club.

If these masters were given longevity, what kind of technology and biochemical products would be born?

How would it promote the development of human civilization?

ps: I have sorted out the outline, and the following ideas are even more exciting!

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