Da da da!

Gunfire flashed in the base, and 008 quickly moisturized himself after taking a bunch of bullets.

"There are about eighty people in the intensive care unit on the first floor, with mithril weapons. My recovery ability is locked now, so please get someone else to take over!"

"Have angels evolved?"

"Don't rush me, no one is watching."

Angels are huge garbage in the early stage. They have two wings by default. Every time you kill a person, you will get two more wings.

Of course, you don't have to kill. You can just watch or assist.

It doesn't need to be more. Just kill fifty people and evolve to a hundred wings. It's enough.

But he is too weak in the early stage. Someone must protect him from evolving, otherwise he will be GG if he is attacked like 008.

"What about the bird? Who did the bird become?"

"Transformed into a human being on the surface"

"No, do we still need the surface in this game? Can't we protect the angel from evolving two angels and not killing them randomly?"

"You know nothing about it, but a younger brother took two green boards."

001 imitators, they call them birds for short.

When there are no powerful monsters in a single game, someone developed an undercover play method of 001.

They directly transform into humans and blend into the large army, and then backstab at critical moments.

For example It is said that when you open the core and insert the green board, you don't have to turn into another monster, just use the gun to shoot the shuttle from behind.

Although this method is not strong, it is definitely disgusting, especially on the human side. Of course , if you know what monsters there are, some experienced people will be cautious when they find that the number of monsters is not right.

"Six monsters have appeared, one more is missing"

"There won't be any birds in this one, right?"

"Pay attention to the people around you to see if there are teammates with duplicate IDs or teammates who are dead."

The complete imitation of 001's transformation is that even the ID can be imitated.

But if he is an imitation, then there must be an original form.

If he had previously disguised himself as a D-class personnel, and then blended into the large army during the evacuation, he became an ordinary Nine-Tails Fox, there must be someone exactly like him.

Of course, there is also a situation where 001 kills someone first and then turns into him.

Logically speaking, the game with the double electric board should not last long, but unexpectedly. What's wrong is that these people searched all over and couldn't find another electrical panel.

"Not on the first floor?"

"On the second floor, I'm still looking, but I've already searched half of the map."

"We can’t let the monster take away the last electric panel, right?"

"Then I'll really throw up."

Yes, the last electrical panel was indeed taken away by the monster.

The humans were focused on searching, and were attacked by many waves of monsters. Seeing that the angels were about to reach Baiyi, they still couldn't find the last electrical panel.

The monster side is also accurate. The humans must be looking for the electric board, and the last electric board is in their hands.

Then they have a big C in the late stage, so they will play guerrilla to protect the angels, not the humans. In a head-on conflict, when the angels evolve, 001 explodes directly behind the humans. The two angels attack from the front and back, and they are easily captured!

"If you can't find the green board, don't look for it, just kill the angels!"

Since the monsters want to delay, the humans certainly can't delay!

But to be honest, no one would have thought that there is still a D-level personnel alive in the deepest part of the base.

Yes, Meng Qing is still alive.

While the two sides were fighting fiercely above, he was fighting wits and courage with those 008-1s below.

Those D-level personnel who turned into vampires were chasing him frantically, and he ran and circled with them. He dragged no less than ten 008-1s to death.

"Yeah, there’s a Toy City God of War down there!"

"Don't waste time with that little brother, hurry up and go up, the white fox is starting to charge!"

Seeing the vampires retreating one after another, Meng Qing couldn't help but take a deep breath.

It is impossible to go up now. As a little brother, it is too late for him to evacuate and become a shelter expert.

The two groups of people above have blocked the second and first floors, and it is safer to stay on the third floor.

But this is only for now, if the core is opened later, the place below will be the most dangerous.

Meng Qing looked at the time on the side,"There is still half an hour to refresh the chaos, how about dying in a wave and going up?"


Chaos probably won't be able to be spawned because the angel has 100 wings.

001 even exploded behind the humans and turned into a second angel. Attacked from both sides, he easily destroyed the entire group of nine-tailed foxes.

The remaining ones who were alone and those who escaped were all killed by other monsters.

These monsters went straight to the surface and killed the last nine-tailed fox who was hiding.

However, the game is not over yet

"Is there anyone still alive?"

"There is a brother at the bottom who is still alive"

"It’s really awesome that after all the fighting, my brother is still alive?"

"Hurry, hurry up, there are still ten minutes to clear Chaos, it’s a quick victory"

"Damn it, we two angels, if we kill another wave of Chaos, the reward will be doubled again!"

"You can be greedy to death"

"That's how it is. The monsters get less victory rewards because they kill fewer people."

"The normal victory reward is to kill both Chaos and Nine-Tailed Fox."

"Have you forgotten how you managed to make that group of Chaos Extreme turn the tables last time?"



Underground, all the monsters were surrounded.

Meng Qing suddenly felt something bad,"Is humanity going to be completely wiped out?"

"The nuclear bomb was not unleashed?"

That's it.

It's over.

Meng Qing sat against the wall and sighed helplessly.

This time he was really out of his depth.

Activating the radio beside him, Meng Qing closed his eyes and listened to a symphony slowly coming out of the radio.

The next second, Meng Qing's eyes suddenly widened.

He found that his body suddenly shrank and turned into a giant bird.

Then, a large group of giant birds suddenly appeared in the void!

"What the hell?"

"what's the situation?"

"How did I resurrect?"

"What is this?��"


Nearly seven hundred giant birds instantly filled the corridor, and then they merged into one and turned into an eagle-shaped monster!

At this moment, Meng Qing could suddenly hear the voices of all the players.

For some reason, after playing that music, all the dead people were resurrected in the form of birds!

"Also with a fit one?"

"This is fun, I'll form the head!"

"I seem to have an impression of this recorder... It seems that the first game also had this!"

"So that’s how this thing is used!"

008 was stunned when he saw the bird-shaped monster in front of him. What the hell is this?

Before 008 could react, Meng Qing's body moved on its own!

It was as if many people were controlling his body at the same time!

"Control someone together?"

"Come, let's unite our minds!"

Before 008 could react, everyone combined into a bird-shaped creature and punched him to death!

"Oh my god, this output?"

"Come on, brothers, don’t you want to play with monsters? Now’s your chance!"

Two angels came to kill him, and Meng Qing directly withstood the attacks of the two angels and fought back and forth with them!

"What the hell is this birdman!"


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