I created the monster sequence!

Chapter 026: Chen Ye’s imaginary enemy!

Chen Ye was writing a file in the room, but today's file was a little different from the past.

He was recording the changes in his body.

Chen Ye opened his mouth and looked into the mirror, "I have six more teeth."

Chen Ye tried to move his right eye, and the next second, the pupil of his right eye split into nine.

And when he moved, the nine pupils merged together again.

"The pupils will split on their own if you are not careful. You have to pay attention. In addition, the ten fingers can shoot out silk threads. The hardness of the threads is close to steel and can be made transparent."

Yes, Chen Ye's silk thread can be completely transparent like 003.

In addition to silk threads, the dolls controlled by Chen Ye's silk threads can also be made transparent.

As for where the dolls come from, there are two ways to get them.

One is to touch an object, or a ready-made puppet-shaped creation, which can be directly controlled by connecting it with silk threads.

The second is to pierce the silk thread into the human body and directly control it.

Chen Ye had just randomly brought in four extras.

In addition, Chen Ye also has an ability similar to 005. He can grab rocks or metals and refine them.

It can be made into metal weapons or metal puppets.

It is worth mentioning that neither the metal puppet nor the rock puppet itself has heat.

This means that the thermometer cannot pick up invisible rock or metal golems.

But in the end, it doesn't matter whether you are a puppet or not.

It is far easier for Chen Ye to directly shoot silk threads to cut off life than to kill people with a puppet.

So for Chen Ye, the biggest use of puppets is actually wiring.

Chen Ye's thread can only be fired in one direction, and if he wants to turn in the middle, he can only use the puppet as a turning point.

This is true whether you go from left to right or top to bottom.

Chen Ye individually created many small wiring puppets for this purpose. Their bodies are mini, made of metal, and their chests are in the middle.

Theoretically speaking, as long as these little puppets are arranged in advance, Chen Ye can use silk threads to cut into every corner of the venue.

The advantages of using silk thread are fast speed, wide range and strong lethality.

The disadvantage is that it takes time to arrange and is not suitable for long-term combat because the silk threads will get tangled together.

It would be easier to control the puppet battle.

Firstly, there is no need to arrange the venue specially, and secondly, the invisible metal puppet cannot be captured by the enemy, so it can catch the enemy by surprise.

And as long as there are more puppets, there won't be much problem even if the battle lasts for a long time.

But on the other hand, puppets also have shortcomings.

The first is the line between Chen Ye and the puppet. Once this line is cut off, the puppet will lose its ability to move.

Moreover, the attack part of the puppet still relies on weapons.

When using cold weapons, it is difficult to guarantee that the opponent will be killed in an instant.

But if it can be paired with thermal weapons and made invisible, the effect will be different.

Although the bullets fired cannot be invisible, they are still sufficient.

At least the enemy doesn't know which direction the bullet is coming from, making it impossible to hide or avoid.

In particular, it can fight enemies at long distances, reducing the possibility of the thread being cut.

"Speaking of which, which organization did those people belong to before, and how did they target 004?"

Among Chen Ye's creations, the queen bee is the most human-like. Her appearance is almost indistinguishable from humans.

What, you mean transparent person?

You also know that he is transparent, just ignore him.

It would be fine if the fishman was exposed, but the queen shouldn't be exposed so quickly.

Chen Ye really couldn't think of it.

"By the way, didn't I ask Raven to record the video? Where did the video go to me?"

When Chen Ye came back this time, he found that all his creations had disappeared, and he didn't know what they were doing.

There was no other way. Since he had no clue, Chen Ye could only figure it out on his own.

For example, is that group of people a special organization that deals with supernatural phenomena or monsters?

Quite possible.

Maybe there are many other shelter organizations in this world.

Chen Ye has watched many novels and movies, and if there is a special force appearing in one of them, there will be more than one.

There must be at least three.


Because triangles have stability.

Usually when special forces appear, a group of characters with awesome settings will start to cause various troubles.

Then various outrageous characters began to appear one after another in these special organizations. Several gangs of people fought to the death, almost blowing up the earth.

And before this kind of plot happens, there are always a bunch of cannon fodder who come out to die first.

From this point of view, the previous group of people should be the cannon fodder who appeared first.

There are imaginary enemies all around. If the major powerful organizations know Chen Ye's secret, they will definitely attack him in groups.

Chen Ye's speculation is not groundless. Take his double-eared pot as an example.

Since there are unreasonable things like amphorae in this world, it makes no sense that there would be other similar things.

If such a thing exists, it is usually controlled by a certain unit or national organization.

It would be even worse if these things were like Chen Ye's double-eared pot and could create extraordinary beings.

Although the above are all assumptions, and the enemies predicted by Chen Ye are also imaginary enemies, there is always a possibility of eventuality.

What if it's really what he thought?

Chen Ye took out two bottles of medicine from the cabinet, "The experiment on the immortality properties of the vampire reagent must begin. As long as we master the immortality properties, it doesn't matter to me even if it completely collapses."

For Chen Ye, those people were never his subordinates, but experimental subjects.

The experimental products can be replaced at will. As long as there are potions, he can have as many monsters as he wants.

Excluding Chen Ye who was battling with the air, the Nine-tailed Fox was already very busy.

"Damn it, is there no other way to effectively deal with those monsters besides weapons of mass destruction?"

"How's it going over there in Chu Yang?"

"While still cooperating with the experiment, the internal results of his body are completely different from those of humans, and all the values ​​are far higher than normal people."

"If we can get a breakthrough in biotechnology from him, then the development progress of the first generation of strengthening reagents will directly make a leap forward."

"How long exactly?"

"Not sure, but I think it will be soon."


"Do you know how powerful those monsters are?"

"When I faced 006, I almost took a whole team to hell to see how I was too cute!"

"If you and I switch identities, and the monster gets angry even a little bit, I guarantee that you will be beaten by that monster so much that your own mother won't even recognize you!"

"We need Chu Yang's ability more than you do!"

"I understand how you feel, but please calm down."

"Chu Yang is much more useful in the rear than in the front."

"If the enhanced reagent can be successfully developed, then our armed force of a hundred people will be able to compete head-on with a thousand 002s!"

"I don't care how many 002s that reagent can allow us to fight, I only care about the life and death of our team members right now!"

"Let me ask you, if a thousand 002s really appear now, or ten thousand, who will go to the front line to deal with them?"

"Obviously, it's us!"

"Can't you take a longer view?"


"Do you mean to let us burn some paper for ourselves in advance to prepare for emergencies?!"

"We don't even know how to live in the present. We are thinking about the future. What future do we have?"


"What are you, you, let me ask you, if your pharmaceutical research and development fails and our entire frontline army is wiped out, will you bear the responsibility?"


"What am I? I was suddenly transferred to take the lead in dealing with monsters. Do you think I am willing? Do you think my brothers are willing?"

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