Where should we start to develop industry? Our guide said that the world's top craftsmen all come from the city of Jingtie in the south.

And the most intelligent people are in the tower in the east.

009 and his three companions first headed south, preparing to carry out the first step of the plan in Jingtie City.

It is said that Jingtie City is not a city that exists entirely on the ground. It is divided into two parts, above ground and underground.

It is backed by Longkou Volcano, which is an active volcano. The dwarves living in the city take the energy of the volcano and inject it into the huge adamantine forge.

It can dissolve the hardest metal in the world and forge the world's top weapons.

This allows 009 to see the prerequisites of industry, basic productivity and technology.

But in order to make this technological level that has remained unchanged for thousands of years soar, technology and productivity alone are not enough.

So we need to ask the smartest people on the continent to correct the technology tree.

Who is the smartest person on the continent? They say that the IQ of magicians is far higher than that of ordinary people.

Of course, this is not absolute, but it is generally true.

Because magicians have extremely high mental power, they develop their brains more than normal people, and their thinking and calculation abilities are far better than ordinary people.

The best among them is this year's master of the tower, Professor Xingkong.

He is also one of the four most powerful people in the world and the current number one magician on the continent.

But it is said that Professor Xingkong rarely shows up in public, and even the core members of the tower find it difficult to see him.

Few people know what he looks like, so there is no rush for this matter.

009 thought that he would first occupy Jingtie City and lay the foundation, and then invite Mr. Zhuge to come out.

On the way to Jingtie City, 009 couldn't help but reflect on one thing.

He is absolutely indestructible, but Arthur can definitely cut him off.

So, what would happen if Arthur were to chop him?

"Have you heard of an idiom story? In our world, there is an old man selling weapons. He said,"I have the sharpest spear in the world," and he also said,"I have the hardest shield in the world.""

"Then someone questioned him, since your spear is the sharpest, it means there is no shield that it cannot break."

"And your shield is the hardest, which means there is no attack it can't defend against."

"This was obviously a conflict, so someone suggested that the old man use the strongest spear to pierce the strongest shield."

"This idiom story is called self-contradiction."

Jie Na listened to 009's words and felt that this story seemed a bit familiar."So, what was the outcome of that story?"

"Did the shield block the spear, or did the spear pierce the shield?"

"The spear pierced the shield"

"Doesn't that mean that the shield is not the hardest?"

"That's not the problem. The old man's spear is not the sharpest, and his shield is naturally not the strongest, so this result is meaningless."

"However, we are different."

009 looked at Arthur, they are the strongest spear and the strongest shield.

It is also a contradiction, but they are absolute.

There can be nothing harder than 009, and there can be nothing harder than Arthur. Sharp things.

So what will happen if Arthur cuts 009 apart?

Is it the result of the spear and shield?

Not necessarily, because if 009 is stabbed or cut open by Arthur, then he is not. Absolutely cannot be destroyed, which violates the absolute characteristics.

The absolute characteristics are absolute, even the rules themselves, so in this case, it is absolutely impossible for 009 to be stabbed or cut off, but this violates Arthur's absolute characteristics. As long as he can cut it, he can definitely cut it.

If he can't cut it, it violates his absolute characteristics.

So 009 thought of a possibility, but this was just his guess at first. There is a priority.

For example, if an absolute characteristic has a higher priority, its effect will take effect.

If Arthur's characteristic priority is higher than 009's, then 009 will be cut.

Meaning, but this is just a conjecture. You can only know the specific situation by trying it.

"Arthur, cut me."

After hearing 009's words, Arthur hesitated,"Do you really want to try it? What if the bug is cut out and the world collapses?"

"That's none of our business. Anyway, if I don't try it once, I won't be able to sleep tonight." 009 said.

Since 009 insists on this, then... cut it!

Arthur's eyes were sharp and he stabbed 009's shoulder directly!

And just when the blade in his hand was about to approach 009, his hand suddenly I rubbed it and thrust it into the air.


"What are you doing?"

Arthur reacted and slashed again with the blade!

As a result, 009 suddenly bent down.


Now, both of them were not calm.

"Let me ask you first, why did you deflect the attack just now?"

"Can I say I'm not in control?"

"Me too."

The two of them looked at each other and started a new experiment!

They tried it about forty times, but each time they couldn't touch each other for various reasons!

"Damn it!"

I don't know why, but there was a magnet between the two of them, and they began to repel each other in reverse directions.

Even if 009 used his absolutely sure-hit ability to hit the blade, the knife would disappear on its own!

It was like……

"The world is preventing this from happening."

This is the only explanation, but it is not a result.

The strongest spear and the strongest shield are not separated after all...

No, they have already been separated.

They are both the strongest and absolute.

Because the two cannot collide, there is no result. In the absence of a result, both are the strongest at the same time.

Just like Schrödinger's cat, this matter cannot be observed, and the result of the spear and the shield will always be in an unknown state.

Perhaps, this is the real answer to the contradiction?


At this time, on the distant Earth.

The giant octopus in Vesbo's stomach had been pulled to Earth by Chen Ye.

The giant octopus didn't know what was happening yet, but only knew that it had landed on a huge piece of land.

There was no dust on this land, and the surface was smooth and without cracks.

It turned its eyes and looked around. There was nothing around, just bare and endless, but there were five Optimus Primes in the distance.

Looking forward, there was an endless road in front.

The end of the road was connected to the invisible other side.

The giant octopus raised his head, but he was stunned when he raised his head.

In the sky, two huge suns were looking down at him.

At a certain moment, the two huge suns turned and focused on the octopus like eyeballs.

The perspective began to rise at this moment. This is not the Earth.

It is somewhere in the solar system.

There is an extremely huge existence here, like a giant god!

And the octopus is lying on the hand of the giant god.


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