I created the monster sequence!

Chapter 030: Living Dead!

Walking on the street, Siren was very excited when she saw the exaggerated data of the new song, but the next second, her song was directly removed from the shelves.



"Why are my songs gone?"

Siren was just thinking about what was going to happen in the next song, but her new song was gone in a flash!

Why is this?

"Hey...I guess no one will tell me if I ask. I'd better think about what will happen with the new song."


At this moment, a handcuff was suddenly placed on Siren's wrist.

"It's better not to release new songs. We have a few things to ask you."

For some reason, the people on the street suddenly dispersed, and a group of heavily armed nine-tailed foxes directly surrounded her.

Siren was stunned when he saw this.


"No...why do you want to arrest me?"


Before one man finished speaking, another man came over and said, "Because of that, put on your earplugs quickly."

Everyone immediately put on their earplugs after hearing this.

"Target 007 Siren has been captured."

"Start containment operations immediately!"

Siren was taken away on the fourth day of her comeback.

Chen Ye was drinking juice in the room, "Didn't I ask her to report every day? Why hasn't she made any move in the past three days?"

"That's weird, can't you let me catch you?"

"That's too fast. How many days has it been?"

After Chen Ye drank up the juice, he threw the box into the trash can.

Just at this moment, Chen Ye received an email.

Chen Ye opened the email and saw that the sender was 004 Queen Bee.

Dear Lord Os, haven't you been studying the topic of immortality? I have prepared a surprise for you. I believe you will be satisfied.

At noon today, if you have time, you can come to Nanwan Port.


some time ago.

Nanwan Port Area, underground.

Figures quickly shuttled here. There were men and women among these people. Their movements were very fast, as if they were carrying or dragging something.

Just then, the queen bee came out of a room.

"These are the ones?"

"Yes, Queen."

"It's all rotten like this."

"I don't know if it will work. Forget it, let's try it. If it works, consider it a gift to that adult."

"If it doesn't work, just find a place to throw it away."

Looking at the rotten and charred corpses in front of her, the Queen Bee stretched out her hand to tear open the chest cavity, and then took out a golden eight-sided crystal from it.


"Just you."


Darkness as dead and deep as water.

Is this what death feels like?

It's not as scary as imagined.

Anyway, I am ready to meet the Creator, but whether He is also ready to meet me is another matter.

Tick ​​tock.

Tick ​​tock.

The sound of water?

Why is there the sound of water? It's strange. I should be dead. Why can I still hear the sound of water?

"Lord Os, as you can see, his body functions have returned to normal and he is a living being."

"It's amazing, isn't it?"

"Of course, if that's all it is, then it's not enough for me to give it to you as a gift."

"You know, this guy has been dead for almost a month."

"Not only was the body severely decomposed, but it was also burnt. If there is anyone in the world who can resurrect him, I think it can only be the Necromancer."

"Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a necromancer. I resurrected him."

"I made him a guard bee, and he entered the state of pupation directly. Not only did he grow new flesh and blood tissue, but all his vital signs were restored!"

"that is……"

"Just like a vegetable, can't wake up?"

"Yes, you have also seen that I only restored his life, but I could not restore his will."

"And as long as consciousness cannot be restored, this corpse is of no use to me."

Because the queen bee still relies on mental control to control people, even the new version of consciousness replacement depends on the consciousness of life itself.

If life itself does not have consciousness, then it is no different from a stone or a piece of grass, and the queen bee cannot control it.

Seeing this, Chen Ye knelt down and said, "Are you going to use it as material and present it to me?"

"Yes, after all, things like the living dead are relatively rare." The Queen Bee said with a smile.

Chen Ye thought for a moment. This was indeed the first time he saw the living dead. Although he didn't know what effect it would have, let's draw a tube of blood first.

Let’s study it carefully later.

Chen Ye waved his hand, and several puppets appeared instantly. They took out syringes and prepared to pierce the living dead to draw blood.

But when the needle went down, it couldn't penetrate the skin of the living dead at all.

This should be because he was transformed into a guard bee. His skin is very hard, comparable to gold and stone.

Seeing this, Chen Ye waved his hand again, and a thread shot out and pierced the skin, pricking a pinhole in the skin of the living dead.

Seeing this, several puppets took out their needles and inserted them into the needle hole again to draw blood.

It took four tubes of blood to be drawn before stopping.

"If he is left like this, he will probably die in a few days. Take good care of him and don't let him die before my experiment is over."

Hearing Chen Ye's words, the queen bee bent down and said, "Yes, Lord Aos."

It has to be said that this group of people has become a lot more honest recently. Even the fishman and the raven said that they had found a lot of rare materials and wanted to bring them back to Chen Ye.

Look, this is business.

Chen Ye can only say that when children grow up, they know how to give back to their parents.

If this living dead material can really produce something, then the Queen Bee will have accomplished a great feat this time.

After that, the queen bee ordered people to carry the living dead to a room and ordered him to be injected with glucose.

"My body... feels so itchy..."


"Strange, why do I feel itchy?"

"My consciousness is gradually recovering?"

In the darkness, little stars gradually flickered out.

He reached out with all his strength and tried his best to grab the light, but just when his fingers were about to touch the light, the light swallowed up the darkness in an instant!


The living dead man's eyes suddenly opened, he sat up with a start, and then looked around with a confused look on his face.

"What is this place?"


Damn it, what the hell is going on?

Not only did I have a terrible headache, but my memory was like the headphone cord in my trouser pocket, confusing and confusing, and...

"who I am?"

The man said blankly, with confusion in his eyes.

He forgot many things.

Including who he is.

He sat up on the bed, and before he could get out of bed, the queen bee appeared in front of him.

"Hey, you're awake?"

"This is incredible. Do you still remember who you are?"

The man shook his head in confusion.

Seeing this, the queen bee grinned and said, "Ah, that will be much easier."

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