I created the monster sequence!

Chapter 040: Feed the dog!

"Feed the dog~Feed the dog∽"

In a dark room, the Splinter placed all these bottles in the center of the secret room, and then left here silently.

In the room, countless people were tied hand and foot to chairs, and they seemed to be in a coma.

Fan Ye opened his eyes and saw darkness in front of him, "Where...is this place?"

Head hurts.

It feels like my brain has been chewed by a dog.

Fan Ye shook his head and looked at his hands and feet, which were tied to the iron chair.

This scene, this situation, Fan Ye felt like a prisoner in the interrogation room.

In the end what happened?

Fan Ye fell into memories.

He remembered that he should be out for team building with people in the company.

Then a white-haired man said hello to him, and Fan Ye responded out of politeness.

Unexpectedly, after that, his eyes darkened and he passed out.

It seems like he was kidnapped?

Fan Ye's eyes swept across the darkness. There were many people in the darkness. They were all fixed on chairs and arranged in a circle.

And in the circle they formed, there were countless potions of different colors, with unknown specific uses.

At this moment, the man next to Fan Ye woke up and said, "Well... why am I here? What is this place?"

"Hey, what is this place!"

The man's voice was so loud that he immediately woke up the others.

A black-haired young man wearing glasses raised his head when he heard this, "I suggest you don't shout. If our captor is lured over, he will be the first to stab you."

Hearing the young man's words, the man frowned, "Huh?"

The young man wearing glasses shook his head, "Is it difficult to understand? Yes, after all, although everyone has a brain, not everyone can use it."

"Tell me what I know. Of course, I only say these words to those who can understand the current situation."

"I was engaged in telecommunications fraud in Hainan, and a white-haired man found me. I thought he was a policeman, but it didn't seem to be the case."

"He snapped his fingers and I lost consciousness. I don't know what method he used. It might have been drugs or something else."

"I should have been the first to wake up. It has been three hours and fifteen minutes now, and my body is already starting to get hungry."

"I have a strict schedule. I should have just had dinner, but I feel hungry now, which means we have been tied here for more than 12 hours."

There was a person in the darkness who was silent for a moment, "Are you in Hainan?"

"But I should be in Halong Bay, Vietnam."

"Halong Bay?"

"No, no, isn't this the three eastern provinces?"

"What month is it now?"

“It’s almost September.”


"What's the matter? In the north, temperatures start to get cooler quickly in September."

"Because it's autumn."

The young man wearing glasses frowned, "It seems like we all come from different regions."

"He is in Vietnam, I am in Hainan, and he is from the three northeastern provinces."

"So, who can catch us from north to south, across the world, in one day?"


Everyone couldn't understand, and Fan Ye couldn't understand either, "I'm in Ningxia."



"Okay, the range is wider."

"So suppose that a group of people set out from here and rushed to various places to capture us. Then what is their purpose?"

"I don't think any of us are rich people. Why did they come all the way to catch us here?"

Everyone was also confused, and they also couldn't figure out why.

At this moment, a burst of footsteps suddenly sounded in the darkness.

The 009 Splinter appeared at this moment and came straight to the center of the room.

"You are calmer than I expected. You are indeed a fine breed that I have carefully selected. Although it is impossible to be as perfect as me, as a secondary, it is quite qualified."

The bespectacled young man frowned, "Did you bring us here?"

Hearing this, the splitter suddenly walked up to the young man and said, "No, no, no, you should say you, not you."

The young man's eyelids twitched wildly, and he suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Did...you bring us here?"

The Splinter grinned when he heard this, "Yes, that's right. Yes, I brought you here."

"You are more aware of current affairs than I thought. I thought you would be furious like a cat or puppy abandoned by its owner."

"I specially arrested one more person for this purpose, preparing to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys. It seems that it saved me a lot of effort."

Splinter said and looked directly at Fan Ye, "Oh, yes, you are the redundant one. Do you want to see how I kill people?"

"I've prepared it for you anyway, wouldn't it be a pity not to take a look?"

At this moment, a bald man suddenly spoke.

"Can you get to the point directly? I hate it when others take up my time with irrelevant things."


The Splinter suddenly appeared in front of him and grabbed him by the throat!

"I said, use 'you'. If you can't remember, I can also operate on you."

The bald man's eyes widened, and he felt a suffocating feeling as his throat was being strangled, "You...you..."

Splinter heard this and let go of his hand, "Oh, I'm sorry this is your first offender, I'll forgive you once."

"Since everyone wants to get straight to the point, I won't stop talking nonsense. Do you think the current world is really good?"

"You don't need to answer me, as long as you have the answer in your heart, it's enough."

"Everyone has thought about changing things against the will of heaven, but few people try because everyone rationally believes that it is impossible."

"But there are still a few people who keep trying, but what they don't know is that this is also a part of their destiny."

"People cannot control their destiny. Your destiny, your life and death, is never yours to decide."

"But if I say that I can give you a chance to control your own destiny now, how many of you can grasp it?"

Everyone was stunned. Seeing this, the Splinter pointed to the potion on the ground.

"Did you see the potion on the ground? Drink it and you will be reborn, surpass humans, and control your destiny."

"But the potion is limited, which means that some of you will not be able to obtain this power. I feel sorry for those who missed the opportunity."

"They're not destined to get out of here."

"Fate is never fair. There is a button on your chair. It will light up in three seconds."

"The person who presses the button first will be released first, and the remaining people will be released in the second wave regardless of order."

"Then, let's begin!"




The moment the button lit up, everyone took photos almost simultaneously.

But only the restraint on the bald chair was opened. Obviously, he was the fastest person.


The bald man took a long breath and walked up to the Splinter.

The Splinter looked at him with a smile, "Choose, number one."

With a bald head and muscles all over his body, without saying a word, he directly raised his fist and hit the Splinter!

"I choose to beat you to death!"

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