I created the monster sequence!

Chapter 006: Queen Bee!

Beiling City Public Security Bureau.

Looking at the photos collected on the surveillance camera, a group of people were stunned, "What is this, a mermaid? A fairy tale?"

"Mermaids kill people?"

"What a mermaid, it's just someone pretending to be a ghost."

"Director, there is another case that happened almost at the same time as the mermaid murder case. Two people died..."

"I've seen that, and my preliminary guess is that the murderer should be Wang Haonan."

"No...Captain, the surveillance did not capture anyone entering or leaving Wang Haonan's house. During that time, no one came in or out of the entire apartment..."

"you sure?"

"Yes, what about Wang Haonan?"

"He was in a coffee shop for three hours before he came out, and while he was in the coffee shop, two of his victims died."


"Tsk... Troublesome cases come one after another..."

At this moment, a young man returned to the police station.

After seeing the young man, the director hurriedly walked over and said, "Yang Yan, are you busy?"

Yang Yan was stunned for a moment, "I'm not busy."

"Then let's work overtime." The director said and directly handed him a piece of information.

"No, I'm busy, Director!" Yang Yan said quickly.

"Then let's work overtime." The director glanced at him and said.

"Then should I be busy or not?" Yang Yan's mouth twitched.

The director turned around and said, "If you don't know, just work overtime."

Yang Yan: "..."

A bearded policeman threw a photo to him and said, "Look at the photo, something big happened again."

Yang Yan was stunned for a moment after taking the photo, "Is this... a mermaid?"

"Well, according to the information brought back by the on-site inspection team, the footprints in the corridor are similar to flippers, and there is a fishy smell left."

"And there were fish scales scattered on the victim's bed."

"It is preliminarily speculated that the prisoner may be deliberately disguising himself. He may be wearing props and costumes, and the fish scales may have been prepared in advance in order to confuse the public and leave misleading items."

"After all, how can there be a mermaid in this world?"

Inside a bar.

Wang Haonan and Yuren had two cocktails placed in front of them, but neither of them drank.

"Your abilities are impeccable," the fishman said.

Wang Haonan silently lit up a cigarette, "You too, anyway, it was the fish that moved the hand, what does it have to do with people?"

The two of them laughed in unison.

The bartender wiped the glass while listening to the conversation between the two.

"Did you smell anything, like...a fishy smell?"

Hearing this, the mermaid picked up a bag and said, "Newly bought fish from the market, that's it. It's almost time, so I'll take the first step."

Wang Haonan waved his hand and drank all the wine in the glass. "Boss, how do you think an invisible murderer can be found?"

The boss heard this and thought for a while, "The invisible... murderer, find a way to make it visible?"


"For example?"

"For example, use some paint or something to sprinkle on the invisible man's body?"

"What if the invisible man could change the color of his body, including the paint sprinkled on him?"

"Then... what about spreading sand on the ground?"

Spread sand.

This is really difficult to handle.

"But the premise is that the prisoner must be present."


Chen Ye had his pocket in one hand and his mobile phone in the other. After walking like this for a long time, he suddenly sighed, "I have no money..."

"Let the Invisible Man and Raven steal it?"

"No... who keeps money at home these days? It must be in the bank."

"Have mermaids rob banks?"

"He has to be sieved."

"Invisible people can't do it either. As long as there is a thermal imager, being invisible makes no sense."

"After all, it has come full circle, but I still need to find a rich man."

But how can rich people be so easy to find?


Chen Ye raised his head and suddenly found a red convertible sports car parked in front of his coffee shop.

"Heh, isn't this what life is about?"

Chen Ye walked into the store and saw a man and a woman sitting in the coffee shop.

Among them, the man was nearly thirty years old, but he was very handsome. Unfortunately, Chen Ye knew him.

He is his neighbor in the next building. He always likes to come to his place, order a cup of coffee, and sit there all day long.

The most common thing he said to Chen Ye was, besides waiting, what else can he do while fishing?

The woman has blond hair, is elegant and rich, and she should be older than the man.

"He's hooking up with a rich woman."

As soon as Chen Ye came in, the man waved to him, "Hey, boss, you're here. We've been waiting for you for a long time."

Chen Ye changed his clothes and came to the front desk, "It's been a long wait, you two."

The woman's eyes suddenly lit up when she looked at Chen Ye, "No, you came just in time."

"Xiao Lin has always told me that your coffee is unique. Whatever you ask me to do, I have to come to your place to try it~"

Coffee is unique?

He knows shit about coffee.

The man looked at the woman, and then whispered: "Ahem, I didn't lie to you, Sister Shen, Boss Chen and I can be said to be equally good-looking."

The man said and suddenly winked at Chen Ye.


What kind of drama is this?

The woman crossed her legs and said, "Zhennozui is like Chunfeng Du, and Meng is like a boy. Boss, you look so young?"

Chen Ye's face was expressionless when he heard this, "Guest, would you like something to drink."

"Have a drink of the most expensive drink in your store." The woman smiled.

Chen Ye smiled lightly, and then suddenly took out a bottle from his arms, which was filled with a black liquid like coffee.

"The most expensive one, not everyone dares to drink it."

The woman heard the words and picked up the bottle, then unscrewed the cap and took a sniff. There was a faint fragrance.

But why is this scent so strange?

"I have never smelled this kind of fragrance. It seems different from ordinary coffee. What is it?" the woman asked.

"Exclusive secret recipe."

Made from coffee beans, queen ants, queen bees, honeycomb honey, monarch butterflies, and tulips.

Number: Hive.

The woman swirled the liquid in the cup, then put it to her mouth and took a sip.

"Hmm... it has a wonderful taste, with a sweet aftertaste and aroma, but this... doesn't seem to be coffee, right?"

The woman said and drank the remaining liquid in one gulp.

The next second, her pupils trembled violently.

"Uh...this is..."

The man on the side was stunned for a moment when he saw this, "What did you give her to drink?!"

Chen Ye smiled lightly when he heard this, "I told you, it's an exclusive secret recipe."

The man was about to speak, but the woman's hand suddenly grabbed his collar, "Did I let you... speak?"

The man was stunned for a moment, "Sister Shen, I..."

"Shut up." The woman said and turned to look at Chen Ye. Her pupils split into several at this moment.

But soon, her pupils merged into one again.

Immediately afterwards, the woman's body began to tremble, and her figure also changed, becoming... plumper and younger.

But her hands shriveled up, leaving only a layer of skin and bones.

Apart from this, there are no other abnormalities on the woman's body.

Chen Ye frowned when he saw this.

Strange, this is somewhat different from the effect he intended...

Just when Chen Ye was confused, a needle suddenly grew out of the woman's finger.

She quietly inserted the needle into the man's neck, and the man fell into a coma before he could react.

"What a novel experience. How can I thank you?"

The woman said and looked at Chen Ye with a charming face. From the looks of it...

The effects of the medicine seemed to be going in a strange direction.

Forget it, never mind.

"I want……"

"I know that your gift is very valuable and cannot be measured by money."

"No, money can..."

"For you, money must be dispensable, otherwise you wouldn't open a coffee shop without customers."

"It's not profitable at all, is it?"

Chen Ye: "..."

I suspected she was mocking me, but I had no proof.

"But right now, apart from money, I really have nothing else to use to thank you."

Yes, money is enough!

I don’t want anything else, I’m short of money right now!

"I know this is not sincere enough, so I decided to give you a commensurate gift. You can look forward to it for now."


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No. 004: Queen (mother nest)


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