024:682 debut! Stunned 096! (7 more flowers!)

He now has more than 50,000 Faith Points and can only buy one 682.

And if it is a small peanut, or 096, you can buy fifty.


682 The characteristics of the inextinguishable lizard, in short, is that it is difficult to die,

The most important point is that after taking damage, it evolves,

Evolved to withstand the same damage.

It is absolutely necessary to get it first and make it stronger, the more cost-effective it is.


There is only one, and in the number of hundreds of units such as God’s Domain Battle, it is difficult to do.

“What to buy first?”

Lin Yan thought about it.

At this moment,

The reminder sound of the arena rang again.

[Gladiatorium Tips]: Congratulations, you have successfully won eleven games in a row, and you have obtained the qualifications of the believers to duel in advance.

“Faith in a duel? What do you mean?”

Lin Yan’s eyes lit up.

[Handling Arena Tips]: Believers duel in one-on-one combat, that is, select any believer to fight one-on-one. (Note, believers duel duels are also real battles, and after the opening of the arena, only ten games can be played, or You can only leave after failure, please choose carefully)

Lin Yan understood.

To put it simply, it is the mode of the ring battle. Either play ten games or fail, that is, the believers die.

The killing of the strongest believer is definitely not a small loss for God’s Domain!


Lin Yan’s eyes lit up.

Isn’t this just for the 682 uncle?

A thought moved,

Lin Yan directly opened the mystery shop and bought Scp-682.


Directly placed in the foggy forest.

The 50,000 Faith value was instantly reduced by 30,000.

[Hint]: Your God’s Domain has added 1 new life of faith.

[Hint]: You have added a fanatical believer.

[Hint]: You have gained 1000 Faith.


“As expected of Uncle 682, it’s only one head, and it provides 1000 Faith Points when he comes out!”

Lin Yan whispered.

You must know that there are thirty 096s, and a total of 3000 Faith Points will be added at the beginning.

Immediately after,

Lin Yan turned his attention to the realm of the gods.

At the northwest foot of the mysterious realm,

A huge reptile appeared in an instant.

Like a lizard, spitting out letters, green and black pupils.

Scp-682, Immortal Lizard!

Almost instantly, Lin Yan recognized the huge reptile in front of him.


682 spit out a letter, examining everything around him.

Lin Yan thought about it,

The next moment, the mist in the mysterious domain began to gather, and it gathered into a huge human face in the sky, full of mystery.

This is also the first time that Lin Yan has used divine skills to manifest miracles in the realm of the gods.

The appearance of 173 before is a sculpture, and 017 is a black fog.

As for 096…

This guy has no IQ, Lin Yan really has no desire to manifest.


The moment the mysterious misty face appeared,

682 raised his head and looked at Lin Yan.

next moment.


It seemed to be raving, and it came from 682’s mouth.

Lin Yan is very satisfied.

As expected of a fanatical believer, even a creature like 682 has 100% reverence for himself.

“However, in order to prevent failure, you can let 682 evolve first before sending it to a duel…”

Lin Yan looked at 096 maliciously and showed a weird smile.


After Lin Yan descended the oracle,

Although I didn’t understand what was going on, the 096 closest to the Indestructible Lizard rushed over quickly.


The line of sight met 682’s head.


The next moment, 096 turned his back, squatted on the ground and cried sadly.


682 vomited a little agitatedly.

After dozens of seconds,


096 moved at an extremely fast speed, and attacked 682 imperceptibly to the naked eye.

next moment,

On 682’s body, a piece of flesh and blood was directly bitten off.

However, 682 was also on 096’s body, causing extremely serious damage.


After about ten minutes,

The bodies of 682 and 096 were covered with scars, and even the bones of 682 could be seen, both of them were seriously injured.

Under Lin Yan’s oracle, the two separated and stopped fighting.

But soon,

The scars on 682’s body began to recover at a very fast speed.

In just a moment, all the scars on 682’s body were repaired.

On the side, his body is full of scars, and he witnessed 096 of this scene with his own eyes,

The slender body suddenly froze.


It’s only the seventh watch, it’s too late and I’m out of shape.

Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation, ask for monthly pass!


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