048: Zombies too? Confused Liu Yue! (3/8 for flowers!)

a lot of zombies,

A steady stream of zombies emerged from all corners of the broken city. After a few minutes, there were already thousands of zombies in this area!

However, there is still no way to take Lin Yan’s followers.

On the ground, the corpses scattered all over the ground, like a cemetery, and the number is still increasing.

“If it is a real invasion war, I don’t know what will evolve from 682 now.”

Lin Yan felt a little excited.

Unfortunately, this is just a virtual invasion, and the 682 will not evolve because of it.

“I don’t know, these zombies, can the epidemic doctor turn them into Scp-049-2?”

A thought moved,

Lin Yan descended the oracle.


At this time, the epidemic doctors finally started to move.

They took out black medical kits, squatted on the ground, and mended the corpses that had begun to decay.

“Could it be…”

Liu Yue’s beautiful eyes were full of disbelief.

The next moment, she saw,

Several corpses on the ground actually stood up slowly!

“Can zombies too?”

Liu Yue was stunned.

Isn’t this a creature that has already died once?

Invading this incomplete plane, the most difficult part for these students is that they can only send out a thousand believers.

And in this incomplete plane, there are countless zombies, and each of them is very powerful.

They even figured out a way to fill in new believers as soon as a believer is killed. Of course, Liu Yue speculates that this is where the school wants to train them.

Extremely precise control of the local area.

However, there will inevitably be accidents, so there are no high school seniors who can pass the virtual invasion.


The powerful ability of this Lin Yan disciple is not only useful for the corpses of living things, but also for zombies?

“Lin Yan, this is…”

After a long time, Liu Yue just murmured, “Are you hanging up?”

Soon, the zombies on the ground were made into more than 500 Scp-049-2 by the epidemic doctor.

“Zombies can really do it, but the success rate is not as high as the dead corpses.”

Lin Yan speculated.

He estimates that it is because these zombies have been dead for a long time, and there is not much energy left in the body.

But, that’s enough.

More than 500 Scp-049-2 made of zombies, under the order of the epidemic doctor, moved forward quickly.

en route,

I also encountered other scattered and attracted zombies.

In turn, however, they simply became the new Scp-049-2.


Liu Yue discovered a strange phenomenon.

With the in-depth exploration of this broken plane, the number of Lin Yan’s invasion team has not decreased, but has continued to increase!


Liu Yue was immediately speechless.

The rule that only a thousand believers can enter, to this junior Lin Yan, it seems that it does not exist at all…

If those high school seniors outside saw this scene, they would be very angry on the spot.

“Perhaps, maybe Lin Yan can really successfully invade this incomplete plane!”

An idea rose in Liu Yue’s heart,

But she herself was terrified.

“Impossible! Although Lin Yan is strong, he can’t be so terrifying.”

After all, she herself has tried countless times, but so far, she has never been able to invade successfully.

over time,

Among Lin Yan’s followers, the zombie Scp-049-2 made by the epidemic doctor has accumulated to more than 4,000 heads! Rush ahead of the team to explore the way.

And among them, there are still some mutated animals.

“It seems that this world has really been infected by the zombie virus for a long time.”

Lin Yan looked around.

Along the way, he encountered either corpses or zombies, without any living things.

Not even a blade of grass.

This incomplete plane, even if it is not discovered by the school, will probably be wiped out in the sea of ​​chaos soon.

For example, the place that is still barely intact is the size of a few cities, and the rest of the area has been submerged in the sea of ​​chaos.


At this moment, in the city, a roar suddenly came.

“Little brother Lin Yan, get ready.”

Liu Yue spoke again: “The zombie king in this area has been disturbed.”


Third, I beg for the support of the monthly pass for flower evaluation!


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