083: Scp-1013! Believer’s second-order purchase permission! (3 is more customized!)

at the same time,

This second-order inextinguishable evil lizard,

When he looked at the Flame Demon again, his eyes were full of disdain, and he even said, “Disgusting creature…”

Lin Yan:

Well, it seems that no matter how many levels of Uncle 682, they are all the same.


After experimenting with this immortal lizard, a bold idea emerged in Lin Yan’s mind.

Immediately after,

He directly descended the oracle.

“Boom! 59

The ground near the swamp suddenly trembled.

That was the resonance caused by five hundred unrelenting lizards running towards the flame demon at the same time.


Nearly five hundred inextinguishable evil lizards have already arrived near the forest.

“The Balrog, burn them directly!!

Lin Yan gave the oracle again.

“Yes… Good God! 99

Although puzzled, the Balrog quickly carried out Lin Yan’s order.


next moment,

A sea of ​​flames instantly surrounded all the 682 Silent Lizards.

within minutes,

All the muted lizards were burned to ashes!


Lin Yan can clearly feel that all the undead lizards are not dead, but are living in another state, and their bodies are still recovering!

Of course, because it has become ashes and the volume loss exceeds 99.99%, it will take a certain amount of time to restore the body.

“It won’t die like this, and the characteristics of Uncle 682 are too great..

Lin Yan couldn’t help but shook his head.

In the information of the Scp Foundation, except for those supreme divinities, there are basically few, which can completely eliminate 682.

“Then, the next step is to wait for the resurrection of Uncle 682…

Lin Yan licked his lips with the old one.

Waiting for this time, how powerful will all the 682 masters be resurrected?

The second-order inextinguishable evil lizard can ignore the burning of the fourth-order flame demon…

Excited to think about it!

【Ding! Congratulations, you have unlocked a batch of new containment items, you can buy new containment items!】

At this moment, the traditional voice sounded.

“Huh? Can I buy a new containment? It’s better to get a containment with a strong single-unit attack…”.”

Lin Yan hurriedly opened the system: “Open the Mystery Mall!”

Mystery store will open soon,

Lin Yan looked over.

This time, in the Mystery Mall, there is only a brand-new container icon.

Scp-1013, the lizard recruit.

1- A small lizard with a bird’s head. Its main body is only 60 cm long, and its tail is 121 cm long and very flexible. 】

[Characteristics: Releases an unknown radiation, wave or meme to the prey through visual contact. The target is completely paralyzed for a short period of time. The duration of paralysis varies with the level of the target. If the paralyzed subject is bitten by Scp-1013, the part of the epidermis within about three centimeters will enter the calcification process. )

[Price: 2000 Faith, Individual]

Looking at the introduction in the mysterious shop,

Lin Yan was immediately stunned.

After a while, he suddenly exclaimed: “Damn it! The ability of the lizard recruited beast… 33

According to the introduction, the attack ability of the 1013 lizard beast is not very strong, and it needs to rely on its small body to bite and cause damage.

However, the characteristics of the lizard beasts are definitely a very terrifying group control ability!

As long as the line of sight is in contact, there will be a period of anesthesia effect, and during this time, the skin will be calcified when bitten by the lizard beast!

“This ability is too scary…

Lin Yan whispered excitedly.

That is, he is ready to buy directly.

At this moment,

The traditional reminder sounded again.

[It has been detected that the host God’s Domain has been greatly improved, and the Mystery Store has now opened the second-order Foundation containment purchase permission. )

“Second-order containment purchase permission? What do you mean?”

Lin Yan asked.

Fantong replied quickly.

[That is, the host can directly purchase the Foundation’s containment, and the level is second-level, but the price required is slightly more expensive.

Lin Yan understood.

For example, he can now directly buy tier 2 peanuts, 096 and the like…

The hook is now directly second-order.

Lin Yan opened the mystery shop again, and suddenly found,

Sure enough, in the purchase interface of all containment items, there is an additional “Second-Order” option, and the price is much higher than the Faith Point required for the first-order.

For example, the first-order Scp-1013 only needs 2000 to buy an individual,

However, the second-order one requires 5000 relays to buy one.

It is about 1.5 times more expensive than the belief value.


This is definitely a big win!

After all, it takes a lot of resources and time to raise a first-order creature to the second-order level.

“This is too cool!

Lin Yan and the old way.

The more containment he needs, the more money he will make if he buys Tier 2 directly!


Lin Yan pondered for a moment and asked, “Tantong, this one has the second-order authority, is there a third-order, fourth-order or even higher purchase authority?”

Fantong quickly replied:

【Yes host. )

Sure enough!

Lin Yan took a deep breath and asked again: How to activate this purchase permission?

[The opening of the purchase authority is related to the completeness of the host of your God’s Domain. The more complete the God’s Domain, the more high-level purchase rights can be opened]

“The completeness of God’s Domain…

Lin Yan murmured in a low voice.

It seems that the opening of this second-order purchase authority is probably because of the expansion of his own domain of God, and the variety of landforms has become more and more complete!

“Then… If you enable high-level purchase rights, do you need more God’s Domain expansion cards?”

Lin Yan speculated.

It would be a pain in the ass,

The value of the God’s Domain Expansion Card is too high, and he was able to get four or five cards before, which was already incredible.


As soon as he thought about purchasing the high-level containment items of Yun countless high-class in his future God’s Domain, Lin Yan was extremely looking forward to it!

“Fantong, if the divine fire is ignited, is the divine domain more complete?”

After a moment of contemplation, Lin Yan asked.

Fan Tong replied: “According to the host’s current completeness of the divine domain, (Zhao Zhaozhao) ignites the divine fire, which is considered a complete divine domain to a great extent.


Lin Yan whispered.

In this way, it is more reliable to light the fire!

After all, if you have a million Faith Points, you are qualified to ignite the fire of God.

shaking his head,

Lin Yan turned his attention to the secret shop again.

After thinking for a while, he said directly: “I want to buy 1,000 Tier 2 Scp-1013s.

This kind of control believer, the effect is too great, of course, the more the better!

【Ding! Congratulations to the host, the purchase is successful!】

The traditional prompt sounded instantly:

[Please choose the placement location for the host]

Lin Yan immediately said: “Just put it in this plain area.

The beeps of Fantong and God’s Domain sounded at the same time.

【Ding! Launched successfully!】

[Hint]: 1000 new lives have been added to your God’s Domain.

[Hint]: You have added 1000 fanatics,

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