I created the Tianjiao Era

Chapter 11 A child rides on a tiger, shocking the whole city!

Before it got dark, Jiang Hao and Zhao Heita returned to Cangcheng.

However, Jiang Hao rode a big tiger into the city, and there was a little confusion.

Where have the ordinary people in Cangcheng seen such a scene?

A child actually rode a ferocious tiger.

A child riding a tiger?

Everyone was horrified.

"Is that a tiger?"

"It's really a tiger, and there's a child on the tiger's back."

"What, a child riding a tiger? What's going on?"

"The child on the tiger's back looks a little familiar, is that... Young Master Jiang?"

"The Jiang family prodigy?"

"No doubt, there's the owner of the Black Tower Martial Arts School next to him. I've heard that Young Master Jiang became a disciple of the Black Tower Martial Arts School."

"But how can Young Master Jiang ride a tiger?"

The tiger is also called the mountain king, tiger king, etc. by the people.

It is the king of all beasts.

If an ordinary hunter encounters a tiger in the mountains, it is basically dangerous.

But now, Jiang Hao, a seven-year-old child, can ride on the back of a tiger?

The tiger even looks quite docile.

But, is it really docile?

The tiger's burly body, with its mouth slightly opened, looked like a bloody mouth, which made people feel scared.

The tiger did not feel uncomfortable at all when it entered the downtown for the first time, but walked very proudly. The tiger's eyes were full of ferocity and domineering, which made people around marvel.

Anyone with a discerning eye knew that the tiger was tamed.

It was a rare thing for a tiger to be tamed.

Even some brave children were watching.

They looked at Jiang Hao on the back of the tiger with envy in their eyes.

The child riding a tiger caused a sensation in the whole city.

Even the city lord's mansion was alarmed.

The big shots of the city lord's mansion came with the detectives.

When they saw Jiang Hao and Zhao Heita, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Greetings, Master Zhao, Young Master Jiang."

"We received news that a tiger entered the city, so we came to check it out. It seems that this tiger has been tamed by Young Master Jiang?"

One of the constables asked.

This is a routine inquiry.

However, Zhao Heita has a high status, and the constables must treat him with respect.

Zhao Heita also knows that these constables represent the City Lord's Mansion and are also for the safety of the entire city.

Jiang Hao must have an explanation for riding a tiger into the city.

What if the tiger hurts someone?

"Don't worry, this tiger has a trace of tiger demon blood, and is quite human. It has been tamed and will not hurt anyone."

Zhao Heita said calmly.

"Tiger demon blood?"

Ordinary people don't understand what it means, but the constables feel relieved.

Of course they know what "tiger demon blood" means.

Anyone with "demon blood" will have intelligence.

With intelligence, it is no longer an ordinary beast and can be tamed.

After being tamed, it is safer.

"That's good. Master Jiang, please restrain your tiger pet in the future."

"Okay, don't watch anymore, go away..."

The crowd quickly dispersed after the constables drove them away.

But they just didn't come forward to watch, in fact, they were still watching from afar.

Some warriors also understood what was going on.

They were all very envious.

"A tiger with tiger demon blood? Jiang Hao is really lucky."

"It's just a tiger pet. Do you think you can return to your ancestors and become a demon with that trace of blood?"

"It's unlikely to return to your ancestors and become a demon, unless there is a powerful medicine...but who is willing to give a tiger pet a powerful medicine?"

"However, Zhao Heita really values ​​Jiang Hao. He actually accompanied Jiang Hao to catch a tiger pet..."

"Hehe, news has been heard from the Black Tower Martial Arts Hall this morning that Jiang Hao is suspected to have born a force and become a Mingjin warrior."

"What? A seven-year-old Mingjin warrior?"

The warriors of Cangcheng were all shocked.

It's just a tiger pet. They didn't care at all.

If they wanted, they could catch ten pet tigers.

But Jiang Hao had the birth of the spirit and became a Ming Jin warrior, which was different.

A seven-year-old Ming Jin warrior?

This was really shocking.

No wonder Zhao Heita valued Jiang Hao so much that he even caught a pet tiger for Jiang Hao himself.

If their disciples had such talent, they could catch a hundred pet tigers.

Jiang Hao and Zhao Heita returned to the martial arts hall together.

The martial arts hall had already caused a sensation.

Many students, outer disciples and even inner disciples came to the martial arts hall to welcome Jiang Hao and Zhao Heita.

Most students and disciples looked at Jiang Hao on the tiger's back with envy.

Who wouldn't want to ride a tiger and look majestic?

"Okay, we've been showing off enough along the way, let's go into the martial arts hall and talk about business."

Zhao Heita finally spoke.

"Yes, Master."

Jiang Hao really felt great.

Even though he had lived two lives as a human, it was the first time he rode a tiger.

Jiang Hao jumped off the tiger's back and said to the tiger: "Stay here and don't hurt anyone."


The tiger roared softly, as a response to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao nodded and followed his master into the martial arts hall.

The tiger also lay on the ground and closed his eyes to rest.

As for the others watching, the tiger was too lazy to pay attention.

In the martial arts hall, Zhao Heita said to Jiang Hao: "Jiang Hao, although your Tiger Fist has achieved a small success, you still can't slack off and strive to achieve a great success as soon as possible."

"Yes, Master, I will never slack off."

Jiang Hao also understood that the great success of the Tiger Fist would greatly increase his strength.

Zhao Heita was also very confident in Jiang Hao.

He took out two secret books from the inner room and gave them to Jiang Hao.

"Since you are already a Ming Jin warrior, you should practice Ming Jin techniques."

"Master said before that there are two top techniques, namely, Angry Tide Technique and Thunder Technique."

"Among them, Angry Tide Technique is a continuation of the Great River Nourishing Blood Technique. Thunder Technique is a top Ming Jin technique that Master accidentally obtained in his early years, and its power is also quite good."

"The two kinds of power cultivated by these two techniques can increase the power by 30%. But as top techniques, they all have one thing in common, that is, they are very difficult to practice, and require extremely high roots and a high degree of fit with the techniques to practice successfully."

"Among your senior brothers and sisters, only the eldest and third senior brothers have cultivated the Angry Tide Technique. And none of the Thunder Techniques have cultivated. So, if you want to practice these two techniques, you must do it within your ability."

"If you really can't practice successfully, then give up as soon as possible and switch to other techniques."

Zhao Heita solemnly exhorted.

"Yes, Master."

Jiang Hao took over the two techniques.

Of course, this is a handwritten copy, you can take it home and study it carefully.

"Jiang Hao, the wrathful force is the technique that I practice, and I can give you some detailed instructions, which will help you practice the wrathful force faster."

"As for the thundering force, I haven't practiced it either, so you can only figure it out on your own."

"Thank you, Master."

Jiang Hao also made a quick decision on the two Ming Jin techniques.

Practice the wrathful force first!

Anyway, with the guidance of the master, practicing the wrathful force will definitely be faster.

Wait until the wrathful force is practiced before thinking about the thundering force.

Zhao Heita also meant this.

He carefully instructed Jiang Hao on the practice of the wrathful force, and he could also see the speed at which Jiang Hao practiced the top Ming Jin techniques.

Jiang Hao purified his qi and blood by 100%, and he could practice ten kinds of Ming Jin techniques.

If he didn't practice the top techniques, it would be a waste.

But the techniques require a good fit.

The more top techniques, the more they require a good fit.

The higher the root bone, the higher the fit with the technique.

Although Jiang Hao can purify 100% of his Qi and blood, his root bone should be very high.

But we should be prepared for the worst.

What if it doesn't work?

If it is really impossible to practice the top-level skills, then we can only settle for the next best and practice the superior skills.

Practicing martial arts requires hard work, but you don't need to be stubborn.

If it really doesn't work, there is actually no need to stick to the top-level Ming Jin skills.

You can change to the superior skills, after all, the difficulty of the superior skills is much smaller.

But even if it is ten superior skills, the increase is very terrifying.

However, now that there are top-level skills, Jiang Hao will naturally give it a try.

So, Jiang Hao began to think about the raging tide.

This raging tide is indeed extraordinary and very complicated to practice.

Whether you can practice the raging tide depends on the degree of fit between the root bone and the raging tide.

Jiang Hao's root bone data reached 7, which is very high.

With this attempt, Jiang Hao's body strength has a hint of transformation into raging tide.

Very smooth!

That's it, is it still difficult?

What difficulty is there!

You know, Jiang Hao has just practiced the Raging Tide Power.

Obviously, Jiang Hao's root bone is extremely compatible with the Raging Tide Power.

Perhaps Jiang Hao's root bone is as high as 7, and any technique is compatible.

However, this is just a little sign.

It takes time to transform into the Raging Tide Power, and even this time should not be short, at least it will not be done in a few days.

But Jiang Hao has already understood that the Raging Tide Power is no obstacle for him.

"My root bone is indeed very strong, and there is no problem practicing the top Ming Jin technique."

"Then I will concentrate on visualizing the blood moon and increase my comprehension. Strive to improve my comprehension as soon as possible, and make the Fierce Tiger Fist mature and even perfect as soon as possible!"

Jiang Hao thought of his own situation.

His root bone is already very strong, and there is no problem practicing the top Ming Jin technique.

But his comprehension is much worse, and the Fierce Tiger Fist has only barely achieved a small success, and there is no hope of ever achieving a full success.

He naturally has to focus on improving his comprehension.

As for the spirit?

In addition to purifying the blood and qi, the spirit has no other function, so it can be put aside for the time being.

In the evening, Jiang Hao left the martial arts hall.

Du Juan and other servants of the Jiang Mansion were already waiting outside the martial arts hall.

"Master, you finally finished practicing martial arts. It's almost dark."

Du Juan stepped forward and was about to carry Jiang Hao to the carriage, but Jiang Hao shook his head and said, "Du Juan, you take the carriage. I won't go up."

"Master, you don't want to take the carriage?"

"Da Hu, it's time to wake up."

Jiang Hao slapped Da Hu on the head lightly.

Da Hu shuddered all over and roared immediately.

But when it saw that it was Jiang Hao, it immediately lowered its head and licked Jiang Hao affectionately.

"Is this tiger really the master's mount?"

Du Juan had actually seen this tiger a long time ago.

She even heard rumors about Jiang Hao and this tiger.

But no matter what, it was not as shocking as seeing it with her own eyes.

Jiang Hao turned over and sat on the tiger's back. Looking at the stunned Du Juan, he smiled and said, "Let's go home."

So, Jiang Hao rode on the tiger and walked slowly towards the Jiang Mansion.

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