I created the Tianjiao Era

Chapter 111 The divine blood enters the Tao and transforms into the Golden Crow!

In the quiet room, Jiang Hao felt the divine blood in his body flowing quietly.

Divine blood is also a part of blood.

It is hidden in the blood.

In fact, the amount of divine blood is quite small compared to blood.

But such a small part of divine blood can burst out with terrifying power.

Jiang Hao has already understood that if he wants to enter the Dao with divine blood, it is actually to return to the ancestral blood. He must sense a trace of the will of the blood source contained in the divine blood, and then refine that trace of will.

As for how to find it, it depends on various opportunities.

Why do the sons of gods appear in the major divine blood families?

In fact, the sons of gods can sense the will of the divine blood in the body.

It’s just that the will has not been refined.

So the blood cannot return to the ancestral blood.

But it is equivalent to having stepped half a step into the Dao realm.

Therefore, the status of the son of gods in the divine blood family is so high.

Jiang Hao is obviously not the son of gods.

He must rely on himself to sense the will in the Golden Crow divine blood.

But Jiang Hao is not without a way.

His spiritual power is pervasive and sensitive.

Therefore, Jiang Hao mobilized his spiritual power, slowly penetrated into the Golden Crow's divine blood, and carefully sensed the will in the Golden Crow's divine blood.

One hour, two hours, three hours...

Jiang Hao's telepathy was time-consuming and labor-intensive.

However, it really worked.

Gradually, Jiang Hao sensed a faint remnant of will in the Golden Crow's divine blood.

He immediately tried to capture this remnant of will with his spiritual power.


Jiang Hao's mind was shaken.

He seemed to see a three-legged golden crow that covered the sky and the sun, spreading its wings, and burning with terrifying Great Sun True Fire all over its body.

Countless Great Sun True Fires spread across the void.

Burned the worlds into ashes.

Then the three-legged golden crow swallowed up the burning worlds in one gulp.

"Is this... the three-legged golden crow?"

Jiang Hao's heart was shaken.

The scenes he saw seemed different from what he imagined.

In Jiang Hao's imagination, the three-legged golden crow should be a divine beast, noble, mysterious, and powerful.

But the scene he saw in the Golden Crow's Blood was completely different.

The three-legged Golden Crow was like a moving natural disaster.

Wherever it went, the world would be destroyed.

Even the three-legged Golden Crow fed on the world.

This was simply terrifying.

Could the three-legged Golden Crow really be so powerful that it fed on the world?

However, no matter what, Jiang Hao had already sensed the will in the Golden Crow's Blood.

Then the next step was to refine this will, so that his bloodline could return to his ancestors and enter the Dao with the blood of the gods!

But this step was quite dangerous.

Those sons of God in the Blood of the Gods family could sense the will in the blood of the gods early on, so why didn't they refine it?

In fact, they were afraid of being backfired by the will.

If they lost consciousness at that time, it would be no different from being dead.

Therefore, the sons of God often tried their best to strengthen their will, so as to gain an advantage in refining the will of the blood of the gods.

The Blood of the Gods family has a long history and a lot of experience, which can help those sons of God avoid many detours.

But Jiang Hao was different.

He had no experience to follow.

After all, he is the founder of the "Golden Crow Divine Blood Family".

He is the ancestor.

His experience is the experience of those who come after him.

Others cannot provide him with experience.

"I already have the power of the mind, and I also have various true meanings, such as sword meaning. My will and spirit are now countless times stronger than those of ordinary sons of God. If even I can't refine the will in the divine blood, then no one can succeed!"

Jiang Hao murmured in a low voice.

But his tone was very confident.

Jiang Hao no longer hesitated and immediately sensed the will in the divine blood.


Jiang Hao's terrifying mental power began to refine this will.


This will is very strong.

Although it is only a trace, it is extremely tenacious.

Even after Jiang Hao's consciousness was integrated into this will, the other party seemed to want to take the initiative and devour Jiang Hao's consciousness instead.

But Jiang Hao has the protection of the power of the mind, so nothing will happen for the time being.

However, although the power of the mind alone has the upper hand, it cannot refine this will in a short time.

But if the time is too long, the risk will increase.

No one knows what will happen.

Jiang Hao must refine the will in the divine blood in a short time.


Jiang Hao's consciousness turned into a sharp sword and stabbed fiercely at the will of the Golden Crow's divine blood.

This is the sword meaning he comprehended.

Not only sword meaning, but also other true meanings.

These true meanings and sword meanings are actually very aggressive.

How can ordinary warriors have so many true meanings and sword meanings?

"Swish, swish, swish, swish".

With the continuous bombardment and cutting of sword meaning and true meaning, the will in the Golden Crow's divine blood can't be blocked even if it is tough.

As time goes by, the will in the Golden Crow's divine blood gradually begins to dissipate.

The disintegrated will is completely integrated into Jiang Hao's consciousness.

It is as if it has become a part of Jiang Hao's memory.

This is the complete refining of the residual will in the Golden Crow's divine blood.


Jiang Hao completely absorbed the residual will in the Golden Crow's divine blood.

At this moment, his understanding of the "Golden Crow Blood" has surpassed anyone else.

Because, he is now the Golden Crow!

"So this is atavism..."

Jiang Hao suddenly realized.

At this time, he no longer had any doubts.

Refining the will of the Golden Crow's blood and merging it with his own consciousness, wouldn't that mean he had transformed into a Golden Crow?


The divine blood in Jiang Hao's body boiled.

The next moment, the divine blood gradually gathered into a huge three-legged Golden Crow phantom.

But this three-legged Golden Crow phantom seemed to have turned from virtual to real.

The Golden Crow phantom opened its mouth and spurted out the Sun's True Fire.

The void seemed to be burning.

Moreover, the divine blood has one last trick, which is atavism!

That is true atavism.

The divine blood exploded.

That would turn it into a real Golden Crow!

However, once the trick is used, it consumes a lot of divine blood.

Moreover, the purity of the divine blood is not enough, and it is impossible to have the power of a real Golden Crow.

At best, it can only have a little bit of power.

However, even if it is just a little bit of power, it is very terrifying.

After all, it is an ancient divine beast!

Jiang Hao realized now that when he was sparring with Linghu Zhenren before, he felt that Linghu Zhenren must have some tricks that he hadn't used yet.

Now it seems that it should be "reversion".

Linghu Zhenren can transform into the divine beast Taotie.

This is the strongest method of entering the Dao with divine blood.

However, if this method is really used, it will be a fight to the death, and it will be desperate.

Jiang Hao was just sparring with Linghu Zhenren at that time, so Linghu Zhenren naturally would not use this method.

"The power of the divine beast is extraordinary. I just returned to my ancestral state, and the power of the three-legged golden crow has already reached the sky and the earth..."

Jiang Hao's heart trembled.

The fighting power of warriors who enter the Dao with divine blood is very amazing.

It mainly depends on the divine blood.

The stronger the divine blood, the stronger the power after reversion.

Moreover, this is also closely related to the progress of the divine blood reversion.

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