I created the Tianjiao Era

Chapter 13 Returning to the forest, the tiger is in danger!

"Second Senior Sister, how far has your cultivation reached? Can you tell me? If it's inconvenient, just pretend I didn't ask."

On the way, Jiang Hao looked at the second senior sister and asked.

Second Senior Sister smells the fragrance, and her name is very poetic, but the real Second Senior Sister is burly, ordinary-looking, and has nothing to do with "beauty".

However, the second senior sister is kind-hearted and humorous.

Among the many inner disciples in the martial arts hall, Jiang Hao has the best relationship with his second senior sister.

Wen Xiang glanced at Jiang Hao and said with a smile: "There is nothing I can't say. I am currently at the peak of An Jin."

"The peak of An Jin? Then we are about to enter the Hua Jin. Once we step into the Hua Jin, won't the second senior sister also be able to enter the Huang Tian Sect and become an inner disciple?"

"How can it be so easy? Not to mention that it is difficult to reach the peak of Anjin to Huajin. Even if I reach Huajin, I will not be able to become an inner disciple of Huangtian Sect. To become an inner disciple of Huangtian Sect, I must be under thirty years old, and I am already Over thirty years old.”

Jiang Hao was slightly startled.

Second senior sister is in her thirties?

Jiang Hao vaguely knew that the second senior sister was not married.

Even for a warrior, thirty is definitely an older age.

However, this was the privacy of Second Senior Sister, and it was not convenient for Jiang Hao to ask.

The two of them came all the way to Feiying Mountain.

Dahu looked a little excited about returning to Feiying Mountain and roared.

Jiang Hao patted Dahu on the head and said comfortingly: "Don't worry, you will be busy later."

Dahu became quiet.

Jiang Hao jumped off the big tiger's back.

Later, when the big tiger needs to hunt, him being on the big tiger's back will affect the big tiger's actions.

Wen Xiang tied the horse outside the forest, and the two of them entered Feiying Mountain.

"Big Tiger, wherever there is prey, you lead the way and we will follow you."

Jiang Hao said to Dahu.

Dahu roared excitedly, then jumped up and galloped towards the depths of Feiying Mountain.

Jiang Hao is now full of energy and blood, and his physical strength is more terrifying than that of a big tiger.

Therefore, he followed Dahu closely.

Not to mention the second senior sister smelling the fragrance, she can keep up with the big tiger no matter how fast it runs.

Finally, the big tiger gradually stopped.

A pair of tiger eyes stared closely at an elk in the distance.

The big tiger quietly approached the elk step by step.

The pace was very graceful and silent.

That's what tigers are like.

Be very careful when hunting. If you don't take action, you will be killed!

Jiang Hao stared at Dahu closely.

Watching Dahu's every move.

Various "tiger shapes" vaguely appeared in his mind.

It seemed that he suddenly overlapped with Dahu.

After all, Jiang Hao's Tiger Fist has understood the tiger shape and has reached a small level of success.

It just lacks some opportunities and inspiration and cannot achieve great success.

There is a big tiger watching every day.

Now there is a "live" demonstration of how to hunt.

Inspiration came to Jiang Hao's mind like a spring.

Soon, Dahu took action.

Although Dahu has gained some weight, his figure is still so strong.

When it pounced, the elk panicked and had no way to avoid it. It was jumped down by the big tiger, and the big tiger bit the elk's throat directly.

The elk struggled violently.

It didn’t take long for the elk to lose its breath of life.


Such a big elk was killed by a big tiger.

There is no unnecessary fighting in the whole process.

Very simple.

It's a one-hit kill!

This is how tigers hunt.

Jiang Hao's mind was filled with inspiration.

Now his understanding has exceeded 4. Compared with a few months ago, his understanding is stronger, so his understanding is deeper.

"A small mastery of Tiger Fist is just a preliminary understanding of the 'tiger shape', but it is not a real tiger. A tiger hunts, approaches cautiously, and once it strikes, it is thunderous and hits the vital point..."

Jiang Hao suddenly realized.

A spark of inspiration burst out in his mind, making him realize something profound.

He could clearly feel that his understanding of the "tiger shape" had deepened.

This also shows that he came to the right place this time.

It’s not enough to watch tigers at close range every day. You must take a closer look at how tigers hunt.

Only in this way can Jiang Hao's Tiger Fist be accomplished.

Dahu dragged the elk and came to Jiang Hao as if asking for credit.

Jiang Hao smiled and said: "Second Senior Sister, are you hungry? We are blessed today."

"Although Dahu has gained some weight, his skills have not declined, which is good."

The second senior sister smelled the fragrance and nodded.

The two cut off a portion of the venison and began to roast it.

The rest was given to Dahu.

"Second Senior Sister, you have also practiced Tiger Fist, right?"


"Then Second Senior Sister's Tiger Fist has reached its peak?"

Wen Xiang took a bite of the deer meat and said vaguely: "Xiao Cheng."

"Xiaocheng? Second Senior Sister should also have some insights from watching the big tiger hunt. How about we confirm each other?"

"I just watched a big tiger hunt, and inspiration surged through my mind, and I gained a deeper understanding of the 'tiger shape'..."

Jiang Hao talked endlessly about his understanding of the tiger shape.

But he didn't see Second Senior Sister Wen Xiang's blank look at all.


Have insights?

Wen Xiang did see the tiger hunting all the time.

But, that's it.

Let her take action and do better than Dahu.

As for insights?

Who can understand something by watching a tiger hunt?

Seeing Jiang Hao's cheerful look, Wen Xiang felt a little complicated.

There really is now.

Jiang Hao took one look at the big tiger hunting, and actually had a deeper understanding of the tiger's shape.

Is this genius?

Wen Xiang stopped talking.

The master asked her to watch Jiang Hao and protect him to prevent any accidents.

He didn't ask her to learn the Tiger Fist at all.

Those who can observe tigers hunting and understand boxing skills are not ordinary people.

In the past, Wen Xiang had no intuitive feelings about Jiang Hao's "genius".

And now, she felt it.

Therefore, Wen Xiang continued to chew the venison silently, and did not answer Jiang Hao's so-called "exchange of insights".


Dahu roared a few more times.

There was a hint of impatience in his voice.

"Junior brother, what's wrong with Dahu?"

Wen Xiang asked curiously.

She knew that Dahu understood human nature, and only Jiang Hao could understand what Dahu meant.

Jiang Hao said with some embarrassment: "When Dahu returned to the mountains and forests, he fell into his old habit and wanted to pee and define his territory."

Smell the fragrance and suddenly realize.

Although Dahu has the blood of a tiger demon, he is not a tiger demon after all and still maintains certain characteristics of the beast.

Peeing to enclose territory is the consciousness engraved in the bones of tigers.

Returning to the forest, Dahu was influenced by his consciousness and naturally wanted to define his territory, so he was always restless.

"Let it go, it can't overcome the habit in its bones."

Wen Xiang said.

Jiang Hao nodded, he also understood this.

"Dahu, go and come back quickly."

Jiang Hao patted the big tiger on the head, and the big tiger roared excitedly, then quickly ran out and defined his territory around the forest.

The big tiger shuttled through the mountains and forests all the way.

It feels so invigorating.

Although there is meat to eat every day in Jiang Mansion, it is the king of beasts after all, and the mountains and forests are its destination.

The tiger's territory is very large.

It peed on the edge of the territory and kept patrolling the territory.

Any wild beast that steps into the territory will be driven away or killed by the tiger.

Suddenly, Dahu vaguely smelled a familiar smell.

It was the smell of other beasts.

Dahu went looking for the smell, and sure enough he saw a wild boar.

This wild boar is huge.

Rampant in the mountains and forests, very arrogant.

He didn't pay any attention to the territory marks left by the big tiger.

Dahu was furious.

It is the king of beasts, and this is its territory. How can a wild boar be allowed to run wild?

So, the big tiger approached silently.


The next moment, the big tiger moved.

Although the wild boar is also very strong, its brute strength is very terrifying, not inferior to the big tiger at all.

However, Dahu's body is very flexible.

After a pounce, the wild boar struggled violently, but was left with scars on its body by the tiger's sharp claws.

When the wild boar saw the big tiger, it seemed to be a little frightened. It made a "chuck, chuck, cheep" sound in its mouth, and kept retreating.

The tiger approached step by step, pounced again, and grabbed the wild boar with its big mouth.

The wild boar struggled violently.

The two beasts were constantly entangled and rolling on the ground.

The wild boar is indeed very strong and breaks free from the tiger's shackles.

The big tiger was even hit by a wild boar, but it wasn't a big problem.

The wild boar started to run away, but the tiger was in hot pursuit.

The wild boar was injured and was bleeding from the wound.

The big tiger kept following the wild boar again. As time passed, the wild boar could no longer run.


Finally, the big tiger bit another huge wound on the wild boar's throat.

Blood spurted out, and the wild boar also whined and fell heavily to the ground.

"Quick, here."

Several young warriors sprang out from the forest and saw wild boars and tigers on the ground at a glance.

"Oops, the wild boar is dying."

"This wild boar has demon blood. According to the mission, it needs to be captured alive. But it doesn't look like it can survive."

"The wild boar was killed by this tiger."

"Huh? This tiger is not ordinary. He also has demon blood."

"Since the wild boar is dead, capturing the tiger alive can also be considered as completing the mission."

There were three warriors in total, slowly approaching the big tiger.

Dahu seemed to sense danger.

Step back little by little.


The three warriors took action together.

They all pounced on the big tiger.

The big tiger raised his paw and aimed it at one of the warriors.

As a result, the warrior was faster and actually grabbed the big tiger's paw with his bare hands, and with both hands hard, he shouted: "Get up."

The warrior directly lifted the big tiger up and smashed it to the ground.


Dahu was knocked dizzy.

Moreover, the three warriors pressed down on it, and the terrifying power made it impossible for the tiger to move at all.

Obviously, these three warriors were born with energy, and their power was very terrifying.

"Caught, tie him up quickly."

The three people hurriedly took out the rope and prepared to tie up the big tiger.

"What are you doing? Let go of Dahu!"

At this moment, Jiang Hao arrived.

In fact, Jiang Hao has been looking for Dahu for some time.

For such a long time, he thought Dahu had run away alone.

It turns out that Dahu was caught.

Jiang Hao was shocked and angry. Fortunately, he found Dahu, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"A child?"

"Where did the child come from? Did you get lost with the adults?"

"Come on, tell me whose child you are? This forest is very dangerous."

The three warriors were a little surprised when they saw Jiang Hao.

I didn't expect there was a child in the forest.

Jiang Hao and the second sister Wenxiang went to look for the tiger separately.

Now the second sister is still behind.

The three warriors mistakenly thought that he was lost with the adults.

"I am the owner of this tiger. Please let the tiger go."

Jiang Hao also calmed down.

Looking at the three people who were not dressed like hunters, but could easily subdue the tiger, they were probably warriors.

However, Jiang Hao's words surprised the three people even more.


This tiger has an owner?

And the owner is a child under ten years old, is it possible?

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