I created the Tianjiao Era

Chapter 139 Senior Sister Hong, long time no see!

The border between Daqian and Huangtian Sect.

Now there is another force, Baiyu Mountain.

Baiyu Mountain was originally attacking part of Daqian's territory.

Daqian couldn't stop it, so it gave up part of its territory.

This part of the territory borders Huangtian Sect.

Therefore, Daqian's goal is also very simple, that is, to drag Huangtian Sect into the water.

Daqian can't be the only one to be beaten.

Huangtian Sect must also be beaten.

Then, Baiyu Mountain really began to expand its territory, including Huangtian Sect's territory.

Huangtian Sect did not dare to be careless, and immediately led by Rudao Zhenren, selected disciples such as Daozhong, Zhenchuan, and Inner Sect to go down the mountain to resist Baiyu Mountain at the border of the three forces.

Xia Hong is one of them.

She was an Inner Sect disciple of Huajin before, but just a few months ago, Xia Hong stimulated Danjin and then became a Zhenchuan disciple.

She led a small team and now fought with Baiyu Mountain at the border.

Baiyu Mountain didn't know where all these masters came from, and they expanded everywhere without falling behind.

In just a few months, Huang Tianzong lost a lot of territory.

Daqian was even worse, losing more territory.

"Senior Sister Xia, can we return to the mountain gate alive this time?"

In a dense forest, members of Xia Hong's team asked softly.

These team members were not in a good mood.

The battle with Baiyu Mountain at the border was really too fierce.

The casualties were too heavy.

What Ming Jin and An Jin, they were just cannon fodder, and they died one after another.

The casualties of Hua Jin were less, but the absolute number was also huge.

Even many Dan Jin masters and Gang Jin grand masters died at the border.

Xia Hong and others are already the third batch of disciples.

It is said that there will be a fourth and fifth batch later.

The casualties will be even more heavy by then.

This is simply a nightmare and purgatory for the Huang Tianzong disciples who have been peaceful for a long time.

Who would have thought that as disciples of the Seven Sects of the Southern Region, they would actually be caught up in such a tragic fight.

But this is the order of the sect, and no one can disobey it.

Xia Hong shook her head and said calmly: "Don't worry, I will take you all back to the mountain in one piece."

Xia Hong still has confidence in her own strength.

As long as she doesn't meet the Gangjin Grandmaster, she thinks it won't be too dangerous.

At this time, Xia Hong even thought of Jiang Hao.

I don't know how Jiang Hao is now?

If Jiang Hao is still there, he will definitely shine in such a purgatory.

Of course, it is also very likely that Baiyu Mountain will focus on it, and even send out the Taoist masters to attack and kill him.

It's a good thing that Jiang Hao doesn't come back.

"Wait, there are people."

"Is it Baiyu Mountain's people, so many?"

"Is Baiyu Mountain launching a general attack?"

Xia Hong's face changed instantly.


Jiang Hao hurried on his way with all his strength.

When he passed through Daqian and was about to step into the territory of Huangtian Sect.

Jiang Hao suddenly discovered some movement.

"So many warriors?"

"There are warriors from Daqian, Huangtian Sect, and a group of unfamiliar warriors... Are they warriors from Baiyu Mountain?"

"The warriors from the three forces are fighting each other. Baiyu Mountain has expanded so fast that it has already fought with Huangtian Sect?"

Jiang Hao's spiritual power covers an area of ​​30 miles.

Therefore, he can clearly "see" how fierce the fighting between the warriors of the three forces is.


"That's... Xia Hong? She's here too?"

Jiang Hao's telepathy also "saw" an acquaintance.

Xia Hong!

And it seems that Dan Jin has been stimulated, and now she is a Dan Jin warrior.


Jiang Hao immediately turned into a stream of light and flew in the direction of Xia Hong.

Xia Hong's situation is indeed a bit difficult at this moment.

Who would have thought that Baiyu Mountain actually launched a general attack?

It seems that all the forces on the battlefield have been concentrated.

They don't care about Daqian at all.

How dare they?

In fact, Xia Hong had already thought that Daqian would most likely not make any move and allow Baiyushan to attack Huangtianzong.

Daqian hoped that Baiyushan would focus on Huangtianzong's territory.

As for the loss of lips and teeth?

Daqian could not care so much.

After all, Daqian had suffered heavy losses before.

And Huangtianzong and Daqian were not allies of life and death.

Daqian naturally understood the principle of "a friend's death is better than a poor Taoist's death".

Baiyushan also grasped Daqian's mentality and directly concentrated his strength to attack Huangtianzong, which was to completely defeat Huangtianzong's power in this border area.

Everyone in Xia Hong's team was injured.

Several Danjin warriors of Baiyushan had surrounded Xia Hong.

"Huangtianzong's true disciple?"

"You warriors in the southern region, you sit in the well and look at the sky, what overlord, it's ridiculous."

"Don't do it, let me kill this girl myself."

A burly man walked out of Baiyushan's team.

He also had the breath of Danjin.

Obviously, he is also a Dan Jin warrior.

"That's fine, but don't play too long."

The other Dan Jin warriors looked like they were watching a show, and they didn't really take action, but let the big man walk towards Xia Hong.

Xia Hong looked solemn.


In a one-on-one fight, Xia Hong was not afraid of any warrior of the same level.

She kicked her feet and rushed towards the strong man in an instant.

Xia Hong actually took the initiative to attack?


The strong man punched directly.

The two of them collided head-on.


Xia Hong's arm made a crisp sound instantly.

Her face suddenly changed.

She felt a little confused.

"How is it possible?"

Xia Hong's head-on collision was like encountering a wall.

Her arm was broken instantly.

The opponent's power seemed endless. Even if it was just a collision of Dan Jin, Xia Hong already knew it.

She was not the opponent of the opponent.

Not even an opponent of the same level.

The opponent was also Dan Jin, how could he be so strong?


"It was just a broken arm, not blown up by my punch?"

"It's interesting. However, the Dan Jin warriors in the South Region are just like this, not worth mentioning."

The strong man seemed a little bored.

Since he came to the South Region, the warriors of the same level have not encountered any opponents.

The woman in front of him was already relatively strong.

But under the explosion of his Dan Jin, she was still vulnerable.

Xia Hong gritted her teeth and supported herself with difficulty.

Her face turned pale and she looked into the distance.

There was also fighting in the distance.

The warriors wearing the uniforms of Huang Tian Zong disciples almost all retreated as quickly as an avalanche.

Obviously, the overall situation is very bad.

Huang Tian Zong, most likely lost.

"I didn't expect it to come to this point..."

Xia Hong showed a trace of miserable smile on her face.

She once dreamed of entering the Dao one day.

Although it was just a luxury, she did have a little hope deep in her heart.

Unfortunately, this hope is also going to disappear.

Now it seems that it is indeed a luxury like a fairy tale.

She may have to sleep under this land today.

So, Xia Hong once again stimulated the Dan Jin, and wanted to fight to the death with the opponent!

The strong man also took one step at a time, and seemed to have a grim smile on his face.

But suddenly, the strong man stopped.

The grim smile on his face gradually disappeared.

Instead, there was a trace of fear.

Yes, it was fear.

But what was the strong man afraid of?

Xia Hong followed the strong man's gaze and slowly turned her head to look.

Right behind her, there was a figure standing in mid-air, overlooking everyone.

"Senior Sister Hong, long time no see."

Jiang Hao, standing in mid-air, fixed his eyes on Xia Hong.

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