Jiang Hao is back.

Being held in the arms of a cuckoo.

There has been hot water in the house for a long time, and it is also soaked with precious medicinal materials.

This is the medicated bath prepared by Mr. Jiang, and everything is ready.

Jiang Hao still didn't even want to move.

Carrying it for twenty weeks at once was really tiring, and it was almost his limit.

"Magpie, quickly test the water temperature."

Du Juan hugged Jiang Hao, but Magpie didn't let him take over even if he wanted to.

Even though there are only two personal maids around Jiang Hao, these two personal maids are also competing with each other.

Du Juan hugged Jiang Hao and carefully took off Jiang Hao's clothes.

Then Du Juan also took off his clothes. Jiang Hao was still too young, so the maid had to hold Jiang Hao every time he took a bath.

This time, Du Juan naturally got the opportunity to bathe with Jiang Hao in his arms.

The magpie was very envious, but had no choice but to wait outside.

Jiang Hao is still a child, and his whole body is white and tender.

Being hugged by cuckoo, the nephrite was fragrant, and Jiang Hao was not shy.

From childhood to adulthood, he has been served like this by two maids.

However, this is a medicinal bath, not an ordinary bath.

Du Juan hugged Jiang Hao and sat down in the hot water bucket, but she didn't know what to do for a while.

"Just sit like this and don't move."

Jiang Hao spoke.

He can't move now. That's because carrying it for twenty weeks is too exhausting.

But now that he has a medicinal bath, he can replenish his consumption.

Of course, it is also necessary to continue to transport Qi and blood.

Therefore, Jiang Hao began to use the Dahe Blood Nourishing Technique again to transport Qi and blood.

This time Jiang Hao moved very slowly.

However, medicated baths do have an effect.

A trace of heat rises in the body, and the heat comes from the medicinal bath.

Jiang Hao felt that the soreness and fatigue all over his body seemed to be relieved a lot, and the heat flow was getting bigger and bigger, nourishing every part of his body.

However, Jiang Hao did not dare to move it too fast.

The faster the qi and blood are transported, the more qi and blood will be increased, but the consumption will be greater.

Jiang Hao is now in the recovery stage and should not consume too much.

"Master, this is the tonic that I asked you to brew for you. It is said to be very effective for those who practice martial arts."

At this time, the maid Magpie came with a bowl of soup.


Jiang Hao's eyes lit up when he heard this.

So, the magpie fed Jiang Hao bit by bit with a spoon.

As he drank a bowl of tonic, Jiang Hao felt more and more heat in his body, and even his whole body felt extremely hot.

Jiang Hao knew that the time had come, so he no longer controlled the speed of transporting qi and blood and continued to transport qi and blood.

One Sunday, two Sundays, three Sundays, four Sundays, five Sundays...

This time, Jiang Hao spent another two hours carrying five weeks.

Maybe he could still carry it, but Jiang Hao thought it was almost done.

If he continues to carry it, his body will suffer some damage.

"This medicinal bath plus tonic really works. Originally, my limit was twenty weeks a day, but now it has reached twenty-five weeks!"

"And this is not the limit. Other people's root bones cannot grow, but mine can continue to grow. As long as I continue to visualize the great sun, my root bones will only get stronger and stronger, and I can carry it in one day. More Sundays…”

Jiang Hao was extremely excited.

Du Juan and Magpie helped Jiang Hao clean up his body, and Jiang Hao went to bed.

He is very tired today.

However, Jiang Hao would not sleep.

Night was his most important time to practice.


Jiang Hao closed his eyes and entered the Yanwu Temple deep in his consciousness.

He looked up and saw the great sun in the sky.

There is still no change in this big day in the sky.

In the past few years, Jiang Hao has not been slacking off for a day, and he will meditate deep in his consciousness every night.

As long as he contemplates the Great Sun, his roots will continue to improve.

Jiang Hao still doesn't know what this means.

There are also blood moons and black holes.

Jiang Hao also looked through ancient books, but there was no record of blood moons or black holes.

"My basic skills are already very strong, but Master said that there are even more amazing geniuses in Huang Tianzong. My basic skills are far from being the best, and I have to keep working hard!"

Jiang Hao knows very well that there is heaven outside the world and there are people outside the world.

He will never be complacent.

Being able to continuously strengthen his bones was such a huge opportunity that no one else could ask for, so how could he slack off?

So, Jiang Hao began to contemplate the great sun again.

Visualizing the Great Sun is painful, but it strengthens the bones.

No matter how painful it was, Jiang Hao had to persevere.

Moreover, contemplating the Great Sun in your consciousness is actually equivalent to resting.

Even better than sleeping.

Over the years, Jiang Hao has long been accustomed to using "visualization" instead of sleeping.

The next day, Jiang Hao "woke up" from his visualization.

This is almost his biological clock.

Every morning around seven o'clock, Jiang Hao would automatically "wake up".

After imagining the bright sun all night, Jiang Hao didn't feel any tiredness. Instead, he felt refreshed and seemed to have endless energy in his body.

Cultivation: Level 1 of Qi and Blood Realm

Root bone: 6.8

Comprehension: 2.5

Spirit: 1.7

Jiang Hao checked the data of his three talents.

His cultivation level is still at the first level of Qi and Blood Realm.

This is also normal. Even if his bones are very strong, close to seven times that of an ordinary person, it is impossible for him to break through to the second level of Qi and Blood Realm in one day.

However, Jiang Hao's strong bones still allowed him to clearly feel the growth of his energy and blood.

Even in one day, Jiang Hao's energy and blood increased a lot.

Today is Jiang Hao's second day of formal martial arts training. He arrived at the Black Tower Martial Arts Hall early in the morning.

Jiang Hao felt that he was already early, but he didn't expect that the martial arts hall was already bustling with people, and many students and disciples had arrived at the martial arts hall.

"Junior brother, the day's plan begins in the morning. We warriors practice in the winter and practice in the summer, but we must not be lazy."

It was the third senior brother who spoke.

He had arrived at the martial arts gym a long time ago and had been practicing for a long time.

"Yes, Third Senior Brother."

Jiang Hao didn't make excuses, but accepted it humbly.

"Okay, Jiang Hao is still a child and still growing, so don't be so harsh."

The second senior sister came to Jiang Hao with a smile on her face: "Little junior brother, master is looking for you."

Jiang Hao followed the second senior sister to the master.

"Jiang Hao, how is your health?"

Zhao Heita asked.

"Master, this disciple has had a night's rest and his health is no longer serious."

Zhao Heita nodded with satisfaction and said: "The human body has unlimited potential. As long as it is not over-squeezed, that potential will be slowly released. Especially at such a young age, your body's potential is even greater!"

"However, a warrior only has energy and blood, but it's of no use if he can't use it, so he has to use martial arts."

"Your bones are strong, which allows you to practice martial arts with twice the result with half the effort. But martial arts is a competition of understanding and hard work."

"You are currently in the Qi and Blood realm, and too many martial arts skills will distract you. Just concentrate on practicing one boxing technique. I will teach you Tiger Fist, which can mobilize the energy and blood power of the whole body. It can be regarded as a very powerful boxing technique. "

So, Zhao Heita began to demonstrate the Tiger Fist.

Every punch exploded in the void, looking extremely powerful. It was indeed a powerful punch.

"Jiang Hao, do you remember?"

"Master, this disciple has already remembered it."

"Huh? You remember it after just one try? Then try it again and see."

Zhao Heita was going to practice it a few more times, but he didn't expect Jiang Hao to have memorized it.

This somewhat surprised Zhao Heita.

Some people have good foundation but average understanding.

Jiang Hao punched the tiger once and for all.

Although very immature.

A lot of the moves aren't even in place.

But I did remember it.

Zhao Heita was overjoyed.

Jiang Hao has a photographic memory.

When he thought about it carefully, Jiang Hao was no ordinary child, but a well-known "prodigy".

He learned literature at the age of one and composed poems at the age of three. His first poem was even handed down to the world and was sought after by countless literati.

Although studying literature and studying martial arts are very different.

But they also have something in common. People who are good at literature are quick in thinking. In a sense, they are the characteristics of people with high understanding among warriors.

From this point of view, Jiang Hao is not only good in character, but also has a good understanding?

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