I created the Tianjiao Era

Chapter 53 Promoted to Dao Seed, the Sect Master rewards with peerless magical skills!

Jiang Hao was summoned to the main hall and met the sect leader Yuan Wentian again.

"Disciple pays homage to the sect master!"

Jiang Hao saluted Yuan Wentian respectfully.

Yuan Wentian looked Jiang Hao carefully up and down, after all, what he heard was false and what he saw was true.

Although he believed what Elder Wang said, he still wanted to see it with his own eyes.

With this look, Yuan Wentian was sure that Jiang Hao had indeed cultivated Hua Jin.

"Jiang Hao, I personally promised you that if you can cultivate Huajin within ten years, you will become the Taoist seed of Huang Tianzong."

"Now I have fulfilled my promise. From now on, you will be directly promoted from inner disciple to Taoist seed!"

Jiang Hao looked at Yuan Wentian and felt a little excited.

He naturally knows the weight of Tao seeds.

Under normal circumstances, inner disciples are promoted to true disciples, and true disciples are promoted to Taoist seeds.

But Jiang Hao was directly promoted from inner disciple to Taoist seed.

It must be Huang Tianzong’s first time!

This is an exception.

"Thank you, Sect Master."

Jiang Hao saluted again.

If you can become a Taoist, then practicing martial arts in Huang Tianzong can be said to be twice the result with half the effort and smooth.

"Jiang Hao, Elder Wang has been praising your performance since he came back this time. In the seven-sect alliance competition, you have earned face for Huang Tianzong, and the sect will naturally not treat you badly."

"The sect is going to give you a peerless magical skill, which belongs to Master Danjin's method."

"The level of peerless magic is even higher than that of magic. You can't find it even if you go to the martial arts building. Only the sect's Taoism applies for it, and it can only be given after the sect's evaluation."

Jiang Hao's eyes lit up.

Unparalleled magical power?

The level of this skill alone is terrifying.

Jiang Hao felt that his Five Elements Magic was actually very strong.

The power to restrain the five elements of the world.

But the five elements magic power is just a magic power.

Incomparable to the peerless magical power.

"What kind of technique is it?"

Jiang Hao asked.

"Come forward."

Jiang Hao came to Yuan Wentian.

Yuan Wentian directly took out a secret book.

Something new.

But it should be a manuscript, not the original.

"The Divine Art of All Things?"

Jiang Hao saw the name of this peerless technique.

I can't see anything special about it.

Jiang Hao looked at Yuan Wentian suspiciously.

Yuan Wentian naturally understood what Jiang Hao meant, and explained with a smile: "Jiang Hao, whether it is bright energy, dark energy, or transforming energy, it is actually boundless water. When you need to use it, add extra points to explode with energy. But when not in use, these powers become dormant in the body. If you want to gather the power to deliver a powerful blow, it is simply impossible for a warrior to do so."

"And the 'Dan' of Danjin is to open up the Dantian, so that the whole body's energy can continuously gather in the Dantian, and over time completely flow into the Dantian. In this way, when an explosion is about to occur, the Danjin can be mobilized, and the necessary energy can be exploded in one go The warrior’s power is ten times or even dozens of times greater.”

"This is the terrifying thing about Dan Jin. The Dan Jin bursts out so fiercely that it is difficult for anyone below the Dan Jin level to stop it. Even if you have a bloodline, as long as it is not too powerful, if you encounter a Dan Jin master, once you are attacked by Dan Jin The master is approaching and the elixir power is at its lowest, even if he has blood, he will be in danger."

"It is actually very difficult to let all the energy of the whole body gather in the Dantian to form Danjin. The more the energy is compressed, the more terrifying the repulsion between the energies will be, and of course the stronger the Danjin explosion will be. But if it can’t be compressed too much, the elixir will not be able to form.”

"At this time, you need alien power, preferably some divine objects. For example, the Jiao Dan you got. If you absorb the power of the Jiao Dan and integrate it into the dantian, it will be able to accommodate a large amount of power and have the power of the Jiao Dan. By blending it, your elixir energy will be able to contain a lot of energy. The greater the amount, the stronger the elixir energy will be, and it will even bring a hint of dragon power."

Jiang Hao understood.

While Yuan Wentian was explaining, he was actually "guiding" Jiang Hao.

Let Jiang Hao fully understand the principle of "Dan Jin".

"Sect Master, what does this have to do with the Wanxiang Divine Art?"

Jiang Hao asked.

"Of course it does matter. Under normal circumstances, a warrior can only focus his energy on one Dantian, but the human body has three Dantians: the upper Dantian, the middle Dantian and the lower Dantian."

"General martial arts, even magical skills, can only cultivate one Dantian. But Wanxiang Divine Skill is different, it can cultivate three Dantians! In other words, once you have practiced Wanxiang Divine Skill, you will be three times better than others in the explosion of Danjin. times. It can also possess the power of three divine objects. Not only is the eruption of Dan Jin terrifying, but the still condensed Gang Jin also has great advantages, and it will even be of great benefit to the future. "

"Furthermore, the sect will also prepare two divine objects for you, so you don't have to go everywhere to find the divine objects. In addition to the Jiao Pill you get, the three divine objects can be used to cultivate three Dantians."

Jiang Hao was shocked when he heard this.

Huang Tianzong still has so many good things?

Peerless magic!

Divine object!

Jiang Hao had never even heard of it before.

But now, these things are all placed in front of Jiang Hao.

"Sect Master, do all Taoist species have this kind of treatment?"

Jiang Hao couldn't help but ask.

It would be great if all Taoist species were treated like this.

"Ordinary Taoists don't get such good treatment. Whether it's the Wanxiang Divine Art or the two divine objects, they are not given easily."

"Then why does the sect give me such good treatment?"

"First, you performed well in the Seven Sects Alliance Competition, so we need to reward you. Second, you have excellent talent, and the sect estimates that you may be able to practice the Wanxiang Divine Art. After all, not everyone can practice this divine art, even if given to others."

"There is also a third point, which is the most important one. If you practice the Wanxiang Divine Art, the sect may need you to go to a special place. That place is somewhat dangerous, but the rewards are huge. For so many years, the sect has been looking for geniuses, just to cultivate a disciple who can practice the Wanxiang Divine Art, but unfortunately none of them have been able to practice it."

"If you accept the Wanxiang Divine Art and the divine objects, you must obey the sect's arrangements at that time!"

Yuan Wentian did not hide it from Jiang Hao.

The sect gave so many things, of course, there is a reason.

Need Jiang Hao to work.

This made Jiang Hao hesitate.

The sect treated it so carefully, so the place to go must be not simple.

There are even dangers.

Seeing Jiang Hao hesitate, Yuan Wentian continued: "Jiang Hao, even if you have mastered the Wanxiang Divine Art, you will not be sent to that place until you reach the level of Gangjin Grandmaster, or even until you have no more progress and try to enter the Dao."

"And that place will be of great help to your entry into the Dao. Even if you don't practice the Wanxiang Divine Art, you will probably apply to go to that place yourself in order to enter the Dao..."

Jiang Hao's heart moved.

It seems that the place is very special.

It's not that the sect asked him to die.

It's a "great opportunity" related to entering the Dao.

"What is that place?"

Jiang Hao stared at Yuan Wentian.

Yuan Wentian pondered for a while, and finally said: "Yuntu Secret Realm. It is a place that countless top grandmasters flock to. Many grandmasters who cannot enter the Tao will try to go to Yuntu Secret Realm to fight."

"I can't tell you the details now. You will be qualified to know the information of Yuntu Secret Realm after you become a Gangjin Grandmaster."

"In short, Yuntu Secret Realm is indeed dangerous, but it is also a great opportunity. Although Yuntu Secret Realm is located in the South Region, many top grandmasters outside the South Region can also enter Yuntu Secret Realm. The great benefits are obtained by warriors outside the South Region. That's why the seven sects in the South Region are trying their best to cultivate top grandmasters, hoping to enter Yuntu Secret Realm to get great opportunities."

This is the first time Jiang Hao knows about the "Yuntu Secret Realm".

This should be a secret that only Gangjin Grandmasters know.

Jiang Hao also knows the purpose of the sect master.

It turns out that he wants to train him to be a top grandmaster.

Although he had divine blood, Yuan Wentian still hoped that Jiang Hao would practice the Wanxiang Divine Art, which showed that even with divine blood, there was no guarantee.

"The sect trained me, so even if I didn't have the Wanxiang Divine Art, I still had to serve!"

Jiang Hao agreed.

He knew very well that his talent was important for his ability to practice so fast, but resources, techniques, etc. had to be provided by the sect.

Even if he didn't accept the Wanxiang Divine Art, if the sect needed it and gave an order, could he not do it?

It was impossible!

Since everyone had to obey the sect's orders, it would be a waste not to take the ready-made benefits.

So, Jiang Hao took the Wanxiang Divine Art.

"By the way, Sect Master, I'm going to the Wulou to choose the Huajin technique. Does the Sect Master have any suggestions?"

Jiang Hao was not polite at all.

The person in front of him was the Sect Master of the Huangtian Sect, a top Grandmaster, who was only half a step away from entering the Dao.

With Yuan Wentian's guidance, why would he need to go to the Wulou to slowly choose the technique?

Yuan Wentian smiled knowingly.

"You are quite clever."

"Well, I will give you a few pointers."

"The Wanxiang Divine Power can cultivate three Dantians. In addition to the three divine objects, it also requires a lot of strength. Therefore, the power-transforming skills you choose must focus on those that can increase the strength. The more strength, the better."

"The Wulou has a three-turn magic skill. After completing the first turn, the strength doubles. After completing the third turn, the strength becomes eight times, which is very suitable for your current situation."

"The only trouble is that the three-turn magic skill has high requirements for comprehension and resources. Some Dao seeds can only be practiced to the first turn with difficulty. However, even if you only practice the first turn, the strength can be doubled, which is not bad."

"If you can practice the second and third turns, it will also be a great help for your practice of the Wanxiang Divine Power."

Jiang Hao nodded secretly and remembered the name "Three-turn Magic Skill" firmly.

"Master, that magical object..."

"It's useless to give it to you now, not to mention that you already have Jiao Dan. When you are about to achieve Dan Jin, you can come to me to apply for it at any time."

Jiang Hao nodded.

It is difficult to find magical objects. If they are lost, it will be a big trouble.

It is indeed safer to leave them with the master.

"Thank you, master. I'll take my leave."

Jiang Hao put away the Wanxiang Magic Skill and then said goodbye to Yuan Wentian.

Although the master's recommendation is definitely correct.

But Jiang Hao still has to go to the Wulou to see the three-turn magic skill in person. Is it really as magical as the master said?

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