I created the Tianjiao Era

Chapter 65: Dan Jin is done, Grandmaster Jiang Hao!

"What? Are you ready to break through the Danjin?"

Elder Wang suddenly stood up.

Three eyes fell on Jiang Hao instantly.

How long has it been?

It's just over a year and a month old.

After one year of entering the Taoist Palace, are you ready to break through the alchemy power?

This speed is too fast.

Elder Wang knew that Jiang Hao practiced the third-turn magic skill.

That is a peerless magical skill.

It is difficult for ordinary people to get started.

It is even more difficult to practice.

If you want to achieve Consummation, it will take more than ten years or even decades?

And what about Jiang Hao?

"Yes, my three-turn magical power has been perfected. It's time to attack the alchemy power."

"Okay, very good! This is not the place to talk. Let's go back first."

Elder Wang stood up immediately and put away the things on the stall.

"Close the stall and leave quickly."

The other two elders also closed their stalls immediately.

The group of four returned to the rented yard.

Elder Wang asked solemnly: "Jiang Hao, your practice of the three-turn magic skill should only lay the foundation for the Wanxiang Divine Skill. You will use the Wanxiang Divine Skill to break through the alchemy power, and then you will need three divine objects."

"The sect master once told me before he left that he should take two divine objects with him, and you should have one divine object with you. I will give it to you when you need to break through the alchemy power."

"Now it's time to give you the fetish."

Elder Wang carefully took out two wooden boxes and handed them to Jiang Hao.

"Thank you, elder."

"I need a quiet room to break through the alchemy."

"I still need to trouble three elders to protect the law."

"I will take you to the quiet room. Don't worry, with the three of us here, no one will disturb your breakthrough."

Elder Wang brought Jiang Hao into the quiet room and randomly closed the door of the quiet room.

The three elders were sitting cross-legged outside the quiet room guarding the door.

"Jiang Hao is only fifteen years old, right?"

"Yes, I will be able to cultivate alchemy at the age of fifteen. It's really...the future is limitless!"

"The Wanxiang Divine Art is extraordinary. It may take longer to break through. We must guard it carefully. This level is crucial."

The three elders all had a hint of expectation.

At the same time, they all know that Dan Jin is very important.

Jiang Hao will never be disturbed in any way.

Jiang Hao sat cross-legged in the quiet room.

He knew that there were three Gangjin Grandmasters guarding him outside, even the peak Gangjin Grandmasters, and he suddenly felt at peace.

No wonder Jiang Hao is so cautious.

It is really the realm of Dan Jin that is extraordinary.

Dan Jin is also known as the Grandmaster.

What is a Grandmaster?

The person who can establish a sect is the master.

Danjin warriors can start a sect wherever they go.

Not only because Dan Jin is compared with Hua Jin, the combat power is greatly improved, but also because when Dan Jin is reached, the warrior has a vague feeling about "martial arts".

A warrior is a warrior.

Martial arts is martial arts.

The two can only be said to be slightly related, but the difference is huge.

A warrior can also be called a martial artist.

Ordinary people, fierce warriors.

Martial arts, on the other hand, embarks on the path of spiritual practice, exploring the mysteries of the human body, the mysteries of the world, and so on.

Martial arts is one of the great avenues.

Only by cultivating Dan Jin can one come into contact with "Martial Arts" and thus have a glimmer of hope of "entering the Tao" and becoming a monk.

Otherwise, there would be no possibility of becoming a monk.

This shows the importance of the realm of Dan Jin.

Jiang Hao had already made a plan.

It is necessary to use the divine power of all things to break through the alchemy energy.

This Wanxiang magical skill is a peerless magical skill among all Danjin skills.

The Southern Territory is only poor in resources, but there is no shortage of skills.

Even among the Danjin martial arts in the entire Dao Palace, there are only a few that can match the Wanxiang Divine Skill.

This shows the preciousness and power of Wanxiang Divine Art.

The Wanxiang Divine Skill requires cultivating three Dantians.

This surpasses 99% of warriors.

To practice the three Dantians, you need three divine objects.

Jiang Hao took out the Jiao Dan he was carrying.

Then he opened the two wooden boxes one by one.


These two wooden boxes contain fire phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

These two divine objects are also of no small importance.

Jiang Hao didn't know how Huang Tianzong obtained these two sacred objects.

But it is undoubtedly very precious.

Divine objects, that are superior to spiritual objects.

By breaking through the Danjin, you can refine the divine object and be tainted with the power of the divine object.

But in fact, more spiritual objects are used.

Or you can cultivate elixir energy without using spiritual objects.

But the cultivated elixir energy is definitely not as powerful as the refined spiritual objects and divine objects.

Jiang Hao has the full support of Huang Tianzong, so if he wants to cultivate his elixir power, he will naturally cultivate the strongest elixir power.

Everything is Huang Tianzong's top match!

"Let's get started."

Jiang Hao took a deep breath and calmed down completely.

He slowly sensed his three Dantian.

The Wanxiang Divine Art requires practicing three Dantians at the same time, planting "gods" in the three Dantians, and then continuously pouring a large amount of energy into the Dantians, so that the energy and Dantians can be completely integrated.

Only in this way can you be considered to have cultivated Dan Jin.

This is also the reason why Jiang Hao practices the three-turn magical skill.

To cultivate elixir strength, the quantity of strength is very critical.

However, Jiang Hao's three-turn magical skill was perfect and eight times more powerful. Even if he practiced three Dantians at the same time, it was more than enough.


The next moment, Jiang Hao mobilized the strength in his body and instantly poured into the three dantian.

His strength is too great.

Eight times the strength gave him enough strength to flow into his Dantian at the same time.

At the same time, Jiang Hao opened the three divine objects in the wooden box.

He reached out and grasped the Jiao Dan.

Countless strength poured into the Jiao Dan, completely destroying the divine object.

The divine object was broken into pieces.

But a trace of the power of the divine object slowly penetrated into the body, and along with the strength, it flowed into the Dantian.

Jiang Hao had already made a plan.

Refining the Jiao Dan in the lower Dantian.

Refining the Fire Phoenix Feather in the middle Dantian.

Refining the Kirin Horn in the upper Dantian.

Suddenly, Jiang Hao's three Dantians were filled with the power of the divine object.

But these divine objects' power and strength were in a scattered state, and had not yet completely merged with the Dantian, and could not completely become one.

Still had to continue to infuse strength.

Fortunately, Jiang Hao's eight times strength was sufficient.

One hour, two hours, three hours...

Jiang Hao lasted for a full five hours.

He spent almost a whole day pouring energy into the three Dantians.

The pain was heart-wrenching.

But Jiang Hao had endured more intense pains before.

So this pain was nothing.

A vortex formed in the Dantian due to the crazy infusion of energy.

The vortex became bigger and stronger.

It was not until now that it gradually calmed down.


Jiang Hao opened his eyes.

At this moment, his three Dantians were calm.

There was no energy vortex.

However, he knew very well that a huge amount of energy was condensed in the Dantian.

As long as he had a thought, the energy stored in the Dantian would burst out instantly.

"Danjin, it's done!"

Jiang Hao murmured in a low voice.

He felt extremely happy in his heart.

From Mingjin to Huajin, this is actually a step-by-step process. As long as there is enough time, basically everyone can cultivate Huajin.

But Danjin is different.

It is very difficult to cultivate Danjin.

But Jiang Hao did it.

Once Danjin is completed, it is the beginning of martial arts!

At this moment, Jiang Hao can also be called a "master"!

Then Jiang Hao began to check his detailed data.

Cultivation: Dan Jin (early stage)

Incomplete Great Sun Golden Crow Blood: 54% progress

Bones: 8.1

Comprehension: 10

Spirit: 3.3

Body and Mind Method: 13% (mastery)

Great Sun Fighting Saint Body: 8% progress (increase by 80%)

Lower Dantian: Jiaolong Jin (1% progress)

Middle Dantian: Fire Phoenix Jin (1% progress)

Upper Dantian: Qilin Jin (1% progress)

Sure enough, Jiang Hao's three Dantians are full of Dan Jin.

And they are divided into Jiaolong Jin, Fire Phoenix Jin and Qilin Jin.

And these three kinds of Jin all have a trace of the power characteristics of the corresponding divine objects.

Not only that, the characteristics of restraining all the five elements of Jin when transforming Jin are also integrated into Dan Jin.

Jiang Hao stretched out his hand.

The Dan Jin in his lower Dantian vibrated instantly.

Jiang Hao stimulated the Dan Jin in his lower Dantian.

A dragon roared faintly.

Then, a terrible force erupted.

It was as if he had the power of a terrifying dragon.

Pure power, fiercely hitting the wall.


The wall of the quiet room collapsed instantly.

A big hole was punched by Jiang Hao.

The solid wall also collapsed.

And this was just a trace of Dan Jin that Jiang Hao stimulated from his lower Dantian.

Such power is simply terrifying.

"The power of the divine object plus the power that restrains all the five elements, now my Dan Jin is too different from the Dan Jin of other warriors..."

Jiang Hao's vision is also very broad now.

He knows how terrifying his own strength is now.

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh".

At this time, the three elders who heard the noise rushed in immediately.

"Jiang Hao, what's wrong with you?"

"What happened with such a big noise just now?"

The three elders looked closely and saw that Jiang Hao was unharmed under the collapsed wall.

There was even a faint sense of pressure from his body, which shocked the three elders.

You know, they are great Gangjin Grandmasters, and they are also peak Grandmasters.

In the past, they could only feel threatened by the strong men in the Dao Realm.

But what about Jiang Hao?

Although the pressure on him is far less than that of the strong men in the Dao Realm.

But that faint sense of threat is not wrong.

"Jiang Hao, have you cultivated Dan Jin?"

Elder Wang asked.

"Yes, everything went well. I have cultivated Dan Jin in all three Dantians in my body!"

Jiang Hao's words made the three elders look uncertain.

"Jiang Hao, now that your Dan Jin has been cultivated, your strength may have changed dramatically. Why don't you let me try your Dan Jin?"

Elder Wang suddenly said.

He wanted to try Jiang Hao's current strength.

Only by sparring can we figure out what the faint sense of threat from Jiang Hao is.

"Elder Wang, I have the same idea. Please teach me!"


Elder Wang looked solemn.

"Jiang Hao, we are just sparring, so there is no need for physical skills. Just fight head-on."


Then, Elder Wang threw a punch.

He almost used 80% of his strength in this punch.

He would not underestimate Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao was very calm. Facing the punch of the Gangjin Grandmaster, his lower dantian shook violently.

It was the same punch.

This punch exploded the Dan Jin of the lower Dantian.

However, this Dan Jin burst out with the power of the dragon.

Suddenly, Elder Wang seemed to "see" a terrifying dragon rushing towards him.

He immediately felt an extremely dangerous feeling in his heart.

Elder Wang dared not hold back and directly exerted all his strength.


The fists of the two men collided fiercely.

But Elder Wang's face changed drastically.

Can't stop it!

Can't stop it at all!

Jiang Hao's punch contained the power of the five elements plus the power of the dragon, which actually crushed his Dan Jin like a broken bamboo.

Even the layer of "gang Jin" covering his body was torn apart at once.

"Bang bang bang bang bang".

Elder Wang retreated one after another, and with every step he took, a big pit was stepped on the ground.

He retreated five steps, and then he unloaded the power of the dragon that Jiang Hao had hit.

But even so, Elder Wang's body was still shaken by the tearing of his Gangjin.

Although he was not injured, it was because Jiang Hao did not continue to attack.

Otherwise, Elder Wang would not only be injured, but even... die!

The other two elders also saw this scene clearly.

But because they saw it clearly, they were more shocked.

"How is it possible?"

"Elder Wang actually lost?"

"Old Wang's Gangjin was torn apart... What kind of Danjin is this?"

Three eyes stared at Jiang Hao.

Elder Wang asked directly: "Jiang Hao, how many Dantian's Danjin did you use just now?"

Elder Wang knew that the Wanxiang Divine Art could cultivate three Dantians.

If Jiang Hao used three Dantians to hit Danjin once, the power would be terrifying.

"Elder Wang, I only used the Danjin of one Dantian just now."

As Jiang Hao's voice fell, Elder Wang opened his mouth, but he didn't say anything.

The three elders also fell silent.

The whole yard was silent, and you could hear a pin drop.

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