I created the Tianjiao Era

Chapter 88 Reward: Enlightenment Beads, Fusion of Three Paths!

In the Huangtianzong Hall, during Tong Tai's vivid description, Yuan Wentian and many elders looked shocked, as if they couldn't believe it.

But they knew that Tong Tai would not lie.

The six hundred and five fantasy heart stones in the main hall are right in front of you.

This is the truth!

Jiang Hao not only became a giant, but even hundreds of Gangjin Grand Masters who he single-handedly suppressed fled, and he was even able to defeat three giants with one punch.

With this kind of strength, if the Taoist realm does not take action, all the elders in the hall combined may not be Jiang Hao's opponent.

"Jiang Hao, you should be the first to bring back more than 600 Huanxin Stones this time!"

"According to the previous agreement, you can get 30% of the Fantasy Heart Stone, which is one hundred and eighty-two pieces."

Yuan Wentian immediately handed one hundred and eighty-two Huanxin Stones to Jiang Hao.

He did have some physical pain.

One hundred and eighty-two pieces of fantasy heart stones.

Although there are still more than 400 Huanxin Stones left, these more than 400 Huanxin Stones are jointly owned by the entire Huang Tianzong.

As the sect leader, the Huanxin Stone he received in the end was definitely far inferior to Jiang Hao's.

Now Jiang Hao has become the richest person in the entire Huang Tianzong.

Not one of them!

The elders were also extremely jealous.

However, they are just envious and jealous, but they will not have any evil thoughts.

There are still more than four hundred pieces of fantasy heart stones left.

There are so many fantasy heart stones, if they are made into asking heart stones. Then almost all of them can get at least one Heart-Questioning Stone, everyone has a share, they just need to wait quietly.

Therefore, everyone is happy.

With the Heart-Questing Stone, every warrior at the peak of his power will have the opportunity to find his own way.

Everyone has a chance to succeed.

Of course, this is just a chance.

Even if you have the Questioning Stone, you may not be able to truly succeed in finding the path.

But the odds have undoubtedly improved a lot.

At least there is hope.

Before, there was no hope at all.

"Sect Master, how to make the Heart Stone?"

Jiang Hao asked.

He was also quite curious about the Questioning Stone.

"This... the Heart-Questing Stone can only be made by those who have entered the Dao Realm, and the production speed is very slow. It even has to pay a high cost. However, if you need it, I will let the Supreme Elder give priority to making your Heart-Questioning Stone."

Yuan Wentian carefully considered it before speaking.

"Don't bother the Supreme Elder. I'm not in a hurry to use the Heart-Questing Stone."

"However, Sect Master, I need a treasure similar to the Enlightenment Pearl. I wonder if the sect has such a treasure?"

"Enlightenment Pearl?"

Yuan Wentian shook his head and said with a wry smile: "The Bead of Enlightenment needs to strip away the Taoist enlightenment of a strong Taoist. Once it is stripped away, it will also severely damage the vitality of a strong Taoist. Generally, it is not until the end, or it is a last resort. , No one who has entered the Dao Realm can make Enlightenment Beads.”

"We, the Huangtian Sect, have many powerful people who have entered the Dao realm in the past generations. When the deadline comes, we will also make some enlightenment beads. However, most of the enlightenment beads will be left to the disciples or future generations. Currently, there are only a handful of enlightenment beads left in the sect."

"Only those who have made great contributions to the sect can be rewarded with the Enlightenment Pearl."

"Jiang Hao, you obtained more than 600 Huanxin Stones this time, and you handed over more than 400 pieces to the sect. If you don't reward such a great achievement, it means that the sect's rewards and punishments are unknown. Since you need the Enlightenment Bead, then The sect will give you a bead of enlightenment.”

Jiang Hao was overjoyed.

Didn’t expect that the sect really had the Enlightenment Pearl?

But it’s normal if you think about it carefully.

Huang Tianzong is a hegemonic power, and there is no shortage of powerful people who have entered the Dao realm in the past, so how can they not have the Dao Enlightenment Pearl?

This is the foundation of the overlord-level force!

"Jiang Hao, please go down and rest first. The Enlightenment Pearl will be sent to Haofeng soon."

"Thank you, Sect Master!"

Jiang Hao actually had some ideas in his mind.

Especially I have thoughts about the sect’s Enlightenment Bead.

Where is one pearl of enlightenment enough?

However, it is not the right time to talk about the Enlightenment Pearl here.

Let’s wait and see.

So, Jiang Hao turned around and left the sect hall and returned to Haofeng.

Everything on Haofeng remains as before.

Zhao Heita was filled with relief when he saw Jiang Hao coming safely.

"Jiang Hao, you are finally back."

"It makes Master worried."

Jiang Hao and his master reminisced about old times and talked about things on Haofeng.

Not long after, a deacon sent me enlightenment beads.

"Daozi, this is a treasure that the sect master ordered me to give to you."

"Okay, here's the butler."

In fact, the deacon didn’t know what the treasure was.

He just follows orders.

Jiang Hao got the box and opened it.

It really is a pearl of enlightenment.

This Enlightenment Pearl is different from Zhou Yuanlang's Enlightenment Pearl.

It seems that the Taoist rhyme is stronger.

This is also normal.

Zhou Yuanlang is a loose cultivator in the world. Even if he is a strong Taoist, how can his net worth compare to that of Huang Tianzong?

Making enlightenment beads also requires precious materials.

Huang Tianzong's Enlightenment Pearl is made of better materials than Zhou Yuanlang's, and the preservation of the Enlightenment Pearl is naturally better.

Moreover, the Enlightenment Pearl has not been activated yet, and the energy inside is almost not lost, which is perfect.

Jiang Hao was not polite and immediately activated the Enlightenment Pearl.


Jiang Hao's consciousness instantly entered the Enlightenment Pearl.

He is possessed by "Zhao Zhiyuan".

Zhao Zhiyuan practiced martial arts at the age of six, Ming Jin at the age of seven, Dark Jin at the age of ten, Hua Jin at the age of fifteen, Dan Jin at the age of twenty-three, and Gang Jin at the age of thirty-six.

He has always been a popular figure in Huang Tianzong.

Zhao Zhiyuan later went down the mountain to seek the Tao.

He defeated many great masters of Gangjin in the Southern Region and finally succeeded in his search.

Then he began to try to enter the Tao at the age of 48.

These are all what Zhao Zhiyuan said in the Enlightenment Pearl.

Before entering the Tao, Zhao Zhiyuan seemed to be summarizing his life and sorted out his first half of life.

This is the first half of the life of a standard "prodigy".

He hardly encountered any setbacks.

Even if he encountered setbacks, he would become more courageous, his cultivation improved, his strength soared, and finally reached the critical point of entering the Tao.

"Today, I, Zhao Zhiyuan, will enter the Tao!"

"If I, Zhao Zhiyuan, cannot enter the Tao, who else in the Southern Region can enter the Tao?"


In the Enlightenment Pearl, Zhao Zhiyuan laughed loudly, and then gathered all his spiritual will, and then entered the Tao.


Zhao Zhiyuan succeeded.

Everything went so smoothly.

Jiang Hao opened his eyes.

He only realized it once, and did not try to use the "Rong Dao" method to "Rong Dao".

It was like experiencing it for himself.

"Zhao Zhiyuan is really a genius!"

Jiang Hao couldn't help but sigh.

Zhao Zhiyuan is a legendary figure in the history of Huangtian Sect.

He almost became a Taoist master.

This shows how talented he is.

"Zhao Zhiyuan's Tao is... fighting!"

"This kind of Tao is really rare."

Jiang Hao experienced Zhao Zhiyuan's Tao.

Everyone's Tao is actually different.

There are differences.

Jiang Hao only needs to experience it once.

To experience it again is a waste of the energy of the enlightenment bead.

Next, Jiang Hao continued to stimulate the enlightenment bead, and then began to try to merge with the Tao.

Once, twice, three times, four times, five times...

Even though Jiang Hao already had experience in merging with the Tao.

But it was still very difficult for him to succeed in merging with the Tao.

Finally, when the enlightenment bead was dim, Jiang Hao succeeded in merging with the Tao.

This time, the enlightenment bead only consumed most of its energy, but it was not broken after all, and it could be activated several times.

Jiang Hao checked his body data as soon as possible.

Cultivation: Gangjin (Great Success)

Complete Great Sun Golden Crow Blood: Atavism (Not Started Yet)

Root Bone: 8.1

Comprehension: 10

Spirit: 7

Body and Mind Method: 63% (Great Success)

Great Sun Fighting Holy Body: 32% Progress (Amplified 3 Times)

Fusion Method: Three Paths

Jiang Hao's spiritual data has reached 7.

However, the body and mind method and the holy body have not been improved.

After all, whether in the Cloud Atlas Secret Realm or on the road, Jiang Hao can only visualize the black hole at night to improve his spirit. As for the body and mind method and the holy body, he really has no time to practice.

However, the Fusion Method has reached the level of "three paths".

Theoretically, Jiang Hao's three paths can already try to merge, and then Jiang Hao's own path will be born.

However, the success rate is not high.

Moreover, how strong a path can be produced by the fusion of three paths?

There are also high and low paths.

The more paths are merged, the stronger the path can be born.

Jiang Hao already had a plan.

Only when he can gather ten Daos with the method of fusion, and the success rate is 100%, will he try to fuse Daos, thus giving birth to Jiang Hao's own Dao.

As for now, he still has to focus on finding the Dao Enlightenment Beads and strive to gather more Daos.

"Go to the Sect Master to ask about the Dao Enlightenment Beads."

Jiang Hao thought about it and immediately went to find Yuan Wentian.

Soon, Jiang Hao found Yuan Wentian.

"Sect Master, I have something to ask you."

"What is it, Daozi? Just ask."

"About the Dao Enlightenment Beads... I still need the Dao Enlightenment Beads. May I ask if the Sect still has them?"

Yuan Wentian frowned slightly.

"Jiang Hao, if someone else asked for the Dao Enlightenment Beads, then I would think that he couldn't find the Dao, so he wanted to find some inspiration from other people's Daos. But you are different. Your talent is so outstanding. Using the Dao Enlightenment Beads, you are following other people's Daos. Even if there is a difference, it will definitely be affected."

"For you, the Dao Enlightenment Beads may not be as useful as the Heart-Searching Stone."

Yuan Wentian's words hit the nail on the head.

The Dao Enlightenment Beads are indeed a treasure.

Many people can succeed in finding the Tao with the help of the Enlightenment Bead.

But those people will be more or less affected by the Tao of the owner of the Enlightenment Bead.

The Heart-Searching Stone will not.

The Heart-Searching Stone creates an "illusion" to allow warriors to find the Tao on their own in a targeted manner.

How talented is Jiang Hao?

Why does he need the Enlightenment Bead to comprehend other people's Tao?

This will only result in limited achievements in the future, which should be more disadvantageous than beneficial to Jiang Hao.

"Master, you misunderstood. The reason why I need the Enlightenment Bead is actually because of a supreme magic skill..."

Jiang Hao thought about it, and finally told the story of how he passed the second stage test of the Desolate Heaven Tower.

"What? You passed the second stage test of the Desolate Heaven Tower?"

"This is something that all the geniuses of the Huangtian Sect in the past have not been able to do."

"Supreme magic skill? Fusion of ten Taos, fusion of other people's Tao into one's own Tao, what a boldness..."

Yuan Wentian was shocked.

He knew the special origin of the Desolate Heaven Tower.

He also knew what the second stage of the Desolate Heaven Tower meant.

If we talk about the entire Southern Region, what is the greatest opportunity?

I'm afraid it's the Desolate Heaven Tower in the Huangtian Sect.

However, this secret has not even spread within the Huangtian Sect, let alone the entire Southern Region.

Many people don't know how great an opportunity the Desolate Heaven Tower is.

"The sect can also give you two enlightenment beads."

“If it’s still not enough, you’ll have to figure it out yourself…”

Yuan Wentian thought for a moment and made a decision.

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