I created the Tianjiao Era

Chapter 9 A great gift from Zhao Heita!

"Jiang Hao, you really exceeded my teacher's expectations. You have purified 100% of your energy and blood, and the power you created has doubled... Do you know what this means?"

Jiang Hao shook his head.

He just followed Zhao Heita's suggestion and purified the blood as much as possible.

I didn't expect that his spirit was so powerful, and he directly purified 100% of his energy and blood.

"Jiang Hao, there are some things that I didn't explain to you in detail before, but now it seems that I have to explain it clearly to you."

"There is a world of difference between sect warriors and casual cultivators in every aspect. In fact, the difference between them begins with Ming Jin. In the Qi and Blood realm, everyone is actually the same."

"At the level of Ming Jin, the energy that is born first is different. The disciples of the sect will consciously hope that the energy will be born naturally, and then the power of the energy will be blessed. But this is not the most important, the most important thing is Ming Jin What techniques can be practiced at different levels?”

"The reason why purifying Qi and blood is so important is because the more Qi and blood you purify, the more Ming Jin techniques you can practice after breaking through Ming Jin, so the superimposed power of Ming Jin will be more terrifying."

"For example, if you purify 30% of your qi and blood, you can practice three kinds of Ming Jin exercises and get the blessings of the three kinds of jin. By analogy, if you purify 100% of your qi and blood, then theoretically, you can practice ten Ming Jin Kung Fu is blessed by ten kinds of energy. Who can compete with you at the level of Ming Jin? And such powerful Ming Jin will also be of great help to you in the future when you step into Dark Jin and Transformation Jin! "

Jiang Hao understood.

I didn’t expect that purifying Qi and blood would involve so much.

He was a little lucky that he used his mental power to suppress his energy and blood, thereby purifying ten percent of his energy and blood before making a breakthrough.

Otherwise, his limit is actually only able to purify 30% of his energy and blood.

"Master, if you use Kung Fu to break through, will you only be able to have one kind of energy?"

"Yes. If you use the technique to break through, you can only cultivate one kind of energy. If you practice other energies, conflicts will occur. However, naturally born energy is different. It can accommodate many kinds of energy without conflict."

After hearing his master's explanation, Jiang Hao completely understood.

No wonder the master said that those disciples of Huang Tianzong would purify their Qi and blood whenever they pursue something, thus naturally producing energy.

There is a huge gap between using martial arts to break through Ming Jin and a warrior who naturally develops Jin.

Totally incomparable.

"Jiang Hao, since you have such a talent, you can't waste it."

"You can practice ten kinds of Ming Jin techniques and integrate ten kinds of Jin. Then try to choose the top technique for each Jin."

"Ming Jin Kung Fu is divided into ordinary, superior, and top. The difference between the three is that the power attached to the cultivated Jin is different."

"The energy produced by ordinary skills can only add 10% of the power, the superior skills can add 20% of the power, and the top skills can add 30% of the power. In fact, there are some magical secrets that can even add 40% or 50% Powerful, but that kind of magical secret book is so rare that it can only be encountered but not sought."

"If you choose the top technique among the ten techniques, you can triple the power. If you add your original strength to double the power, then your strength can increase up to four times the power! At that time, at the level of Ming Jin, who is your opponent? Moreover, with this foundation, you will have a huge advantage when you step into Dark Jin and Hua Jin. "

This is a mathematical problem.

Jiang Hao calculated carefully and found that this was really the case.

Purifying 100% of Qi and blood can give him an unparalleled advantage.

Of course he has to take advantage of these advantages.

Zhao Heita looked at Jiang Hao deeply.

His eyes were a little complicated.

He sighed and said, "Jiang Hao, it seems I can't keep you here for too long."

"Hmm? Master, what does this mean? Are you going to drive this disciple away?"

Jiang Hao was slightly startled.

I don’t know what Zhao Heita means.

You said it well, but suddenly you want to drive him away?

"Why would I drive you away? But Cangcheng is too small, and dragons cannot be raised in shallow water."

"Originally, my master wanted you to cultivate to the Huajin level, and then go to Huang Tian Sect, directly become an inner disciple, and soar into the sky."

"But now it seems that you must go to Huang Tianzong at the Mingjin level."

Zhao Heita said slowly.

"Master, didn't you say that the inner disciples of the Huang Tian Sect are the real disciples? Only by transforming energy can one become an inner disciple of the Huang Tian Sect. Only then can a disciple know how to cultivate his strength. Even if he goes to the Huang Tian Sect, he cannot enter the inner sect."

Jiang Hao asked doubtfully.

At first he wanted to join Huang Tianzong, but Zhao Heita gave up his idea.

Why are you encouraging him to go to Huang Tianzong now?

"Jiang Hao, now and then, my teacher never thought that your talent would be so high, so I couldn't keep you even if I wanted to."

"At the beginning, my master really wanted to play it safe and steady, so that you could become Hua Jin and then enter the Huang Tian Sect. But now that you have purified 10% of your Qi and blood to step into Ming Jin, you need ten top-notch techniques. Where can I find you ten top skills? Top skills?"

"If we only give you the best skills, it will only delay you. Only by going to Huang Tianzong can you collect the ten top skills, and you might even have a glimmer of hope of accessing those peerless magical secrets."

"However, you don't have to worry that you can only stay in the outer sect if you go to Huang Tianzong. You can also become an inner sect disciple at the Mingjin level, but the requirements are very high and you need to break through the Huangtian Tower. As long as you can break through the ninth floor of the Huangtian Tower, you can Proceed straight to the inner sect and become an inner sect disciple."

"This is specially prepared by Huang Tianzong for those truly top geniuses. But they must be the top geniuses, otherwise it will be impossible to get through the ninth floor of the Wild Sky Tower."

Jiang Hao understood.

The inner disciples of Huangtian Sect must cultivate to the level of Huajin, which is a hard rule.

But if they are top talents, they will definitely not be stopped by these hard rules.

There are also special passages, which belong only to top talents.

Ordinary geniuses simply cannot pass the ninth floor of the Desolate Heaven Tower.

"Master, it should be very difficult to pass the ninth floor of the Desolate Heaven Tower?"

"Yes, it is very difficult. You definitely can't do it with your current strength, but you have a great chance."

"The genius of the Huangtian Sect can purify 30% of the blood and increase the power by 30%. If you practice three top-level techniques, the increase will be 90%, plus the original 30%, the total increase will be 120%, almost more than double."

"You must be stronger. You have purified 100% of the blood and increased it by 1 time. I have two top-level techniques. If you practice them, the total increase will be 160%! This is already more than many geniuses in the Huangtian Sect."

"But this is not enough. To be foolproof, I will try my best to find you one or two more techniques, maybe we can get three or four top techniques."

Jiang Hao was also calculating silently.

If there are really three or four top techniques, then the total increase of his Ming Jin will be 190%, or 220%, about twice the increase.

"The enhancement of three or four top-level skills still cannot ensure that there is no mistake. As for the skills, I really have no way, so I can only think of a way in martial arts."

"The Tiger Fist can increase its power by 10% if it is a minor success, 20% if it is a major success, and 50% if it is a perfect success. This is based on the increase of all your strength. In other words, the more strength you practice, the more terrifying the Tiger Fist will be."

"It is difficult to perfect the Tiger Fist, let's not talk about it for now. But you can strive for a minor success or even a major success."

"How about this, you follow me, and I will give you a big gift to help you! But whether your Tiger Fist can achieve a minor success depends on your luck."

Zhao Heita said with a smile.

Jiang Hao hurriedly saluted and said, "Thank you, Master."

But he was also a little confused.

His Tiger Fist encountered a bottleneck and has been stuck at the "mastery" level, and he has no idea.

What can the master do to improve his Tiger Fist?

As if seeing Jiang Hao's doubt, Zhao Heita smiled and said, "If you want to master the Tiger Fist, you must comprehend the 'tiger form'. Jiang Hao, you haven't even seen a real tiger, how can you 'comprehend its form'?"

"Today, I will take you to see a real tiger!"

After saying that, Zhao Heita carried Jiang Hao on his horse, galloped out of the city, and galloped towards the northwest.

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