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"so close!"

After getting rid of Jiang Yi, Zhou Feng was finally relieved.

This Jiang Yi's strength is really terrifying! He felt that Jiang Yi still had some hidden hole cards not used.

If it weren't for the characteristics of Star Reaching, it would be surprising.

This time, he was afraid that he would not be able to escape the great formation of the sky.

Zhou Feng once again realized his shortcomings, that is, not enough equipment and not enough means.

The collection of equipment and magical powers is already imminent.

In fact, these problems have been haunting him, but there is no way to solve them.

The main reason is that these things are monopolized, and it is not easy to get them.

"Just don't do it again!"

Zhou Feng thought for a while, planning to grab it directly.

Especially these so-called holy places, there are definitely many good things.

Or dive into various secrets and explore some weird places.

These methods have a high probability of getting good things.

Rob the Holy Land! This idea is extremely crazy, but it is not impossible to do it.

After all, although the Holy Land is powerful, it has a large territory, and it is impossible for the Dragon Transformation Realm to sit there.

As long as there is no Dragon Transformation Great Power in charge, then he is not worried at all.

However, to be on the safe side, the idea of ​​robbing the Holy Land can be temporarily postponed.

The second is to explore some secrets or strange places.

This world is not very safe, many places are very dangerous, but it also contains a lot of treasures.

For example, the land of ghost mythical creatures, the red wood forest, and the extreme cold abyss.

These places are all seen by Zhou Feng on the reward list.

At the beginning of the reward list in the City Lord's Mansion of Xianchi City, there were several tasks related to these places.

Zhou Feng also took the opportunity to get to know it.

Although these places are dangerous, they also contain many treasures.

It's like this land of ghosts, I heard that it existed a long time ago, and even the three holy places were not established at that time.

There are all kinds of ghosts and grieving ghosts, and even a ghost king leading the ghost army, which is quite dangerous.

Ordinary people can't even stay inside for a while.

Even a cultivator will be corroded by the ghost energy after a long time in the ghost creature, and the whole body will gradually lose blood.

However, a kind of ghost jade is produced among the ghost mythical creatures, although this kind of ghost jade is invaded by ghosts all the year round.

But it is a good thing to stabilize the soul, and at the same time it can be used as medicine to refine the soul pill.

This kind of material is not available for purchase in spirit stones. If a large amount of ghost jade is used, it can even be traded with some alchemists.

Or even a refiner, after all, ghost jade is also a very good refinement material.

Even if Zhou Feng has enough rare materials on his body, he can entrust some craftsmen to build Dao tools for himself.

This is what Zhou Feng thinks now.

"Moreover, there is the direction of the tomb robbery!"

While riding his rhubarb, he wondered how he could improve himself better.

In addition to the above methods, tomb robbery is actually an option.

In this world, there are also various tombs.

Because in one era, the method of funeral was very popular.

This is a special practice method, mainly for condensing air luck.

According to legend, as long as the ancestors are buried in a location with excellent feng shui, they can condense luck for the entire ethnic group.

And it can also fix the dead ancestors in the tomb.

Transformed into ancestral spirits, when the family is in crisis, they can also summon ancestral spirits to fight.

For this reason, a large number of spiritual families built ancient tombs for their ancestors.

The purpose is to condense luck, while leaving a hole card for the family.

Even some small families do the same.

The purpose is to allow his own blood to continue to be passed on.

However, not all families can be passed down forever.

Even those thousand-year-old families will decline due to various accidents and eventually disappear.

These declining families also left behind a large number of ancient tombs.

And these unowned ancient tombs have become the target of some people.

Even some casual practitioners became tomb thieves in order to cultivate resources.

These tomb thieves not only target the unowned ancient tombs, but also target some big clans.

It can be said to be extremely disgusting.

This information was also seen by Zhou Feng from the reward list, because at that time there was a small family offering a reward for a tomb thief.

The reward is still pretty good.

It's just a pity that Zhou Feng was eager to earn spirit stones, and he chose some tasks that took a short time to complete.

"They all seem to be good! But let's leave the Jade Sword Holy Land's sphere of influence first!"

Zhou Feng thought for a while, and felt that these choices seemed to be pretty good.

With his defensive power and escape speed, the choice of tomb robbery became the best choice.

And as long as the tomb robbers choose some unowned ancient tombs, they won't attract much attention.

The most important thing is that there may be news about the human emperor scripture in these ancient tombs.

In other words, it is an item of the Emperor's time.

Zhou Feng also needs to consider the method of practice.

Of course, in any case, the first priority is to run away.


"What's wrong? What happened?"

"You don't know? Something big happened! You know Zhou Feng who killed the disciple of the Holy Land before!"

"Acknowledge! Didn't you want to catch this person with great fanfare before? What's wrong?"

"Let me tell you! This person is also amazing..."

Wei Xiang's death couldn't be concealed at all, although it was not killed by Zhou Feng himself.

But no one knew that Jiang Yi directly covered all the black pots on his head.

Except for Wei Xiang, the deaths of other people are also counted on his head.

This incident is simply a great shame to the Jade Sword Holy Land.

Someone has repeatedly provoked the majesty of the Holy Land.

If this person is not beheaded, how should the world view the Jade Sword Holy Land.

The old resentful old man before had already made the Jade Sword Holy Land sufficiently embarrassing.

Now that there is one more week to come out, this is really the Jade Sword Holy Land and it's not a bully!

So this time, Jade Sword Holy Land directly took out a flying sword as a reward, offering a reward for Zhou Feng's head.

Even if Zhou Feng can be captured alive, he can still get a place to join the Jade Sword Holy Land.

As soon as this condition came out, almost the entire jurisdiction of Jade Sword Holy Land went crazy.

Because this condition is too rich!

Feijian is the second most important thing, mainly being able to become a disciple of Jade Sword Holy Land.

You must know that the selection of disciples in the Jade Sword Holy Land has always been extremely strict ~ can be said to be the best choice, and now I can enter the Jade Sword Holy Land unconditionally.

This is simply a great thing, as long as you can enter the Jade Sword Holy Land.

Then some magical methods of the Jade Sword Holy Land can be directly learned, and even some of the conveniences of the Jade Sword Holy Land can be enjoyed.

For example, buying some pills and some spiritual tools, these are only the disciples of the Jade Sword Holy Land are eligible to buy.

In contrast, even Feijian is not that attractive anymore.

Ever since, countless monks are looking for traces of Zhou Feng.

The Jade Sword Holy Land also announced some of Zhou Feng's characteristics, not even the rhubarb.

That kind of crazy scene made Zhou Fengpo look like a world enemy.

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