
In this shrinking area, the Sports and Cultural Center is one of the few tall buildings in the village.

On the 5th floor, the outside was flat except for the houses in the village, so everyone's line of sight was not blocked, and soon they saw a black sea of ​​steel appearing about three kilometers ahead.

The sound is extremely loud!

Tread ~ stopped at the horizon!

All dressed in black, with two white long swords in between!

The momentum is like a rainbow!

Full of killing intent!

The violent aura swept the whole world!

The black warhorse with black armor underneath seemed to have spirituality, without making a sound or moving!

Everyone seems to be waiting for an order!

"We're okay, we're saved!"

Whoever found out first cheered happily.

This sudden good news caused a sensation in the whole building!

People rushed to the windows to look out, not only the hundreds of civilians crowded on the highest floor, but also the two battalion commanders, hundreds of soldiers rushed over, wanting to see the majesty of the rescue troops. appearance.

"what's going on?"

Soon a person holding a telescope exclaimed.

"What is this! There are only about [-] of them, and they still have to come to rescue us? Isn't this a death sentence! It's nonsense, this is not!" A certain squad leader was furious!

This sound broke the silence!

"Yeah! I don't see many people!"

"What should I do!!!"

"I still want to live!! Who will save me!"

"Buddha bless! Buddha bless!"


The crowd that had settled down fell into panic again.

The faces of the two battalion commanders were extremely ugly, and after calling for help for a long time, only [-] people came.

"Report! There is a message from the troops over there, let us keep quiet and wait for rescue on the spot, it will definitely protect the safety of all of us!"

A correspondent hurried to the battalion commander's side.

"Shut up for me!"

The messy discussions made the two battalion commanders a little annoyed, and only heard part of them.

The correspondent repeated it again, with a strange look on the faces of the two battalion commanders.



"Everyone keep quiet! Violators, troublemakers will be severely punished!"

The entire building was instantly silent.

Everyone looked at the mysterious team downstairs.

The two battalion commanders also stood by the window, staring at the black-clothed white-sword team outside the window.


A gust of wind blew past.

Three kilometers away on flat ground.


A figure riding a white war horse and wearing a golden armor appeared, and the surging and powerful breath swept into every corner, extremely dazzling!

The elegance is peerless, as if the Saint Seiya came into the world!

(Thank you for the 1100-point reward for "Blossoming Flowers"! The 100-point reward for "Silent"! There are also monthly tickets for countless book friends! There are at least 3 more updates today! Don't worry, if you say good updates, there will be more updates. !)

Chapter 48 Black Torrent!The blade of the country, the black knight! (third more)

"Saint Seiya!"

The clear and innocent voice resounded throughout the building, and a child with bright and clear eyes and a childlike smile pointed at the dazzling figure on the horizon.

Everyone crowded the window sills of the entire building and looked at the figures on the ground.

Da Da Da~

Countless helicopters and nimble drones flew out of nowhere and hovered in the air.

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