【Congratulations! The host changes the era again! Get permission rewards, +1 number of deductions].

“That is, I can perform two deductions during the 24-hour cooldown?” Zhang He asked rhetorically.

[It’s like this~The great Lord God is a little faster away from turning right~].

The system saw that the sewing needle slapped the horse’s.


When Zhang He changed the name of the live broadcast room again.

Researchers who paid attention to the mysterious deduction live broadcast room began to sit still!

“Kaiyuan. Zero”

Cambrian. One

And then to the Ordovician. II”.

Even if the ‘game’ is deduced, it is still more than 400 million years ago.

But the timeline advances.


It’s getting closer to the real world!

At the moment, I can’t even find the source of the live broadcast room.

Banning is impossible to operate.

Unless all the electronic devices of the population are confiscated, this is obviously unrealistic!

Take 10,000 steps back!

Even if no one participates, will the deduction stop?

The answer is that it won’t….

Instead, it will cause panic and suspicion from the whole people.

This game of ‘cultivating the earth’, the melon-eating masses can have fun.

Only those who understand the essence through the phenomenon are anxious.

All this comes from the unearthing of ‘marked imprints’ fossils!


Inside the live broadcast room.

Zhang He nibbled on the watermelon and posted a line of text.

“Sorry, I forgot to show you something.”

Followed by.

Live room footage under the deep blue seabed.

Instantly turned black!

Immediately after, a red spherical object became bigger and bigger!

This ‘style mutation’ picture.

Let the audience be directly stunned….


Zhang He only let this picture stay for a few seconds.


The picture turns back into the deep blue water.

Even if the deduction entered the Ordovician.

Sea creatures are still the protagonists.

[The deduction is in progress! ] With the rise of molluscs hornstones and arthropod plate-footed horseshoe crabs, for 60 million years, the strange shrimp that ruled the top of the Blue Star Earth’s ecological niche was pulled off the altar, predators will eventually become prey, and the end of the hegemon will iterate in the deep sea. 】


The hornstone tentacles, like octopus tentacles, reach out to the weak creatures at the bottom.

The plate-footed horseshoe crab dismembered the ‘former emperor’ strange shrimp and divided it into food!

Ancestor of the Nautilus.

Ancestors with spiders.

Stand tall!

Succeeded the Cambrian overlord of the Shrimp.

Pulled the Blue Star Earth into the great era of the Ordovician!

But in head-to-head.

The board-footed horseshoe crab faces a corner stone that is about ten meters long!

The combat effectiveness is slightly inferior, and the losses are more than the victories!

When it is ten meters long, like a deep-sea submarine, the ‘corner stone’, look at the four seas, and kill all directions!

This scene.

How similar?

110 million viewers in the live broadcast room!

The evolution of voting with the participation of the whole people has suddenly allowed some ‘smart people’ to see the essence.

“We voted to overthrow the supremacy of the odd shrimp, and then created another hegemon, this is a circular process! The essence has not changed! ”

“The strange shrimp is dead, you chose a human!”

“What about the chordate, which voted 58%, shouldn’t it be the most voted hegemony?”

Comments from the audience.

Let the footage of the live broadcast room be transferred to the small fish at the bottom of the sea~

It’s small.

The shape is like a small fish wearing a helmet and wearing an armor.

It’s kind of ugly.

And a little cute….

At this time, it ….

Eating at the bottom of the sea… Eat soil.

[The deduction is in progress! ] Lucky 58% of participants! Your joint vote has resulted in stronger armor for chordates! As well as strong adaptability, even plankton that eat soil filters can survive! The future of them is promising! Say hello to it! Star Turtle! 】

Tens of millions of viewers were collectively persecuted!

“Groove! The crowned throne of labor and capital is ready for vertebrates, and actually evolved this? ”

“Vertebrate ancestors, this is the burden of humiliation? It’s ‘true. Eat dirt matchless’Ah! ”

Comments for the audience.

Zhang He ignored it, and the deduction continued.

[The deduction is in progress! ] Isn’t the boundless sea under the sea a little depressing? Let’s see what the ground looks like, congratulations! Lucky 110 million people! You are about to witness an astronomical wonder~].


The lens is off the bottom of the sea!

Rise above land!

The barren land is simply an endless loess slope.


The audience was surprised to find that the sight of the sky turned everyone’s perception upside down!

“Look! There are two suns in the sky! ”


(The picture is ‘[Star Turtle], one of the ancestors of the Infernal Burdened Vertebrate Eating Soil, ‘Ask for flowers and evaluation votes!”) )

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