In the screen of the live broadcast room.

The magnitude of the earthquake was slightly minor.

The picture focuses on two species of saurosaurs.

They are like lizards, as if they are tired of crawling on four legs….

[The deduction is in progress! ] The ‘true bipedal lizard’ in the sauroformes first evolved the ability to walk upright, and their size was small, but on the road of upright walking evolution, they became the ancestors of dinosaurs. 】

In the picture.

A small lizard can completely detach from its forelimbs and stand up!

When the Zygosa beasts.

Just evolved the process of standing on all fours.

Although sauromorphs are obscene in development, they strive to evolve more perfectly in the evolution of ‘equipment’.

In that rough age of the Permian.

Lizards are a few clades that seek perfection and diversity.

Zhang He squinted.

Look at the little guy in that picture.

In terms of upright walking alone, true bipedal lizards have walked thousands of years ahead of later dinosaurs.

Compared to humans who can also walk upright.

They are more than 200 million years ahead!

Even those viewers in the live broadcast room.

I didn’t expect the fish that had landed in the mud before.

The descendants not only grew small feet~

And on the path of evolution.

I’ve already started trying to walk upright.

“To be honest, who can associate this really bipedal lizard that looks a little cute with a fierce dinosaur.”

“Look at what the old brother said earlier, in that ancient era, it is probably impossible to think of the development of human society, right?”

“Some of the lizards are learning to walk, and some are directly hiding back in the water, how can they not reach the sky!”


Just as this viewer complained.

Zhang He has already deduced the picture of the live broadcast room.

It was transferred to another sauromorph animal.

That little lizard is just as small as it.


On both sides of its body, membrane-like wings have evolved!

[The deduction is in progress! ] Compared with the combined bow beasts that attacked the city and opened up the territory, the sauromorph dragon race seems to be experimenting with the multi-purpose of limbs, so in the lizard, the ’empty-tailed lizard’ that can glide has evolved! 】

Next second!

A small lizard standing on a branch.

A pair of membranes that spread out like small wings glided down from the branches with a bang!

[Although the air-tailed lizard does not have the ability to fly actively, it can use tall trees to complete the gliding action! ] Such an evolution is like exploring the way for the pterosaur tens of thousands of years later. 】

This is the moment.

The audience finally got it all!

Even the Zygosycephalic beasts dominated almost every niche of the food chain during the Permian.

But walking and ‘flying’.

The dragon clan is walking ahead of the beast clan!

They, after accumulating, wait to counterattack the beasts!

Followed by!

A real dinosaur in the picture!


It has everything that modern people know about dinosaur shapes!

[Accumulate tens of millions of years of strength, let the lizard dragon clan slightly counterattack! ] And the first dragon is the original form of the dragon clan! Here they are! With a backlog of tens of millions of years of counter-offensive beast races! 】

“Keep moving forward with the timeline.” Zhang He shook his head and said.

Even if the sauromorph dragon clan is ready to attack.


The great battle of dragons and beasts has not really started yet.

Blue Star Earth has begun to come out again to ‘steal the show’!

[The deduction is in progress! ] Time advances 1 million years! With the displacement of the ancient continental plate of the Blue Star Earth, the underlying mantle structure finally could not support such a movement, and the hot magma gradually flowed out from the cracked earth gap! These hellfires ignited the first chapter of the Permian mass extinction! 】

The audience was dumbfounded!

The eruption of the volcano once again turned their worldview upside down.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the eruption of molten magma should be concentrated in the crater and ejected outward!


The mass extinction that unfolded at the end of the Permian!

Not really!

[The cracking of the earth’s crust causes molten slurry to gush out, and the phenomenon formed is called ‘Great Igneous Province’! ] Ordinary volcanic eruptions can be understood as a pus on the blue star Earth, and the rupture will infect some areas, but! The phenomenon of ‘Great Igneous Province’ belongs to the “hemorrhage” of the whole body of the earth! 】

The Permian. Lu” deduces in the live broadcast room.

Those magma that flowed out of the ground were simply ‘hellfire’ that wanted to declare the death of all things!


Under Zhang He’s deduction, the audience can also be regarded as ‘knowledgeable’ people.

What a ray burst of a supernova explosion.

and the celestial bolide shower hitting the Earth.

What a big battle has not been seen.

However, this magma from the core of the earth is even more shocking!

Followed by.

In the picture, molten slurry appeared from the ground, igniting a sea of fire!

[The deduction is in progress! ] The Permian mass extinction, which is also the site of the most tragic extinction in the history of Blue Star Earth, is located in Mount Emei, so it is called the ‘Emeishan Great Igneous Province’ spread area of 300,000 square kilometers! 】

Fast forward with the timeline!

In addition to the magma emerging from the ground, the picture is red!

[The disaster prelude started by the ‘Emeishan Great Igneous Rock Province’, which triggered an even stronger ‘Siberian dark rock event!’] ’】

[This is a ‘big purge’ for all creatures on Blue Star Earth! ] 】

[And now, it’s started!] 】

Zhang He couldn’t help but shake his head and thought.

Whether it is the Zygomyliforma beasts.

Or the sauromorphic dragon family.

After working hard to ‘level up and fight equipment’, I finally got satisfied with my combat effectiveness, and I actually encountered the earth deleted file again!

Followed by.

Zhang He left a text in the live broadcast room:

[The unfortunate 160 million people, you will witness the most tragic mass extinction since the Blue Star Earth ‘built the ball’! ] 】


Magma gushed out of the mantle and shattered the ancient earth of the Permian!

And all the lands of the globe!

It will gather together in the Triassic period and become a whole continent!

What Africa, Asia, Europe, all in one backlog!

This continent is called the ‘Pangea Supercontinent’!

Because of this, the supervolcano erupted!


(ps: Pangea supercontinent has nothing to do with Pangu, transliterated from the English Pangea continent, the author is not going to write mythological stories, the picture is a schematic diagram of the ‘Primordial Dragon Suborder’!) Ask for flowers and evaluation votes~)

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