Knockout of the DARPP32 ‘anger gene’.

In the secret progress of the Dome Civilization over the past hundred years, it has achieved results in large-scale coverage.

The dinosaur people of the land civilization ‘Tuo’.

Gradually lost the feeling of anger.

[The deduction is in progress! ] After achieving initial results in the [Gene War], the Firmament Civilization began to unilaterally occupy the territory of the Expansion Civilization Country, and tried to control the technology of information security, infiltrating the causes planted a hundred years ago, and saw that the fruits of the Firmament Civilization’s hegemony would have long been achieved. 】

[Time to advance 50 years! ] The territory of the Tuo civilization country was gradually encroached, the loss of anger genes weakened the emotions of resistance and sadness, and the genetic experiments of the Tuo civilization gradually and blatantly extended their claws towards the living research of the Tuo civilization, and the genetic war plan of enslaving the Tuo civilization played a preliminary result. 】

One mountain does not allow two tigers.

On the same earth, it seems that there is no room for the symbiosis of two civilizations.

Even if the two directly have the bond of creating civilization for tens of thousands of years.

It can’t resist the increasing enrichment of dinosaur people’s emotional genes.

In the process of evolution.

Wisdom allowed dinosaur people to create civilization.

But the complication of temperament and emotions.

Let them gradually move towards the beginning of the destruction of civilization.

This is Pandora’s box.

It is also the sword of Damocles hanging over the heads of the civilizations of the two races of the dragon race!

“Dragon Civilization. Taku and Dome” deduced in the live broadcast room.

The perspective is in the form of an overlook, marking the territorial changes between the ‘Tuo’ and ‘Dome’ tribes.

The Dome civilization is like their ancestor, the pterosaur.

With a posture of soaring up to 90,000 li, the siege quickly occupied most of the land country of the Blue Star Earth civilization.

[Time to advance 50 years! ] The territory of the Vault Civilization occupies 60%, enslaves the number of dinosaurs of the Topology Civilization in hundreds of millions, mainly providing low-level jobs such as factory processing, energy mining, and infrastructure labor for the Vault Civilization, and the Dome Civilization has become a veritable Draco. 】

And yet….

In the process of deduction.

Zhang He noticed a subtle change.

When the Dome civilization occupies 60% of the global scope.

If you want to continue expanding, it is already difficult.

At the same time, the Taku civilization began a counteroffensive!

“The root of resistance is not anger, but the calmness and reason derived from the absence of anger.”

Zhang He squinted his eyes, feeling more and more that the war of genes had become delicate.

Because of the evolution process of dragon civilization, the peculiarity of the body structure.

The difference in genetic composition became more and more obvious in the two civilizations.

Most of this is due to the Firmament civilization’s genetic warfare plan.

The ‘DARPP32 anger gene’ that they secretly knocked out for the Topology civilization has become a cocoon for the Firmament Civilization to bind itself!

Zhang He deduced the genetic differences between the two dragon civilizations separately.

This process is not presented in the live broadcast room.

[Although the Dome civilization evolved the gene of ‘suspicion’, they did not knock out their anger gene, resulting in a series of emotional reactions, and ‘suspicion’ produced ‘calculation’ and ‘ambition’, thus launching the plan of genetic enslavement to expand civilization. 】

[Tuo civilization was knocked out by gene editing technology, knocked out the anger gene, weakened sadness and resistance, and in the subsequent evolution, the genes of reason and calmness have been greatly improved! ] This is a chain reaction in the process of evolution, and although they do not produce anger or even sadness because they are oppressed, the civilization can be extremely rational as a result of the thought process. 】

Under the premise of a hundred years of oppression and the loss of the national territory.

Tuo civilization’s reason allowed them to take revenge.

If they do not resist, the demise of the race will be their final outcome.

Therefore, this is not the anger that comes after being oppressed, but the measures that must be taken after thinking about the results.

“Let’s go on and on.” Zhang He ordered.

When we understand the genetic differences between the two civilizations.

Zhang He already had the answer in his heart, even if he had seen the scene after the demise of the dome civilization in the live broadcast room before.

[The deduction is in progress! ] Time to advance 100 years! The Tuo civilization regained the lost territory and began to comprehensively encircle the territory of the Firmament civilization, and the chain reaction caused by reason was the enhancement of purpose, and their purpose was to eliminate the civilized country that threatened them. 】

[The deduction is in progress! ] Time advances 1000 years! The last city of the Dome civilization was destroyed, and aerospace, medical treatment, and high-precision technology were gradually taken over by the Tuo civilization. 】

[The last Firmament Civilization Pterodactyl Man was executed, and the Firmament Civilization era was completely over! ] 】

This scene.

The audience in the live broadcast room was speechless for a while….

How is this the same as a child’s household, and it is said that it will be destroyed?

Admittedly, some people understand the reason from the root.

Knockout of the anger gene.

It has indeed turned Tuo civilization into a ‘tool man’.

It’s just different from the original intention of the Dome Civilization.

They did not become enslaved ‘tool men’.

Instead, it has become a ‘machine’ that is not of my race, and its heart is different!

Followed by.

Several scenes quickly flashed in the live broadcast room.

The Vault Civilization is annoyed by the enslavement plan of the ‘Gene Wars’.

They will be angry that their companions have died in battle.

As a result, when starting a frontal war, irrationally made many wrong decisions.

On the other hand, the genetically modified Topology dinosaur people have no troubles in this regard.

The purpose that comes from reason makes their will extremely strong.

They will not be saddened by the death of their companions, and no matter what happens, they cannot change their calmest state.

In a nutshell.

They seem to have no feelings, only the extremely calm purpose of ‘eliminate dissidents and survive’.

See here.

The 280 million viewers in the live broadcast room gasped!

At the same time, a doubt also arises in the mind.

Because of genetic intervention and thus lack of emotion, the dinosaur people of the Topology civilization are no longer the same as humans, right?


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