Zhang He ‘toured’ the world of Tuo Civilization dinosaur people for twelve hours.

This is the world he created after creating deductive copies and genetic intervention in dinosaurs.

More than 100 million years of deduction.

They hobbled to evolution.

Possessed wisdom.

There was oppression and war.

A civilization was built that surpassed that of humans.

Today, in-depth study of astronomy and geology has made them aware of the existence of the Creator.

And, after learning about the several mass extinctions that the Earth has experienced.

The dinosaur people of the Tuo civilization made the decision to escape the earth.

As Zhang He in [Thought Invasion] Tuo. In the thinking of Professor Astrophysics 0089, they believe that the Earth is not a home suitable for permanent habitation.

The Sun did not explode before becoming a red giant.

The earth may be destroyed first.

Escape Earth and use neutron stars to enter the universe.

First, it was to escape the control of Zhang He, the ‘creator’ Lord God.

And to come to find a home more suitable for survival.

Just like the brand ‘Tuo’ that Zhang He gave them.

The dinosaur people of the Tuo civilization do not lack a hardcore exploration spirit while acting decisively!

In Zhang He’s view, such an entire civilization is his own ‘child’.

They are very productive!

When the deduction is performed again.

“Dragon Civilization. In the live broadcast room of the first chapter of “Escape”, there are 350 million people online!

Part of the audience was curious.

Others have respect!

Because, such a group of dinosaur people in the Triassic to the Jurassic to the Cretaceous.

Humans have never had the courage to do great things!

Humans, things that they don’t even dare to think about!

That’s catching neutron stars! And get off Earth!

It’s just…

After the deduction gradually progressed, the detailed announcement of the Dragon Hunting Plan of the Civilization Dinosaur Man.

The details of the plan are even more impressive!

“Let’s go ahead and start the deduction!”

Although Zhang He can go to taste the food of Tuo civilization.

But now the civilization of the country is developing towards the energy intake of compressed foods and nutritional synthetics.

They need to reserve as much energy as possible for survival.

Therefore, the most direct and effective calorie intake is changing the concept of life of dinosaur people.

They, more than a hundred years ago, were ready for everything!

[Lucky 350 million people! Congratulations! Together, you will witness the capture of neutron stars, and whether they succeed or fail, they are admirable interstellar pioneers! 】

The hundreds of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room.

After seeing this text of the Lord God.

Just already know!


It will continue to accelerate!

Because Zhang He did not intend to continue to interfere with the dinosaur man’s ‘escape plan’.

Therefore, the fifth “Evolution, please vote!” was not carried out again! 》

“Hurry up and start the deduction! Lord God is great! I can’t wait! ”

“At that time, I voted for the [land] dinosaurs, and the Tuo civilization also had my vote to support it, Rushing Duck! Little dinosaurs! ”

“Pulsed neutron stars are cosmic deaths, known as ‘little black holes’! I admire the courage of these dinosaur people! ”

“I’m even more curious about how their plan is implemented? Hurry up and start putting the big guys! ”

After Zhang He ordered the deduction to continue.

“Dragon Civilization. The Escape First Chapter timeline starts to accelerate!

[The deduction is in progress! ] Time to advance 30 years! The Tuo civilization ‘House of Hundred People’ unanimously passed the termination of the “geocentric civilization” exploration plan, fully engaged in the capture of neutron stars related scientific research, this year, the Tuo civilization dinosaur people gave up the earth and poured their goals into the vast universe, their goal is the sea of stars! 】

[In the same year, the application of ‘magnetic monopole’ scenarios and energy reserves began to be heavily invested in research and development. 】

[In the same year, deuterium fusion raw materials began to be extracted and stored in the ocean! ] The Hope 001 Ark spacecraft was built, and it is expected that fifty ships will be built. 】

In the deduction screen of the live broadcast room.

It is a scene of the dinosaur people of the Tuo civilization who are united.

Escaping from the earth is limited in resources, and it is certainly impossible to take all the dinosaur people with them.

In the human world.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten.

But under the ‘numbering ranking’ system of the Tuo civilization.

To fall behind means to be abandoned!

Therefore, in the space of thirty years, learning and progress have become the way of life of the descendants of the civilization.

The technology industry is growing by leaps and bounds!

People’s hearts are unpredictable, and the dragon clan’s mind is the same, Zhang He shook his head and smiled.

Although with the scientific research results of modern people, it has been determined that the pressure and temperature of the earth’s core are not suitable for the existence of living organisms.

But even scientific research projects that dig the deepest parts of the planet.

If you compare the earth to an egg, the depth of human excavation is only as thick as a shell of the egg’s skin.

It’s not just Zhang He, the main god.

Even the audience in the live broadcast room had previously hoped that the plan of Tuo Civilization to ‘explore the civilization of the center of the earth’ could gain something.

But now.

They don’t do it!

The dinosaur man is going to escape the earth with his sister-in-law~

[The deduction is in progress! ] 10 years after the advancement of time, 0089 Professor died, and Taku Wenming awarded him the title of ‘Father of Magnetic Monoles’, and his daughter ‘Taku. Astrophysics 0023’ first proposed the [Dragon Hunting Plan] detailed rules, the first stage is the ‘Star Making Plan’, that is, the use of asteroids around neutron stars, with the help of ‘magnetic monopoles’ as materials, to produce no less than ten flat sight stars, used to offset the Roche limit caused by the strong gravity of neutron stars! So as to achieve the basic ‘capture premise’ without being shredded! 】

[This plan is divided into two steps, the first is the ‘Net Project’! The second is the ‘artificial galaxy’! 】

‘Taku. Professor of Astrophysics 0089’, after his father discovered pulsed neutron stars just eleven-thirteen light-years away from Earth.

The possible application conditions of the ‘magnetic monopole’ are realized.

Admittedly, this process was experimented with on the premise that his physics instructor spent his whole life.

‘Taku. Space 7156’ professor, discovered pulsed neutron stars.

‘Taku. Astrophysics 0089’ promotes the application of ‘magnetic monopoles’.

The third generation of dinosaur people,’Taku. Astrophysics 0023′ follows the neutron star discovered by my grandfather and proposes a complete plan to capture the neutron star and escape the Earth.

The three generations of these ancestors are all talents of the dinosaur people of the civilization!

When the prototype of the ‘escape from Earth’ plan was deduced.

The audience didn’t know it!

Human scientists are directly stupid!

Because, the dinosaur people of the civilization want to use neutron stars as the energy base to ‘build’ a galaxy with energy!

Intuitively speaking, they don’t just run away with their bags.

Instead, enter the universe with a ‘generator’ that is more powerful than the sun!

This wave of operation!

It’s just impressive!


Doubts also breed in everyone’s mind.

Will such a bullish plan established by the Tuo civilization succeed?


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